Starting with the American elections, he wished “there will be a great participation”, after all, he continued, “the citizens’ vote is oxygen for a democracy. What will come out of the ballot box should serve global international geopolitical stability. We live in a very turbulent time, we cannot stand any more crises, the United States is a superpower. We need, locally, nationally and supranationally, less toxicity, more understanding,” he argued.
While on the question of whether Athens prefers one of the two candidate Presidents, the Minister of State clarified: “We serve the national colors of Greece, the President of America serves the national interests of the United States”, in the end Athens will cooperate with whoever is elected.
“For us, Greece first, what counts is that the national colors are deservedly represented abroad”, which “we have achieved with the government of the prime minister. What matters is that the Greek national positions are heard in the loudest, clearest way, as was the case two years ago in the American Senate, where our Prime Minister was applauded by both sides.” While in a question about the recent meeting of Mr. Mitsotakis and Pompeo, Akis Skertsos said it was “a private meeting in which important current issues were definitely discussed”.
On the occasion of the speech of the former Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis on Monday, he repeated the fixed government position: “The former Prime Ministers have every right to express themselves in the way they choose. Their opinions are respected. All opinions are heard, New Democracy is an open, democratic party.”
“The two former prime ministers are doing well and are taking their positions. The policy of the ND government has not moved even a centimeter from those that were implemented both under the Samaras and Karamanlis governments”, he assured at a later point and continued:
“In national matters, the government has shown the maximum possible national responsibility. Greece, today, is much stronger than the Greece of 2019. There is the fence on the Evros, there is a greater deterrent force, we did our best to reduce migration flows.”
Finally, “it is good to hear reservations, to hear observations in the context of a constructive dialogue. The prime minister has proven that he can make Greece a stronger and prouder country, without giving up anything from our fixed positions.”
“Of course not” was his answer to the question of whether we are discussing anything other than the unique difference with Turkey. Something was made clear, he insisted, in the recent briefing of ND MPs by Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis. Positions that are “this is what the prime minister says at every opportunity”. Of course, he added, “it is good that the dialogue is taking place, that the tones between Greece and Turkey have dropped, we have zero violations, we have much better cooperation on the issues of migration flows”. However, “none of us are naive. Turkey is a revisionist power. We know very well who is sitting at the table across from us. We need patriotism of responsibility, logic and, if we can, to solve the issues that concern us permanently. We can live together but without constantly creating tension, that’s the point.”
The interview had started, however, with the traffic accidents and on the occasion of the injury of a 12-year-old child, the minister announced that on the 2nd 15th of November there will be a presentation about the cameras, by the co-competent ministries. “The key change and innovation will be the digitization of the call tracking and confirmation process. Through a network of at least 1,000 cameras, a message will come to the mobile phone that you are being checked for a violation.” In this way, he explained, “the intervention of the municipality will be removed” and “within three months the confirmation of the summons will be cleared. If it is not paid, it will become an overdue debt to the tax office. We consider that this will be implemented in the 2nd half of 2025.”
The interview ended with information provided by the Minister of State regarding the performance of the Ministry of Citizen Protection and the police. In 2019, from the beginning of the year to August, there were 86,671 arrests. In the corresponding period in 2024 it was 102,595. “It is an increase of at least 25%, this means that the police are doing their job better, they are more present where they need to be,” he pointed out. Accordingly, 307 criminal organizations have been arrested in 2024, 190 in 2019. In matters of road safety, traffic policing, 587,765 checks had been made in 2019 and have increased to 858,103. Increased to over 300,000, he observed and concluded: “The police are now present, they are closer to the citizen. A democratic, effective police force is closer to those who need it most, the most vulnerable citizens. The police serve security, they serve democracy.”
Chaos in SYRIZA: Congress circus with… prosecutor
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Gang that grabbed gold chains busted – They published photos of the stolen goods
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#government #cooperate #President
Enable JavaScript Firefox
It looks like you’ve shared a piece of JavaScript code, possibly from a webpage that interacts with various ad services and analytics tools, such as Google AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and others. However, some parts of the code appear truncated or incomplete, which could lead to syntax errors or runtime issues if executed.
Here’s an overview of the key components and how they generally work:
1. **AdSense Management**: The code seems to manage Google AdSense ad slots, removing ads if certain conditions are met. You might want to ensure that `asyncLoadScript` is defined properly to load scripts conditionally.
2. **OneSignal Initialization**: It initializes OneSignal for push notifications, specifying an application ID to associate the notifications with your application.
3. **Disqus Configuration**: The Disqus commenting system is set up with a unique identifier for the page, though the URL is left empty. Make sure to set this to the actual URL of the page for correct functionality.
4. **CleverCore**: A section for loading CleverCore scripts is commented out. If this service is being used, uncommenting and completing the URL script would be necessary.
5. **Taboola/Project Agora & Other Ad Services**: The code contains placeholders for loading scripts from these ad services. Make sure you replace the comments or placeholders with actual script URLs.
6. **Delayed Script Execution**: For some features (like Glomex, Dalecta, etc.), there’s delayed execution using `setTimeout`, which is useful if you want to avoid blocking the page rendering or ensure other scripts are loaded first.
### Suggestions for Improvement:
– **Complete URLs and Parameters**: Ensure that the script URLs and IDs (like for Disqus) are correctly set to ensure the functionality they provide works properly.
- **Handling Errors**: It may be useful to include error handling, especially for external scripts such as AdSense and Disqus, to handle cases where scripts fail to load.
– **Code Structure and Comments**: Clean up and properly comment the sections to make future maintenance easier; clearly indicate which scripts are being loaded and their purposes.
Here’s a small synopsis to illustrate your setup more cleanly:
function loadScripts() {
// Handle AdSense slots
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
if (adSenseSlots.length) {
adSenseSlots.forEach(function(slot) {
// Load necessary AdSense scripts
// Initialize OneSignal
window.OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
OneSignal.init({ appId: “YOUR_APP_ID” });
// Initialize Disqus
var disqus_config = function() { = “PAGE_URL”; // Set your page URL = 1558768; // Unique identifier for the page
// More initialization and script loading…
// Invoke the loading function
Make sure to replace placeholders such as `YOUR_APP_ID` and `PAGE_URL` with the actual values relevant to your application. This should help you maintain the functionality of your ads and tracking systems more effectively.