myHeating: When does it open – Who are the beneficiaries

myHeating: When does it open – Who are the beneficiaries
With the signing of the decision, the heating allowance is increased by 20% for the beneficiaries who will use electricity as the main means of heating, following the proposal of the Minister of Energy and Environment, Theodoros Skylakakis.

The aim is to strengthen the use of more environmentally friendly energy sources, while the maximum amount of the allowance for this year’s period is increased to 1,200 euros, compared to 1,000 euros the previous year.

In total, over 1.3 million households will receive financial assistance of up to 260 million euros, with the payment being made in two installments. The first, corresponding to 60% of the total amount, will be paid in December, with the second installment being settled in April. The amount of each allowance will be determined based on the cold data of the previous winter season.

The income and asset criteria will remain unchanged from last year.


1) In order for the applicant to become a beneficiary of the allowance, the annual total family income, regardless of its source of origin, real or presumed, must not exceed 16,000 euros for unmarried, unmarried or widowed or divorced persons and 24,000 euros for the married or civil partner who submits a separate tax return. For each dependent child, the applicable income limit will be increased by 5,000 euros. For a single-parent family, the annual income must not exceed 29,000 euros with an additional 5,000 euros for each child.

In addition, if it is an applicant who carries out a business activity, the total gross income from this activity should not exceed the amount of 80,000 euros.

2) In addition, in order for the applicant to become a beneficiary of the allowance, the total value of his real estate must not exceed the amount of 200,000 euros if he is single or widowed or separated, or the amount of 300,000 euros if he is married or single parent family

The applications

On the myHeating platform, which will be opened in November by AADE, those interested should submit an application to join the Register of Beneficiaries of the heating allowance.

In the application, the following information should be indicated as the case may be:

• The Tax Registry Number (T.F.M.) of the requesting person – subject to a tax return,
• his name,
• the number of his dependent children,
• the indication if it is an apartment building,
• the electricity supply number of the main residence property,
• the postal address corresponding to the specific electricity supply, if the residence is owned, rented or provided free of charge, as well as the A.F.M. the lessor or the free grantor,
• the square meters of main areas of the main residence at the time of submitting the application,
• the type of heating fuel or thermal energy desired to be subsidized,
• his contact details (e-mail address, mobile or landline number).

Before finalizing the application, the IVAN account number, which belongs to the beneficiary and to which he wishes to have the amount of the allowance credited, must be declared.

For other fuels, apart from heating oil, the number of the proof of purchase of fuel types or consumption of thermal energy through district heating, the amount/value of the transaction, the Tax Registration Number (A.F.M.) and the name should be additionally submitted of the company – seller of heating fuel or thermal energy.

In the event that the beneficiaries pay the heating expenses through shared users, then, in addition to the above, the number of the proof of payment of shared users or alternatively the number of their payment notice (if it has not already been issued when the application was submitted) should be entered proof of payment), the Tax Registry Number of the administrator or the person representing the apartment building or the apartment building management company, as well as the amount attributable to the beneficiary.

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#myHeating #open #beneficiaries

Expensive function call ⁤in third party script

It appears that you’re⁢ sharing a portion ⁣of a script, most⁤ likely related to loading various advertisement modules, ⁤tracking scripts, or third-party ​services on a webpage. This ⁢type of code is ⁣commonly used in web development to dynamically load scripts associated with⁤ online advertising networks, ‌push​ notifications,⁤ comments systems, and more.

I can help⁣ explain‌ various parts of ⁤this ​code or assist ⁣with any specific questions you have. Below are some observations and explanations of the key components in your script:

1. **AdSense Script Removal**:

‌ “`javascript

document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {


⁤ });

⁢ “`

This part searches for elements with a class of `adsense-for-mobile` and removes the Google AdSense ads inside of them if certain conditions are met.

2. **AdSense ⁤Slot Counting**:

⁢ “`javascript

const​ adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;


‌ This counts how many AdSense slots ⁢are present on the page.

3. **Async⁢ Script Loading**:

‍ “`javascript



`asyncLoadScript` seems to ⁤be a custom function (not defined in your snippet) that likely loads external JavaScript files ‍asynchronously.

4. **OneSignal Notification Setup**:


window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal)​ {

​ ‍ ⁣OneSignal.init({

appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

‌ ⁢ });

‍ ⁤ });


This sets up OneSignal,‍ a service for web push ​notifications.⁤ The app ID is provided to initialize the OneSignal SDK.

5. **Disqus ​Configuration**:

The ⁢script ​to load Disqus for comments on articles is included, ⁣with a specific page URL and ⁤identifier:


var disqus_config‌ = function() { = “…

⁣ ⁤ = 1553673;


⁢ ‌“`

6. ‍**Loading Other Scripts**:

There are placeholders for other scripts like Phaistos‌ Adman, CleverCore, Taboola/Project Agora,‍ etc., and each section appears to be set up to load scripts conditionally ⁢based on the⁤ presence of HTML ​elements or after certain⁤ timeouts.

7. **Timeouts**:

⁣ Several scripts use⁤ `setTimeout` to delay loading other scripts, which is a common technique to avoid blocking the main thread and allow the page to load smoothly.

If⁢ you’d ⁤like more specific guidance, such as​ how⁢ to ⁢implement any of these⁢ features or troubleshoot issues, feel free to ask!

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