Theodorikakos for supermarkets: Cards with special marking

Theodorikakos for supermarkets: Cards with special marking

He added that he asked the supermarkets yesterday to place tags with special markings on the shelves for the products with reduced prices, which, as the minister noted, they pledged to do in the next few days.

The minister also said that the discussion with the supermarkets about the system of offers is ongoing, so that the legislation is implemented.

It is recalled that yesterday the Minister of Development met with the board of the association of supermarkets following their request for an update on IELKA’s measurements, the comparison of the prices of their products with other European countries, the course of the sector’s sizes, the costing of farm-to-shelf products, the evolution of the price reduction initiative and price control measures.

Mr. Theodorikakos stressed to the members of the delegation that they must continue the initiative for serious price reductions, expand the initiative for the 600 codes and beyond this goal, extend the measure over time and support it by placing special signage for the facility of consumers.

“Everyone must continue the effort to reduce prices by reducing the gross profit margin for the benefit of consumers,” the minister stressed.

“The reductions must be extended to codes and in time and be proportional to all the market players involved,” he said.

The representatives of the supermarkets agreed and in this context the new codes are expected with which the price reduction initiative will continue.

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#Theodorikakos #supermarkets #Cards #special #marking
It looks like you’ve‌ shared a portion of JavaScript code that appears to be for managing various ad ⁢services and other scripts on a website. This⁢ code involves loading different advertising scripts like⁢ Google AdSense, Phaistos Adman, and OneSignal. There are several things happening in this snippet that I’d like to clarify and point out:

1. **Ad‌ Removal**: The first part of your code checks if there are any elements with ‌the class ⁣`adsense-for-mobile` and removes‌ the `.adsbygoogle` element within ⁢them‍ if​ they exist.

2. **AdSense Initialization**: ⁤The ‍`adSenseSlots` is ‍queried from the document, and there seems to be a placeholder where you might want to implement the reasoning to handle these slots.

3. **Queue for Adman**: The code initializes an `AdmanQueue` to handle ad units⁢ with specific IDs.

4. **OneSignal Initialization**: This script initializes the OneSignal push notification service using the provided application ID.

5. **Disqus Configuration**: This section sets up a Disqus commenting ⁢system with specific page identification.

6. **Dynamic Script Loading**: There are ​several comments labeled `asyncLoadScript`, suggesting that a ​function to dynamically load‍ scripts is needed here. However, the⁤ actual load calls are incomplete syntax-wise.

7. ​**Commented-out Sections**: There are sections indicated with comment syntax that appear to be‍ either incomplete or considered but not finalized, such as CleverCore, Taboola/Project Agora, and ‌Glomex integrations.

### Suggestions for Completion:

– **Complete Async Calls**: Make sure to fill in the actual script URLs within the `asyncLoadScript()` ⁤function calls to load the respective scripts.

– **Handle‍ Errors**: It’s good practice to handle potential errors while loading scripts, for example, by using ‌`.catch` ⁣for promises or try-catch blocks.

– **Timeout Adjustments**: ⁢Ensure that `setTimeout` values are adequate to handle ‍loading ‌times for the ad services to avoid race conditions.

– **Modularize Code**: Consider breaking ‍down ad services into separate functions for modularity and easier⁤ maintenance.

– **Check for Duplicate Calls**: ⁢Prevent multiple calls to `asyncLoadScript()` for the same service if that service is already loaded.

### Example Code Improvement:

Here’s an example of how you might structure the `asyncLoadScript` function:


function asyncLoadScript(scriptUrl) {

return new Promise((resolve, reject) ‌=> {

⁣ const script = document.createElement(‘script’);

script.src = scriptUrl;

‍ ‍script.async = true;

⁣ ⁣ script.onload = () =>​ resolve();

⁢⁣ script.onerror⁢ = () => reject(new ⁢Error(`Failed to load ⁣script: ${scriptUrl}`));

(document.head || document.body).appendChild(script);



// Example ⁤usage


.then(() => {

‌‍ ⁣ console.log(‘Script loaded successfully.’);

​ })

⁢ .catch(error => {




This modular⁢ approach ensures that you have better control over error handling and can easily load additional scripts when needed.

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