At home: former MDF State Secretary György Raskó helps Péter Magyar select the future representatives of the Tisza Party

At home: former MDF State Secretary György Raskó helps Péter Magyar select the future representatives of the Tisza Party

The Future of the Tisza Party: A New Generation in Hungarian Politics

Ladies and Gentlemen, political enthusiasts, and fanatics of fervor and frolic—gather round! We have a political casting call that sounds more like a reality show audition than the selection of party representatives! Yes, folks, welcome to the Tisza Party’s “Who Wants to Be a Politician?”—where György Raskó, our savvy former MDF state secretary, gets to play judge, jury, and, potentially, executioner!

Raskó’s Role: A Political Matchmaker

So, here’s the skinny: on October 23, the Tisza Party announced a rather unconventional plan to pick their future political champions. Raskó is lending his experienced hand—but wait, there’s a twist! It’s not just about qualifications; it’s about good old nepotism—sorry, I meant “connections.” You see, he’s got a talent for filtering aspirants based on “macroeconomic experience.” Why? Because nothing screams “leadership” like a healthy grasp of supply chains and trade balances! Just think: instead of vote-begging, we could have contestants reciting the GDP growth over dramatic piano music!

Fresh Faces: The Quest for Talent

The Tisza Party’s shining beacon—President Péter Magyar—has his sights set on “patriotic and talented leaders.” I mean, who could complain about that? However, if you’ve had more than 30 years in the game, it’s time to hit the road, Jack! They’re on the lookout for fresh faces, aged a youthful 40 to 45. It’s almost as if they’re fishing for the political version of “new blood,” but let’s face it—who wouldn’t want to see a few mid-life crises thrown in for good measure in lofty politics? Imagine the dramatic speeches at the age of 45: “I’ve finally found myself…and also my pamphlet writer!”

A Refreshing Change…or Just More of the Same?

Raskó, who boldly declared he’d never return to politics two decades ago (cheers to consistency!), is now admitting they are inundated with applications—mostly from the youth! If you’ve ever seen a bunch of eager kids holding out for a chance in the electoral spotlight, it’s a delightful sight. Here they come, armed with LinkedIn profiles and the complete inability to remember what a floppy disk is!

This new political casting would be thrilling if it weren’t obscured by the possibility that they might just be recycling the old guard under new management. The new motto? “We’re young and not familiar with the failures of the previous thirty years!” Genius marketing strategy, really.

The Process: Will It Be Smooth Sailing?

As for the application process, my guess is they’re using the latest technology! Swipe right for candidates who bring a solid resume—or a trending TikTok Challenge. Picture this: aspiring politicians pitching themselves in front of a panel of judges holding up paddles with scores ranging from “talented” to “never again.” Hilarity ensues, I assure you!

And what of the actual selection? Raskó’s ensuring they don’t tap those who were politically active in the last thirty years—thank goodness! Imagine the fun of not having to deal with mudslinging from candidates who had spicy connections in previous governments. “But I promise,” they say, “I’ve changed!” Well, haven’t we all—just look at my changing hairstyle!

Conclusion: Not Your Typical Political Circus

So, as we delve into this whimsical journey of political selections, let’s hold our breath and await the revelations of the new political faces of the Tisza Party. Will they be the refreshment the Hungarian political landscape desperately needs? Or just a case of old wine in a newer bottle?

One thing’s for sure: this is not your average political event; it’s more like a circus—just with fewer elephants and a lot more spreadsheets. Will we find the next political superstar? Or will it be a case of the Tisza Party playing ‘musical chairs’ without any music to guide them?

Stay tuned, because this casting call is bound to deliver!

And with that, I hand it over to you—who’s ready to audition for a political role? Just remember, if you can’t laugh at politics, you might find yourself only crying instead! Cheers!

At home: former MDF state secretary György Raskó helps Péter Magyar select the future representatives of the Tisza Party |

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October 2024. 24. 19:34 October 2024. 24. 20:03 At home

The political casting was announced on October 23 by the Tisza Party.

György Raskó will be one of the people who will help choose who will be the future representatives and politicians of the Tisza Party. HR people also take part in the casting, but the former minister also helps because “he has good connections to filter aspirants from the macroeconomic field”, revealed the Club radioson.

The president of the Tisza Party announced in his speech on October 23 that they are looking for “patriotic and talented leaders of the future”. Agricultural economist György Raskó said in Klubrádió’s Let’s Talk program: Péter Magyar is looking for fresh faces, professionals between the ages of 40 and 45. Péter Magyar spoke at length about the process in an interview with HVG:

According to György Raskó, the president of Tisza wants to stay away from those who have established themselves professionally in the last thirty years, but are connected to parties in some form, because he does not want to fight discredit campaigns with his staff.

Raskó was the secretary of state for agriculture in the Antall government and a member of the MDF parliament. He says he declared twenty years ago that he never wanted to take on a political role again. He also revealed that since the announcement, many people have applied to them, mainly young people, and the selection is underway.

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