At home: Orbán announced: The national consultation will start on Monday

At home: Orbán announced: The national consultation will start on Monday

Well, well, well! It appears we have an election season on our hands, folks, and you won’t believe what’s cooking in the Orbán kitchen! It’s the Hungarian national consultation, which sounds rather official, doesn’t it? More official than my last attempt to explain the concept of a tax return to my mum.

So, let’s discuss this national consultation, which, according to Viktor Orbán, is kicking off on Monday. Picture it: a bunch of Hungarians sitting around, pens poised, ready to tackle urgent questions about economic neutrality. You know, all those riveting topics nobody talks about at dinner parties! “Hey, Uncle István, would you like to weigh in on wage increases or is that too spicy for you?”

Now, as Mr. Orbán himself stated, “What Hungarians agree on, Hungary does!” That’s right, folks! If you get a consensus on whether pineapple belongs on pizza during this consultation, watch out! Next thing you know, it’s going to be the new national dish—“Pineapple Pörkölt” or something!

But moving right along, we learn that Mr. Orbán has confirmed migration will be on the agenda too. Because why not? Nothing says ‘let’s unite the nation’ like a hearty discussion on immigration policy. I can see it now: “Shall we take in more migrants, or shall we just send them all a postcard that says ‘Thanks, but no thanks’?!”

But let’s listen to the man of the hour: he’s all about “strengthening the foundations.” Foundations, eh? Sounds like he’s trying to cement his legacy, or maybe he wants a new patio while we’re at it!

Now, on a very serious note, Orbán is adamant that the only thing he can bring to the table is the will of the Hungarian people. And look, I admire that. It’s all about the people, right? It’s just a shame the priorities of ‘the people’ can sometimes look more like a game of Monopoly than a coherent policy plan.

Finally, let’s ponder the real kicker—what’s on the horizon? According to Máté Kocsis, there’s going to be talk of business promotion and housing measures. So, if you’re looking to buy a house or promote your business in Hungary, congratulations! You now have permission to throw your ambitions into this national consultation circus.

In conclusion, it’s a mixed bag of hopes, banter, and maybe a little bit of Hungarian spice—just like a good gulyás! So let’s sit back, grab some snacks, and see how this all unfolds. Just remember: the last time people had a national consultation, they ended up with a quirky national anthem. Let’s hope for a catchy tune this time too!

At home: Orbán announced: The national consultation will start on Monday |

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October 2024. 25. 10:17 October 2024. 25. 12:30 at home

The new set of questions may be about economic neutrality, wage increases, business promotion and housing measures.

“What Hungarians agree on, Hungary does! Fill it in yourself,” Viktor Orbán posted with these words that the latest national consultation will start on Monday.

The Fidesz faction proposed the consultation to the government in October. Group leader Máté Kocsis said at the time that the new set of questions could be about economic neutrality, wage increases, business promotion and housing measures.

Gergely Gulyás later confirmed on government information that the proposal was accepted. Balázs Hidvéghi, the parliamentary state secretary of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office, later added that migration will also be discussed, but the exact questions have not been made public so far.

Viktor Orbán said in his Friday morning radio interview that the government’s goal is to strengthen the foundations.

“I cannot refer to our military strength, the “huge” Hungarian population, the overwhelming Hungarian national product. I can refer to only one thing in these struggles: the will of the Hungarian people. And if the Hungarian people say that yes, we need economic neutrality and an independent Hungarian economic policy based on that, and we use the sources of higher growth to achieve higher wages and manage home creation, then I can defend this,” he added.

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The foreign minister was outraged that, according to Ulf Kristersson, the Hungarian prime minister was speaking on behalf of Russia.

The trial dates have already been set, and a verdict may be reached in the case at the end of November.

If a tank can roll off the production line twice, how many times can 600 renovated medical offices be sold as a success?

It’s not just speeders that have a problem.

Michelle Gulyás’s gold embellished the silver medal of the president of the pentathlon association.

It seems you’ve shared an excerpt mentioning various ⁣news articles. Here are the summaries​ of the articles mentioned:

1. **Article about​ North Korean Soldiers**: Experts claim that ⁢North Korean soldiers ​sent to fight ⁤in Ukraine⁢ for Russia are likely not to return ‍home ⁤alive. Those who survive the​ ordeal face severe consequences.

2. **Study on Animal Alcohol Consumption**: A ⁢recent study has provided evidence ⁣that ​various animals also consume alcohol, suggesting that humans are not the only‌ species that drinks for pleasure.

3. ​**Volkswagen Profit Drop**: The Volkswagen ⁣group has reported a dramatic 64% decline in‍ profits, down to approximately 1.6 billion euros‍ in⁣ the third quarter. Additionally,⁣ it has been announced that the Brussels ​Audi ⁣plant will close at⁤ the beginning of next year.

4. **Hungary’s National‌ Consultation**: Hungarian Prime Minister ​Viktor Orbán announced ⁤the start of a national consultation focused⁤ on various topics, including ‍economic neutrality, wage increases,‍ business promotion, and housing measures. Migration is also set to be a topic of discussion, although specific questions have not been revealed yet.

If you ⁣would like more details on any specific⁤ article or topic, feel free to ask!

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