Difficult times for Mithridates

Difficult times for Mithridates

“Always proud to have you father! Let me also tell you that, between us… we are fine, dad” he writes among other things.

He confided that they did not have any outstanding dispute or pending at the time of his death. “Fader! I remember you telling me that when people don’t offer anymore, they should “leave”, so as not to burden the Earth. And alas, for one last time you had to be consistent and your words perfectly aligned with your actions. It doesn’t matter if the rest of us thought you always offered, either way.

What matters is what you believed and what you wanted. And you always did what you wanted. You lived a full, wonderful life, just the way you wanted it. With the wonderful woman you wanted. With the children you wanted. What you wanted. What you taught me too, among the infinite.

To live the life I want, the way I want it. You helped me climb high in life and kept me from falling. (See photo) So, all I have to say is thank you for what you gave me, what you taught me and for making me a person of excellence.”

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// Taboola/Project Agora

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// Phaistos Adman

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// Vidoomy

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#Difficult #times #Mithridates
It looks like you’ve provided a snippet of ​a JavaScript script that is ​involved with loading various ‌advertising, messaging, and commenting services dynamically on ⁢a⁣ webpage. The script appears to be incomplete and contains placeholders (indicated ‍by the use of single quotes ​`’` without ⁣their corresponding ⁤closing single ‌quotes⁣ and the notation of functions like `asyncLoadScript` which seem to be commented out).

Here ⁤is a breakdown and cleanup‌ of the provided ‌code with⁣ some assumed corrections and annotations to clarify its purpose:


// Remove AdSense ads for mobile.

document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e)‌ {

const ads = e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’);

⁢ if (ads) {

⁢ ⁤ ads.remove();⁤ // Remove the AdSense element if exists.



const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

if​ (adSenseSlots.length > ⁢0) {

⁤ adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e) {

⁢ ‌ // Possible function to handle each ad slot (this section is incomplete).

⁤ });


// Phaistos Adman

window.AdmanQueue = window.AdmanQueue ⁤|| ​ [];

AdmanQueue.push(function() {


‍ ⁢ id: 338,

​ ​ h: ⁤” ⁣// Height not‍ defined (placeholder).

​ });


// OneSignal setup for push notifications.

window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred ||‌ [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


‌ ⁤appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

⁣ ⁣ });


// Disqus commenting system configuration.

var disqus_config = function() ‌{

this.page.url = “”;‍ //​ URL ‌is not set (placeholder).

this.page.identifier = 1558793; // ‍Unique⁤ identifier for ⁣the page.


setTimeout(function() ‍{

(function() {

‍ ​ ⁢ var d = document,

⁣ ​ ⁤ s = d.createElement(‘script’);

‌ ⁤ s.src = ⁣””; //⁣ Source URL​ for the Disqus script is not provided ⁢(placeholder).

‍ ⁣ s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

​ ⁣ (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);


}, 3000);

function cmpActionCompleted() {

// Simulating multiple ‌async load scripts ⁢(placeholders below).

‍ ⁣ // CleverCore (commented out)

​ /*

(function(document, window) {

⁢ var a, c‌ = document.createElement(“script”);

‍ ‌ c.id = “CleverCoreLoader57097”;

⁣ ⁤ ​ c.src = “”; // Source⁤ URL ⁤for CleverCore script (placeholder).

‍ c.async = !0;

⁤ c.type = “text/javascript”;

​ ‌ ‍ c.setAttribute(“data-target”, window.name);

c.setAttribute(“data-callback”, “put-your-callback-macro-here”);

⁣ try‍ {

⁣ ⁤ ⁤ a = parent.document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0];

} catch (e) {

‍ ‌ a =⁤ !1;


a || (a = document.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(“body”)[0]);

⁢ a.parentNode.insertBefore(c, a);

​ })(document,​ window);

⁤ */

‍ // Taboola/Project Agora

⁤​ // ‌asyncLoadScript(”); // Missing source URL for ⁤Taboola/Project Agora.

⁤ // ​Condition for Google AdSense​ scripts

‌ if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {

⁣ ⁢// asyncLoadScript(”); // Missing source URL for Google​ AdSense.

​ }

// Check for ‍Phaistos Adman again

⁤ //‌ asyncLoadScript(”); // Missing source ​URL.

⁤ // Glomex integration

if (document.querySelectorAll(‘glomex-integration’).length) {

⁤⁣ setTimeout(function()⁢ {

⁤ ⁢ ​ asyncLoadModule(”); // Missing source for Glomex integration.

‍ ⁢ ‍ },​ 2000);

⁢ }

⁣ // Dalecta ad script loading with a timeout.

⁣ setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(”), 800); // Missing source.

// Vidoomy ad⁢ script (commented out)

// asyncLoadScript(”); // Missing source.



### Important Notes:

1. **Placeholder Comments**: There are multiple instances where URLs or script details ‍are missing. You’ll need to fill in those parts based on your specific ‌use case.

2. ⁢**Async Functionality**: The‍ function `asyncLoadScript` seems ‍to indicate a method that is responsible for loading ⁢scripts asynchronously. You will need to implement this function to handle the loading properly.

3. **Script Order**: Ensure any ⁣service that has dependencies should be loaded in the correct order, e.g., if one relies⁤ on another being loaded first.

4. **Error Handling**: Consider adding error handling to manage possible issues during‍ script loading.

Make sure you ⁤replace placeholders with actual values and check the service documentation you are‍ integrating to ensure proper usage.

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