“Just a few days after the landmark decision of the Independent Greek Judiciary to remove the “hoods” from the false witnesses of the Novartis scheme, the former president of SYRIZA, instead of apologizing for the coordinated smear campaign against his political opponents, in his speech today at a meeting in the Parliament makes indirect suggestions to the Justice for ongoing cases under investigation”, he emphasizes in his announcement.
“At the same time, the former prime minister, who had two ministers who were subsequently irrevocably condemned by the Court of Justice, instrumentalizing the dramatic shipwreck off Pylos in an impermissible way, slanders his country and “issues findings” as an uninvited “judge” speaking of “Oligority of Authorities”.
Mr. Tsipras, current and former comrades, no one can dictate to the judiciary the way in which it will perform its duties, and this is because there are no longer para-ministries of justice in Greece, as he cynically admitted was the case in your days former minister of your government, Mr. Kontonis”, he concludes.
It is recalled that previously, during his speech at the conference on the Strengthening of Democracy, organized by the Presidency of the Republic and the Hellenic Parliament, the former Prime Minister had underlined that “if we want in the future to celebrate with greater pride anniversaries like today’s, of 50 years since the re-ratification of the European Convention on Human Rights by our country, it is imperative that its executive and judicial powers rise to the occasion. So that we can really talk about deepening the Rule of Law, about a strong and not about a suffering democracy”.
In fact, perceiving the prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Georgia Adelini, to leave when she was referring to the wiretapping case, the tragedy in Tempi, the shipwreck in Pylos, speaking of the great responsibilities of the Judiciary, Mr. Tsipras, in an off-text comment, called the judicial power “at least to sit and listen”.
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#Marinakis #fierce #attack #Tsipras #word #audacity #include #photo #slanders #country #uninvited #judge
The provided code snippet appears to set up various advertising and tracking scripts on a webpage. However, it’s incomplete and contains placeholder values instead of actual URLs or identifiers for script loading.
Here’s a brief breakdown of what each part aims to do:
1. **Removing Mobile AdSense Elements**: This part of the script selects elements with the class `.adsense-for-mobile`, and attempts to remove inner AdSense elements (with the class `.adsbygoogle`).
2. **AdSense Slot Handling**: It checks if there are any AdSense slots available and prepares to potentially load additional functionality related to AdSense.
3. **Phaistos Adman Integration**: It pushes an ad unit configuration to a queue for the Phaistos Adman service.
4. **OneSignal Initialization**: It initializes the OneSignal service for push notifications with an application ID.
5. **Disqus Configuration**: It defines a configuration function for Disqus comments, including page URL and identifier, and sets a timeout to load the Disqus script dynamically.
6. **CleverCore Loading (Commented Out)**: The script for CleverCore is included but commented out; it would typically load an external script if uncommented.
7. **Taboola/Project Agora and Google AdSense**: It indicates intent to load additional script functionalities related to Taboola or Project Agora and Google AdSense, but the actual script sources or operations are missing.
8. **Glomex Integration**: It checks for the presence of Glomex elements and sets a timeout to load an integration module.
9. **Dalecta and Vidoomy**: Similar to the above points, it prepares to load scripts related to these services with a delay.
### Missing Components
– Each `asyncLoadScript` function call lacks the actual script URLs or operations that are intended to be executed.
– There are numerous commented-out sections that either need to be completed with valid URLs or need to be removed if not used.
### Suggestions for Completing the Script
1. **Add Actual Script URLs**: Replace placeholders with the actual URLs to the scripts you want to load.
2. **Error Handling**: Consider adding error handling for the script loading functions to manage failures gracefully.
3. **Comments and Documentation**: Comment on the purpose of each section to clarify the script’s intent for future maintainability.
Implementing these suggestions will make your script more functional and maintainable. If you need help with specific aspects or implementation, feel free to ask!