The bird flu virus is identified for the first time, in a farmed pig

The bird flu virus is identified for the first time, in a farmed pig

“One in five pigs” on a farm was “infected with H5N1”, a fact “for the first time” in the US, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) said in a statement.

“The animals were not intended for sale in the food sector,” according to the same source, who emphasized that “there is no concern for the security of the country’s pork supply.”

The pig found to be infected with the disease showed no symptoms, but was tested as a precaution at the farm, where birds and other animals are also raised.

The farm has been quarantined.

Another two pigs were found to be negative for the virus, while the test results of two more are awaited. All pigs were euthanized.

The ministry’s announcement came as the US has been faced with an unprecedented spread of the virus in cows.

Experts are concerned about the increasing number of mammals infected with the disease. The reason is that its widespread circulation would facilitate the mutation of the virus and make possible the emergence of a strain capable of being transmitted from person to person.

However, genome sequencing of the virus found in the farm birds did not reveal “any changes in the virus” that would make it easier to “transmit between humans,” the USDA press release reassured.

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#bird #flu #virus #identified #time #farmed #pig
It appears ‌that you’ve shared⁣ a fragment of JavaScript code, possibly pertaining to an ⁣ad management⁣ system or a website’s advertising integration setup. The code highlights various ⁤functionalities ⁤related to loading ad scripts and ‌initializing third-party services like OneSignal, Disqus, and others. However, parts of the ​code are incomplete and ⁣possibly contain placeholders, indicated by the use of empty string literals.

Here’s a⁤ brief breakdown of the sections you’ve ⁤shared along with ‍suggestions on how to improve or complete it:

### Breakdown ⁢of Code Sections:

1. **AdSense Management:**

– The code manages AdSense slots dynamically based on certain conditions.

– The ⁢`.remove()` function is used to clear out ads for ⁤mobile ⁣if certain ⁢conditions aren’t met.

2. **OneSignal Initialization:**

– The OneSignal service is initialized with an app ID, allowing you to manage push notifications.

3. **Disqus ⁣Integration:**

– Disqus comments are configured with a page URL and identifier.

​ – There’s a timeout ‌to ⁣load ⁢the Disqus script​ after a 3-second delay.

4. **Adman and Other Async Scripts:**

– There are multiple calls to `asyncLoadScript()` which are placeholders for scripts related to​ ad management and integrators.

– ​These should be filled with the‌ actual URLs of ⁤the scripts to load.

5. **CleverCore and Other Advertisers:**

‌ – It appears there is a commented-out​ snippet related to CleverCore that could be brought back into action if needed. You should ensure proper script URLs and callback handling.

6. **Conditional Code Execution (like Glomex and ⁣Vidoomy):**

‌ – Some parts of the code check for the presence of specific⁣ elements before performing‌ actions (like loading scripts).

### Suggestions to Improve/Complete Code:

-⁤ **Fill in Missing URLs:** ⁤Replace placeholders ‌with actual script URLs wherever asyncLoadScript and similar functions are invoked.




– **Error Handling:** Consider adding error⁢ handling mechanisms for script loading ⁢to ensure⁢ that your application can recover gracefully if a script fails to load.

-​ **Callback Functionality:** Ensure that callback mechanisms are in place where ‍necessary to handle the completion of script​ loading.

– **Use‍ of Constants:** ⁤If certain IDs or URLs are used multiple times, consider defining them as constants at the top of your script for easier maintenance.

– **Code Comments:** Adding comments to elucidate the purpose of sections in the code can help future developers (or you) understand the workflow quickly.

### Example of Asynchronous Script Loading:

For a⁤ robust implementation of `asyncLoadScript`, consider this example structure:


function asyncLoadScript(url) {

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

⁤ const ⁤script = document.createElement(‘script’);

​ script.src = url;

​ script.async = true;

‍ ‍ script.onload = () => resolve();

script.onerror = () => reject(new Error(`Script load error for ${url}`));


​ });


// Usage


.then(() ⁢=> {

console.log(‘Script loaded successfully’);

‌ })

.catch((error) => {

​ console.error(error);



Implementing the above suggestions will not only enhance the functionality but also promote better maintainability of your code.

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