At home: The fired researcher of the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty apologized for his scandalous statement

At home: The fired researcher of the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty apologized for his scandalous statement

Well, isn’t this just a delightful mess? Let’s dive into the absurdity, shall we?

So, Bálint Somkuti, a researcher at the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty—sounds like a title you’d give to a superhero with a mean Twitter game—decides to take to Facebook during a national day of mourning. And boy, does he make a splash! He boldly proclaims that anyone who doesn’t respect “superior force” isn’t a hero but a fool. How very diplomatic of him! It’s almost as if he’s trying to win an award for ‘Most Unwanted Facebook Post of the Year.’ Bravo, Bálint!

And what happens next? The virtual mob swiftly descends upon him like a pack of hungry seagulls at a chip shop, and before you can say “cancel culture,” he’s fired. The twist? He instantly realizes he’s gone too far. Shocker! He follows that up with a grovel-filled apology that is about as sincere as a politician at an election rally. He acknowledges his mistake, admitting that “those who manage their Facebook alone run into such mistakes.” Oh, the humanity! Who knew social media management was the real national crisis here?

But fear not; he quickly edited his post to clarify his stance. Because nothing says “I’m sorry” quite like trying to save face with a revision. Now he says those who don’t recognize overwhelming force “are not primarily heroes, but fools.” So, he’s saying, “Look, some heroes can be fools, but mostly, if you’re in a pickle, just surrender, alright?” I guess he missed the part in “Heroes 101” that says ‘valiant resistance’ is still a thing!

To add to the hilarity, Somkuti attempts to draw parallels with historical figures, but that’s like trying to compare apples with… well, planks of wood! He cites Gergely Pongrácz, the commander who decided to back down when it got dicey, and László Iván Kovács, who stuck to his guns—literally! But it seems Somkuti’s point got lost in translation somewhere between “fight or flight” and “flight’s a great option!”

In the end, he gets the old heave-ho, proving once again that social media can be a fine line between being a thought leader and a glorified clown. It’s a tale as old as time, really; someone says something profoundly daft, doubles down, apologizes, and before you know it, they’re back on the job hunt, polishing their resume and writing “excellent Facebook management skills” in big, bold letters.

So, let that be a lesson, folks: when in doubt, don’t go trying to be a philosopher on a day when no one’s in the mood for a lecture. Especially in a country where the line between heroism and folly can be as thin as a piece of string!

At home: The fired researcher of the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty apologized for his scandalous statement in an explanation |

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November 2024. 04. 17:00 November 2024. 04. 17:04 At home

Bálint Somkuti realized that he had made a mistake.

“I’m sorry that I offended many people with what I wrote in my previous post. I accept the consequences, unfortunately, those who manage their Facebook alone run into such mistakes,” wrote Bálint Somkuti, who was a researcher at the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty a few hours ago, but was fired after he managed to post on the national day of mourning on November 4 that “who he does not respect superior force, he is not a hero, but a fool”.

Dr. Bálint Somkuti

I’m sorry that I offended many people with what I wrote in my previous post. I accept the consequences, unfortunately those who manage their Facebook alone run into such mistakes. I apologize again for the…

Somkuti, who usually analyzes the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war according to Moscow’s line, could also feel that this time he pushed the bike too far, because in just a few minutes he chiseled a bit on his statement, which he modified to “he who does not recognize superior force is not a hero, but a fool”.

In our article about Somkuti’s post, we recalled that the researcher had previously tried to present this opinion through the example of Gergely Pongrácz. Pongrácz, as the commander of the Corvin köz, decided on the evening of November 4 that there was no point in fighting any longer, and with a part of his team, he ended the resistance and then left the country. However, the commander of Corvin köz before Pongrácz, László Iván Kovács, continued the resistance, and for this he paid with his life: he was captured, sentenced to death and executed.

From Somkuti’s statement above, it would follow that freedom fighters like Iván Kovács are not heroes, but fools. The expert of the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty may have been warned about this scam by someone during the past few hours, because with a third (for now seemingly final) change, he modified his post to “those who do not recognize overwhelming force are not primarily heroes, but fools”. By doing this, he only suggested that there are heroes who step back in time and foolish heroes who sacrifice their lives. It is no wonder that the silk cord was sent to him in a hurry after seeing this rampage.

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The text you provided ⁣discusses a controversy involving Bálint Somkuti, a ‌researcher at the Office ​for the⁢ Protection of‌ Sovereignty in Hungary. Somkuti faced backlash for his comments on a national ‌day of mourning,⁤ where he stated that “he who ⁤does not respect superior force is not a hero, but a ‍fool.” This statement was perceived as disrespectful, particularly toward historical figures who resisted oppression, leading to his dismissal from his position.

In an‍ effort to clarify his statement and mitigate the backlash, Somkuti modified his ‍post ‌several times, ultimately suggesting that there are ‌different kinds‌ of heroes, which somewhat softened his original controversial assertion. The article​ highlights the complexities around historical narratives of resistance and the interpretation of heroism ​in the context of Hungary’s past.

If you need a more⁤ specific analysis or summary, please ⁣let me ​know!

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