Middle East: This is the US plan for a truce between Israel and Hezbollah

Middle East: This is the US plan for a truce between Israel and Hezbollah

The above was made known by a document, dated October 26, that was published on Wednesday by the Israeli Kan network. The logic of the document is that from the moment of its signing, Hezbollah and other armed groups in the region will not take action against Israel, while Israel will not carry out offensive actions against targets in Lebanon, including military and government.

The first phase of the proposal involves a 60-day period during which the Lebanese army will deploy along the border and seize Hezbollah’s weapons in southern Lebanon. Israeli armed forces will withdraw from Lebanon within 7 days of the end of hostilities and will be replaced by Lebanese armed forces. UN peacekeepers will facilitate change.

When this phase is completed there will be 10,000 Lebanese soldiers along the border with Israel. At the end of the 60-day period, Israel and Lebanon will hold US-brokered indirect negotiations to fully implement UN Security Council Resolution 1701 (for a cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah) and resolve border disputes. differences.

At the same time, an International Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanism (IMEM) will be created, chaired by the US and with the participation of Italy, France, Germany, Spain and Britain. UNIFIL (the UN force in Lebanon) and regional countries will also participate.

However, according to the plan, Israel “may choose to act against violations” and may respond to threats from Lebanese soil. If Lebanon or IMEM does not address third-country shipments or weapons production, Israel may strike such targets, but only after consultation with the US.

In addition, Israel will be able to conduct intelligence flights over Lebanon, but they must not be visible to the naked eye or break the sound barrier. The Israeli network reported that there is also a draft cover letter between the US and Israel affirming Israel’s right to self-defense. The letter also states that the US will play a leading role in implementing the ceasefire and ensure that Lebanon honors its commitments.

Meanwhile, in a statement the White House does not deny the existence of the plan, but did not want to comment on how advanced the negotiations are. In particular, he explains that the leaked plan “does not reflect the current state of negotiations.”

In this context, the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najim Mikati, expressed on Wednesday his hope that “in the next hours or days we will be able to reach a truce”. He said he spoke with US mediator Amos Hochstein, who is traveling to Israel within the next few hours. On the nature of the contacts, he said: “Today we are in a better position than last night and I hope that tomorrow we will also be in a better position than today.”

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#Middle #East #plan #truce #Israel #Hezbollah
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Here’s a brief overview of what this code is doing:

1. **AdSense​ for Mobile**: It attempts to remove all instances ⁣of the `.adsbygoogle` class if the page ⁣is determined to be ​a mobile view. ⁣If there ‌are ⁤any AdSense slots⁣ found, it is set up to ⁢presumably load ads asynchronously.

2. **Phaistos Adman**: Defines a queue that allows pushing ad‍ unit⁤ configurations to‍ be executed ⁢later.

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4. **Disqus**: ⁤Sets up a configuration⁣ for Disqus comments, including specifying a unique ‌page identifier and the URL for the page.

5. **Script Loading**: There are multiple calls to `asyncLoadScript()` which ⁣presumably loads external scripts asynchronously. Many of these function calls have ‌comments ⁣indicating‌ what ad service they would ‍integrate with.

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This implementation seems to center around ensuring that various advertising and remarketing services are integrated properly ‍into a web application. However, actual URLs for loading scripts⁣ have been omitted from your snippet and the code appears to be incomplete in terms of specifics, like parameter values for many `asyncLoadScript` functions.

If ‌you have any specific⁤ questions about this code snippet or need assistance with ‌a‍ particular⁤ section, ⁣feel free to ask!

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