At the expense of the police, the monument in the park to be named after “Chief Constable Georgiou Lyggeridis”

At the expense of the police, the monument in the park to be named after “Chief Constable Georgiou Lyggeridis”

As it was decided, during today’s meeting of the Board of Directors, E.A.Y.TH. will fully undertake to cover the cost of the monument – ​​most likely a plaque with the name of the honored late chief constable – which is to be placed at the site, which is located on Egnatias Street between Kamvounia and National Defense, in the center of the city.

In fact, last week a relevant document was sent by the Union of Police Officers to the municipality of Thessaloniki and the president of the municipal council Spyros Vouias, informing them about this, according to what the president of E.A.Y. reported to Th. Theodoros Tsairidis.

The naming of the specific area, which is anonymous, as “Archifilaka Georgiou Lyggeridis Park” was decided a few days ago by the city council of Thessaloniki. It is noted that the proposal does not bring about changes of postal address to the residents of the area and therefore does not need approval from the Article 8 Committee of the Decentralized Administration of Macedonia Thrace.

It is recalled that the Union of Police Employees of Thessaloniki, a few days after the policeman’s funeral, submitted a request to the Municipality of Thessaloniki for the renaming of a street to “Chief Constable Georgiou Lyggeridis” in his honor.

Giorgos Lyggeridis served in the Order Restoration Service of the Directorate of Police Operations of Attica. On December 7, 2023, while on active duty, he was fatally attacked with a naval flare during fan incidents outside the closed gym “Melina Merkouri” in Rentis. After a tough battle for 20 days in the Intensive Care Unit, he passed away at the age of 31.

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#expense #police #monument #park #named #Chief #Constable #Georgiou #Lyggeridis
It seems that you’ve shared a fragment of JavaScript code that is ‌related to ad ⁤management ‍and integration, including services like​ Google AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and others. However, ⁤parts of the ⁤code⁤ appear​ to be incomplete, particularly in the sections​ where ⁤scripts are ⁢intended to be ‍loaded asynchronously using the `asyncLoadScript` function.

Here’s a general outline of what this code does ‍or aims⁢ to achieve:

1. **AdSense Removal**: The code removes elements with the class ​`.adsbygoogle` from the DOM if they are ⁣in `.adsense-for-mobile` containers.

2. **AdSense Initialization**: There’s a loop intended to load ⁢or initialize ads represented by the⁢ elements with the class `.adsbygoogle`.

3. **Adman Integration**: A placeholder for pushing a ‌function to an `AdmanQueue`, which ⁣might⁤ indicate initializing or configuring Phaistos Adman advertisement ⁣slots.

4. **OneSignal Push**: ⁢It initializes OneSignal for push notifications, using a specific app ID.

5. ⁢**Disqus Configuration**: It configures Disqus for ⁢comments⁣ on⁢ the page using a page URL⁤ and identifier, but‌ the⁣ URL is specified as a placeholder and hasn’t been filled in.

6. **Dynamic Script Loading**: Several functions are⁣ set up to load various​ advertising scripts dynamically⁢ based on certain conditions.

7. **Comments About Other Integrations**: Sections are commented for various integrations like CleverCore, Taboola, Google AdSense, Glomex, Dalecta, and Vidoomy, indicating readiness for their respective script integrations.

### Suggested Improvements or Fixes:

– **Complete Missing ​URLs/Script Sources**: Make sure to fill in the actual script URLs where it’s indicated with `asyncLoadScript(‘` ‍and similar placeholders.

– **Ensure Functionality**: Ensure that the `asyncLoadScript` ‍and `asyncLoadModule` ⁣functions are correctly⁣ defined elsewhere in the code, as they’re crucial​ for loading the respective scripts.

– **Address Syntax Errors**: Python-like strings (using single quotes incorrectly for nesting) and incomplete strings throughout (e.g., where⁢ URLs are not closed) should be fixed for the code⁤ to ‍run ⁣properly.

– **Initialize Events and Callbacks**: Make sure callback functions are defined and executed properly to ensure that the scripts⁤ that depend on each other load in the right order.

Here’s a simple template⁢ for what part of the code may​ look like⁤ when⁢ fixing issues:


function⁤ asyncLoadScript(url) {

⁢ const script = document.createElement(‘script’);

⁢ script.src = url;

⁤ script.async = true;



// Example of ​replacing placeholder URLs with actual script sources



You should ensure that the placeholders are replaced with​ the correct URLs for the scripts you’re ​intending to load.

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