As it became known, the school will be disinfected, while the lessons will be held by distance learning. Students should log in both days to WebEx and the schedule as posted on the website will be done as usual. The WebEx addresses of the teachers are also posted on the school’s website in the “School” category. Attendance is mandatory and attendance will be taken.
The 2nd EPAL and the 6th EPAL of Patras remained closed until today, as in the first school a case of meningitis had occurred in a student.
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EODY has been informed of the incident and is conducting further investigation of the contacts. Antibiotic chemoprophylaxis has been given to the student’s close family and friends and there is vigilance.
It is recalled that the student lost consciousness last Thursday while at her school and was taken to the hospital by EKAV ambulance. The tests to which the minor was submitted came out positive for meningococcus. An order was immediately given not to operate the school complex and to apply the protocol, as as foreseen in these cases, crews proceed to disinfect the area.
According to the latest information, the minor is still hospitalized in the ICU in a critical but stable condition.
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/* — PerfOps by Nuevvo ( — */
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// Phaistos Adman
// OneSignal
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appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
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// CleverCore
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// For Google AdSense
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// Phaistos Adman
// Glomex
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// Vidoomy
// Weather
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#Byron #outbreak #meningitis #school #distance #learning #days #lessons
It looks like you’ve provided a snippet of JavaScript code related to loading various ad services and managing ads on a web page. The code appears to involve managing Google AdSense, Phaistos Adman, OneSignal (push notifications), Disqus (comments), and perhaps other ad services like Taboola, Dalecta, and Vidoomy.
Here’s a brief overview of the key sections of your code:
1. **Handling AdSense**:
– You check for `.adsbygoogle` elements and if they exist, you can presumably load scripts related to Google AdSense.
- You also have a section that removes existing ads for mobile devices if certain conditions apply.
2. **Queue Management for Ad Services**:
– You use an `AdmanQueue` to manage the loading of Phaistos Adman. This type of queue helps in ensuring that scripts are executed in the correct order when they are ready.
3. **OneSignal Initialization**:
– A deferred initialization approach is used for OneSignal to set up push notifications, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with the page’s load process.
4. **Disqus Configuration**:
– The `disqus_config` function is defined for setting up Disqus comments. It assigns the page URL and identifier to appropriately configure the comments.
5. **Dynamic Script Loading**:
– You use a placeholder function `asyncLoadScript` multiple times to load various ad scripts asynchronously, which helps in optimizing the loading time by not blocking the main thread.
6. **Conditional Script Execution**:
– There are checks to see if certain elements exist on the page before loading the corresponding scripts, which is a good practice to ensure that you only load resources that are needed.
7. **Additional Ad Integration**:
– Comments indicate sections for additional ad service integrations, such as CleverCore, Taboola/Project Agora, Glomex, and Vidoomy, though the actual URLs or methods for loading those scripts are left unfilled.
### Missing Elements and Considerations
– Some parts of your code are incomplete, particularly the URLs for loading scripts (indicated by `asyncLoadScript(‘` placeholders).
– Error handling is not visible in this snippet. Implementing error handling during script loading can help in diagnosing issues if a script fails to load.
– Consider using a unified method for managing all asynchronous script loading to improve maintainability and readability.
### Example of `asyncLoadScript` Implementation
If you haven’t defined `asyncLoadScript`, here’s a simple implementation:
function asyncLoadScript(src) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.src = src;
script.async = true;
script.onload = () => resolve();
script.onerror = () => reject(new Error(`Script load error for ${src}`));
You’d call this function with the correct URLs to load your scripts, and you could even await these promises if using modern JavaScript (ES6+).
If you have specific questions or aspects of this code that you need help with, feel free to ask!