Out of 29 present (out of 30) members of the Conference of Presidents, 15 members of the coalition supported the proposal of the Speaker of the Parliament, K. Tassoulas in the person of Mr. Sotiropoulos, 7 members (from SYRIZA, PASOK, KKE and KO Spartans) declared “present”, while 7 members (from Hellenic Solution, New Left, Pleussi Eleftherias and a representative of independent MPs) said “no” to the proposal.
According to information, opposition parties raised the issue of extending or postponing the selection of a new Ombudsman, until Mr. Pottakis completes ongoing investigations, such as the one on the wreck of Pylos. Speaking to the parliamentary editors, the president of the Parliament pointed out that he had raised with the parties the issue of the end of Mr. Pottakis’ term as early as September 21 and 29, 2023, while Mr. Pottakis announced the start of his investigation for Pylos on November 9 of the same year.
The president of the Parliament expressed his disappointment with the result of today’s meeting of the Conference of Presidents, noting that the fragmentation of the Parliament makes the elementary task, which is the agreement on issues like the above, difficult.
Today’s meeting of the Conference of Presidents in the Parliament was another episode in the ongoing project entitled “Irresponsible and damaging opposition”, which has been unfolding before the eyes of the Greek citizens for years and apparently will continue.
More specifically, the President of the Hellenic Parliament, Mr. Konstantinos Tasoulas, proposed for the new Ombudsman Mr. Dimitris Sotiropoulos, a distinguished academic, professor of political science at EKPA and partner of the LSE’s Special Observatory. Mr. Sotiropoulos in no way comes from the center-right and is a person of known prestige and proven scientific competence.
Marinakis: Irresponsible and harmful opposition
The reaction of the government representative, Pavlos Marinakis, who wrote on Facebook:
Today’s meeting of the Conference of Presidents in the Parliament was another episode in the ongoing project entitled “Irresponsible and damaging opposition”, which has been unfolding before the eyes of the Greek citizens for years and apparently will continue.
More specifically, the President of the Hellenic Parliament, Mr. Konstantinos Tasoulas, proposed for the new Ombudsman Mr. Dimitris Sotiropoulos, a distinguished academic, professor of political science at EKPA and partner of the LSE’s Special Observatory. Mr. Sotiropoulos in no way comes from the center-right and is a person of known prestige and proven scientific competence.
Unfortunately, the proposal of the President of the Parliament was not accepted, because the increased majority of 3/5 required by law was not achieved. The proposal for Mr. Sotiropoulos received 15 out of 29 votes, ie only the votes of the New Democracy Parliamentary Group.
SYRIZA and PASOK followed a common stance by voting “present” and are in fact responsible for the non-election of a new Ombudsman and in fact more than 2 years after the end of the term of the previous one.
The most infuriating thing was the excuse they gave for their common attitude. They alleged that the election of Dimitris Sotiropoulos would endanger the Ombudsman’s investigations into the Pylos wreck.
Apart from the fact that nowhere does it appear that the election of a new Prosecutor would in any way call into question or endanger these investigations and bypassing the fact that these justifications are directly offensive to the proposed Ombudsman, it is crucial to point out that Mr. Tasoulas spoke for the first time about the need to elect a new Ombudsman, due to the expiration of the term of the previous one, before the announcement of the start of investigations into the wreck of Pylos, which was made on 9.11.2023.
The attitude of SYRIZA is considered by the vast majority of Greek society to be expected. On the contrary, the attitude of PASOK is another example that the supposed change of attitude and mentality of Mr. Androulakis after his re-election will remain an unfulfilled promise and the country will continue to march with a “no to everything” opposition.
What had Mitsotakis said to Androulakis
Kyriakos Mitsotakis recently in the Parliament criticized the choice of the president of PASOK not to vote on the bill for the changes in ASEP and asked him for proposals on a series of issues. “A lot of what you said is exactly what we do. So we can find momentum even if the wrap is harsh criticism. Decide what kind of opposition you want to have, substantial, productive and improving or “no to everything” which is not what the country needs”, said Mr. Mitsotakis, who lied to the president of PASOK for his attitude at the Conference of the Presidents of the Parliament, not to vote for the government’s proposal for the head of the Ombudsman. “What I have seen is that you insist on this line that forced me in the past to call PASOK, green SYRIZA. I hope for the sake of democracy to be disproved. You have an opportunity to prove that we can create conditions of consent where the Constitution requires them”, added the prime minister.
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#Athlos #opposition #Parliament #agreement #Conference #Presidents #Ombudsman #Mydroi #Marinaki #irresponsible #harmful #tactics
Page Object Model Interview Questions
It looks like you are working on a script to manage various ad services and integrations on a webpage. Below is a cleaned-up and structured version of your code with comments to improve readability and maintainability. Some of the code has been finished or filled in based on common practices for asynchronous script loading. However, please replace placeholder URLs with the actual sources as needed.
// Remove existing Google AdSense ads
document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).forEach(function(e) {
// Load Google AdSense slots if available
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
if (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {
// Function to asynchronously load a script
asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_YOUR_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’); // Replace with the actual URL
// Initialize Phaistos Adman
window.AdmanQueue = window.AdmanQueue || [];
AdmanQueue.push(function() {
id: 338, // Sample ID
h: ‘height_here’ // Set appropriate height
// Initialize OneSignal for push notifications
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”, // Replace with your app ID
// Configure and load Disqus comments
var disqus_config = function() {
this.page.url = “URL_OF_YOUR_PAGE”; // Replace with your page URL
this.page.identifier = 1555685; // Unique identifier for the page
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// Function to handle actions once CMP is completed
function cmpActionCompleted() {
// Example of loading various other ad scripts
asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_ANOTHER_SCRIPT’); // Modify according to the specific script URL
// Load Taboola or Project Agora if necessary
// Example: asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_TABOOLA_SCRIPT’); // Replace with actual URL
// Google AdSense
if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {
asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’); // Load AdSense script
// Glomex – Check and load
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setTimeout(function() {
asyncLoadModule(‘URL_TO_GLOMEX_MODULE’); // Replace with Glomex module URL
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// Load Dalecta with a delay
setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_DALECTA_SCRIPT’), 800);
// Vidoomy async load if needed
// asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_VIDOOMY_SCRIPT’); // Uncomment and replace with the actual Vidoomy script URL
// Additional functionality for the weather block
setTimeout(() => {
asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_WEATHER_SCRIPT’); // Replace with your actual weather script URL
}, 1500);
// Add any other integrations or functionalities below as needed
### Notes:
– Ensure to replace placeholder URLs with actual script URLs for each service.
– Organizing the code in a more structured way will help you or any other developer understand the functionality better.
– Make sure all asynchronous loading functions are correctly defined and implemented in your context (e.g., `asyncLoadScript()` and `asyncLoadModule()`).
– You may want to handle errors and add callbacks for each of these asynchronous calls to ensure that loading is successful.