The first four after six months Mitsotakis with Karamanlis-Samaras at the Konstantinos Karamanlis Foundation

The first four after six months Mitsotakis with Karamanlis-Samaras at the Konstantinos Karamanlis Foundation

Kyriakos Mitsotakis arrived a while ago smiling and shook hands with the two former prime ministers.

“Hello” he said to Kostas Karamanlis and shook his hand, with the former prime minister hastily returning the greeting, without smiling. Immediately after, Mr. Mitsotakis greeted A. Samaras who was smiling.

The event lasted about an hour and immediately after Mr. Mitsotakis and Samaras exchanged greetings again. “We will see each other tomorrow at the event at the “Elytis House”, the Prime Minister said to Mr. Samaras as he left. It is noted that tomorrow at 19:30 at the opening of the “House of Elytis” in Plaka (Dioskouroun and Polygnotou) have been invited by the poet’s partner, Ioulita Iliopoulou, and will be attended by Mr. Mitsotakis and Samaras

The seats occupied by the prime minister and the former prime ministers have been determined so that they are… separated by a corridor and more specifically as follows: On one side Mario Modi, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Achilleas Karamanlis, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, Yannis Varvitsiotis. On the other side of the corridor will sit Kostas Karamanlis, Sofia Staikou, Antonis Samaras, Thanasis Martinos, Giorgos Prokopiou.

In the room there were many blue-collar officials, such as the deputy ministers in addition to the prime minister Pavlos Marinakis and George Mylonakis, many government officials, including: Kostis Hatzidakis, Adonis Georgiadis, Christos Staikouras. Vassilis Kikilias, Sofia Zacharakis, Stavros Kalafatis, Zoi Rapti, Dionysis Stamenitis, Stavros Papastavrou. There were also MPs and officials such as Yannis Tragakis, Maria Syrengela, Charalambos Athanasiou, Euripides Stylianidis, Asimina Skondra, Anna Karamanli, Manolis Kefalogiannis, Stelios Petsas, Thanasis Papathanasis, George Vlachos, Nikitas Kaklamanis , Andreas Lykourentzos, Giorgos Alogoskoufis. Yannis Varvitsiotis, the former President of the Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos and of course Achilleas Karamanlis, who sat next to the Prime Minister, could not be missing. Sofia Staikou, Thanasis Martinos, Giorgos Prokopiou stood out in the first rows.

It is noted that Achilleas Karamanlis personally addressed the invitation to the current Prime Minister and the two former ones.

Opening event of the international Scientific Conference “1974-2024, 50 years since the transition to Democracy – Democracy in our time” organized by the “Konstantinos G. Karamanlis” Foundation, Thursday 31 October 2024.

The relationship between Mr. Mitsotakis and the two former prime ministers and presidents of the ND has been at its nadir for a long time, the gap between them is constantly growing and the rapprochement seems extremely difficult. Six months have passed since the last time the three of them were together, at the ND congress for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the party, in April in Zappeion.

Government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis was quick to discount that tonight’s coexistence of the three will not be “difficult at all”, to add that “obviously there are other opinions. They will continue to exist and continue to be heard. But the citizens, the voters of New Democracy, those who do not vote for New Democracy and are waiting to see if we will implement what we are saying, possibly to support us, are not interested in this discussion”.

In the meantime, Kostas Karamanlis and Antonis Samaras will not attend the event for ONNED’s 50th anniversary. According to information, Antonis Samaras informed by letter that he will not attend. He cites the postponement of ONNED’s event and mentions that he has commitments. It should be noted that Kostas Karamanlis will not be present at the event either, as he will be in Thessaloniki to speak at the presentation of Vangelis Plakas’ book entitled: “Konstantinos Karamanlis and Thessaloniki”. The ONNED event takes place on Saturday, November 2 at the Athens Conservatory with the presence of the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

See photos from the event:

The first four after six months Mitsotakis with Karamanlis-Samaras at the Konstantinos Karamanlis Foundation

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#months #Mitsotakis #KaramanlisSamaras #Konstantinos #Karamanlis #Foundation
The code snippet you’ve shared appears to be a JavaScript snippet intended for web page ad management ​and integrations with several advertising and analytics services. Here’s ‍a breakdown of ​what ​each section accomplishes,‍ along with suggestions⁣ for completing the code where ‌it seems to be incomplete.

### Breakdown of ⁤the⁢ Code:

1. **Adsense‍ Removal for Mobile**


document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {

⁢ e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’).remove();

⁤ });


⁢ This part removes AdSense’s elements tagged with the⁢ class `.adsbygoogle` from elements that have⁣ the class `.adsense-for-mobile`. This is likely meant for removing ads on mobile ​devices to improve user experience or performance.

2. **Handling⁤ AdSense Slots**


const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;

‍ if (adSenseSlotCount > 0) {


‌ // Potentially load AdSense scripts⁣ or execute other logic

⁢ ​ });



‍ This block ​checks for `.adsbygoogle` elements and⁣ allows for additional⁤ operations if any are found.

3. **Phaistos Adman Initialization**





⁤ This initializes the Phaistos Adman ⁣queue for ad‍ management,‍ though the initialization lacks finalization (the script source and parameters).

4. **OneSignal Push Notification Setup**

⁤ “`javascript

window.OneSignalDeferred ​= window.OneSignalDeferred‍ || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

⁤ ​ });



⁤ This sets up OneSignal for push notifications using the provided ‍`appId`.

5. **Disqus‍ Configuration**


var disqus_config = function() {”

​ ‍ = 1555960;


// Script loading is missing complete URL


⁣ (function() {

var d =⁢ document,

⁢ ​ s = d.createElement(‘script’);


​ s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

⁣ ​ ⁣ (d.head ||⁤ d.body).appendChild(s);

‌ ⁤ })();

},‍ 3000);


This section configures⁤ Disqus comments but is missing the​ page URL and script source URLs.

6.⁢ **CleverCore (commented out)**

‌ “`javascript


(function(document, window) {

⁣ ⁤ ⁤ // CleverCore Loading

})(document, window);

‌ */


This part appears to load the CleverCore ​script but is commented out. If you wish to ⁢use it, you would‌ need to uncomment and provide the correct script source.

7. **Taboola/Project Agora & Google AdSense**

⁣There are various placeholders (`asyncLoadScript(‘`) ‍indicating that further‌ functionality ⁤for loading ad scripts is needed, but URLs​ and specific ‌parameters ⁣are missing.

8. **Vidoomy**

An area marked ⁢for loading the Vidoomy script‍ is also present but lacks further information.

### Suggestions for Completing the Code:

– **Fill in Missing URLs**:

Each instance of `asyncLoadScript(‘` or `s.src ⁣= “` needs ​to have actual script URLs ⁢filled in.

– **Ensure Proper Function Calls**:

‍ Wherever there is a ​comment or potentially incomplete‌ function call, make sure to implement it with⁣ the actual functionality intended.

– **Validate the Logic**:

Check that‍ all event listeners or callbacks being‌ pushed to queues are working as expected. For example, confirm that ad units are being loaded properly ⁤and that⁤ the timing of the ⁣script loads doesn’t⁤ interfere with user experience.

– **Modularize Logic**:

If the script gets large or complex, consider breaking it into smaller functions⁣ for better‍ readability and maintainability.

By completing these sections and ensuring they‍ are properly structured, you’ll have a more ‍robust ad management script for your web page.

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