The normal level of “male hormone” in men at the age of 50

The normal level of “male hormone” in men at the age of 50

The male body produces testosterone in the testicles and in the adrenal glands. This hormone is responsible for the development of reproductive organs, muscle growth, and the level of sexual desire. It also affects a man’s quality of life, including emotional health, energy level, and general health status.

Dr. Ludmila Laba says: “For the normal functioning of the male body, it is necessary to have the hormone testosterone. The most important thing is that testosterone in men promotes sperm formation, and its imbalance is responsible for procreation.”

What should the normal level of testosterone be at the age of 50?

According to the doctor, the level of testosterone in men aged 50 ranges between 7.7 and 27 nanomol/L. Of course, this indicator may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body, lifestyle, the presence of diseases and other factors. We must know that the level of testosterone peaks in the morning and decreases in the evening.

But why does its level decrease in men?

Testosterone levels begin to decline as a man ages, and this is a natural aging process. There is a non-medical term “male menopause,” but a sudden drop in testosterone levels may be related to certain diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc.) as well as to the lifestyle and psychological state of the man.

Signs that indicate low testosterone levels are:

– Decreased sexual desire;

– Loss of muscle mass;

– Fatigue and low energy;

– Depression cases;

– Sleep problems.

The doctor points out that if a man notices such signs for a long time, it may be an indication of a low level of his testosterone.


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