Difficult times for King Felipe

Difficult times for King Felipe

In fact, he attended the annual air training exercise of Air and Space Army units “Sirio 24” at Gando Air Base.

During his visit to the air base, Felipe held a meeting via video conference with the General Headquarters of the Military Emergency Unit in Torrejón and the advanced positions in Valencia and Cuenca, in order to learn firsthand the situation in the areas affected by DANA .

“All means are at the disposal of the authorities and emergency services,” he said, adding: “Everyone is working and the important thing is to let them work and not have any means restrictions.” King Felipe VI expressed his condolences to the affected families and referred to the “enormous destruction” of infrastructure and material goods as a result of the damage that has devastated several communities.

“Along with the Queen, of course, we want to express our condolences to all the affected families who have lost loved ones and in some cases do not yet know what has happened to some of their relatives,” he said.

Difficult times for King Felipe

“There are still difficulties in accessing some locations, so we do not have full information on the scope and potential casualties. I am reassured that all possible means are available to the authorities and emergency services. Everyone is working and the important thing is to let them work, in a coordinated way, and that they don’t have any media limitations,” Felipe also said.

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#Difficult #times #King #Felipe
It⁤ appears‍ that you’ve⁤ provided a​ snippet of JavaScript code that seems to ⁣be focused ‍on handling various ⁢advertising ‌and ⁤analytics scripts. The code includes logic‌ for managing AdSense ads, OneSignal notifications, Disqus comments,⁣ and more. However, there ‌are ⁤quite a few parts that are incomplete with placeholders (like `asyncLoadScript(‘)`, ‌where the actual URL or script source should be).

### Here’s a summary of⁣ what the provided code is structured to⁤ do:

1. **Remove Mobile AdSense Elements**: It iterates through elements⁤ with the class⁢ `adsense-for-mobile` and removes any `.adsbygoogle` elements within them.

2. **Count AdSense Slots**:‌ It⁢ counts ​the number of AdSense slots and⁢ possibly plans to load scripts for them.

3. **Phaistos Adman**:‌ There is a queue for Adman scripts, but​ the ‍actual script loading is ‍not implemented.

4. **OneSignal‌ Initialization**: It initializes OneSignal with a specific `appId`.

5. **Disqus Configuration**: Configurations ⁣for Disqus are setup,⁤ including the ​page⁤ URL and identifier.

6. **Script Loading for Further Integrations**: It contains commented-out sections and placeholders for​ loading various scripts like CleverCore, Taboola, Project Agora, and Google AdSense.

7.​ **Glomex ⁢Integration**: There’s conditional logic ‌to execute an integration for Glomex⁣ after a delay.

8. **Set⁤ Timeout for Dalecta and ⁣Vidoomy**: Scripts ⁤for Dalecta and ‌Vidoomy are ‍scheduled to load ‍after specified timeouts.

### ‌To Make⁢ it Functional

To ‌make this code ‌functional, you would‍ need to:

1. Replace the placeholder strings (`asyncLoadScript(‘`, URLs, and ⁢parameters) in ​your `asyncLoadScript` and ​other functions⁣ with the appropriate sources or executable scripts.

2. Ensure ‌that the commented scripts (like CleverCore, ⁤for instance) are included correctly if they are needed.

3. Confirm​ that all elements ‌being queried or manipulated ‌are present in the DOM to avoid errors.

### Example of What to Replace

Here is an ⁣example of how to⁢ fill‌ in an `asyncLoadScript` invocation:


function asyncLoadScript(url) {

⁤ const script⁢ = document.createElement(‘script’);

⁤script.src = url;

script.async = true;

⁢ document.head.appendChild(script);


// Example ⁣usage:



Wherever in your original code you see something‌ like `asyncLoadScript(‘`, you ⁣would replace it with a proper call like shown above.

If⁢ you have specific questions or need help ‌completing any parts of this code, feel free to‌ ask!

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