At home: The smell of manure is spreading in Budapest again, but now we don’t know where it’s coming from

At home: The smell of manure is spreading in Budapest again, but now we don’t know where it’s coming from

The Manure Mystery of Budapest: A Foul-Smelling Affair

Ah, Budapest! A city known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and—let’s not forget—the scent of manure wafting through the air. Who needs tourist trinkets when you can have a nose-full of organic nostalgia? But, dear readers, it seems we find ourselves in quite the pickle. Or shall we say, a "manure" mess!

According to, the smell has come back to haunt the good people of Budapest, much like that one relative who overstays their welcome at family gatherings. The odorous cloud made its glorious return on October 29, creeping in from Budaörs to Újlipótváros and Újpest. It’s a scent you just can’t forget, like a slap in the face with a wet sock. But this time, Gyermelyi is determined to wash their hands clean of the blame – they’ve outright denied being the source of this olfactory nightmare.

Now, if you’re imagining farmers clad in aprons, holding pitchforks and saying, "Not me!"—you’re spot on. Gábor Farkasdi, the farmer in the hotspot, chimed in, saying they’ve got some “manure management” happening in nearby Szomor and Zsámbék, but insisted those who are “nose deep” only have to withstand it for about ten kilometers. So, if you’re wandering around in Hungary’s capital and you suddenly feel like you’ve stepped into a barnyard, don’t panic—it’s only a pasture of smells creeping into your city life!

Intriguingly, this isn’t an isolated event. No, no! This isn’t the kind of thing you could attribute to just one bad school science project gone wrong. Earlier this year, we had an enchanting episode involving the Gyermelyi food plant that caused quite the stinky stir when they started fertilizing their land with poultry waste. Suddenly, everyone could smell how the proverbial sausages were made, and let me tell you, there’s no amount of lavender air freshener that could mask that fragrance.

Now, don’t you love a good pun? This whole affair is quite the "poultry in motion" drama unfolding in the city. Is it not fascinating how something as innocuous as some crops getting a dose of fertilizer turns into a full-blown saga reminiscent of reality TV? I can see it now: "Keeping Up with the Compost"!

And what do we take from this? It’s always important to stay grounded—pun intended! Follow the signs of the foul scents before placing the blame. So next time you’re out and about in Budapest, take a deep breath… and maybe keep your windows shut. Remember, not all aromas are created equal, and sometimes being close to nature can have its drawbacks.

Stay tuned, fellow aroma adventurers, and let’s see if we can “sniff” out the real source of our beloved city’s latest scent story!

And before I forget, if Gyermelyi ever decides to monetize their odorous adventures, they could market a new line of “Eau de Manure,” the next must-have fragrance for… well, let’s leave that one for the sheep farmers!

At home: The smell of manure is spreading in Budapest again, but now we don’t know where it’s coming from

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October 2024. 29. 17:37 October 2024. 29. 18:43 At home

This time, it is said that Gyermely is not responsible for the stench.

In recent years, it has happened several times that a nose-squeezing stench has spread in the capital or in certain parts of it. In August of this year, for example, the smell of manure made life miserable for those staying in Buda. As it turned out, the source of this is the Gyermelyi food plant, because they started feeding their rented land with organic waste from the poultry department.

On October 29, some parts of Budapest were once again covered in an unpleasant smell, the according to it can be felt from Budaörs at least to Újlipótváros and Újpest. Since it was discussed in the summer that fertilization works at Gyermelyi could last until October, the Index looked for him the company.

According to farmer Gábor Farkasdi, this time the food company is not responsible for the unpleasant smell. Although they are currently working with manure in Szomor and Zsámbék, its smell can be felt at a maximum distance of ten kilometers, the expert added, and noted that they are planning to fertilize near Gyermely next week, which the population will be informed about.

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E also using organic waste for fertilization purposes. Farkasdi ‍emphasized that while the current unpleasant odors ‍may be strong, they do not originate ​from the Gyermelyi food plant this time. He suggested that the source of the‍ stench might be a⁤ different locality or a combination of various agricultural activities in the area. This has raised concerns among city⁤ residents who have had to endure the recurring issue of foul smells affecting their daily lives. Residents in affected ⁣neighborhoods have voiced their frustration,‌ emphasizing the need for clearer communication and solutions to address the odor issues that periodically plague the ‍city.

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