Cult: Mel Gibson says Kamala Harris has the IQ of a fence post

Cult: Mel Gibson says Kamala Harris has the IQ of a fence post

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wonderful world of Mel Gibson and Kamala Harris! Yes, it seems we’ve stumbled upon a goldmine of absurdity so delicious you could spread it on toast. Mel, bless him, has decided to channel his inner sage—no, not the herb, but the wise old man supposed to dispense wisdom!

In a recent encounter at an airport (where all serious political discussions should happen, obviously), Gibson let loose with a zinger about Kamala Harris, declaring she has “the IQ of a fence post.” Now, I’ve seen some pretty nice fence posts in my day—very sturdy—but this brings a whole new meaning to wooden diplomacy!

You have to admire Mel’s candor. It’s like he walked right off a movie set, so completely unfiltered you might think he was auditioning for a role in a reality show. Spoiler alert: he wasn’t. He’s just launching verbal grenades like it’s a Sunday BBQ with friends. One minute he’s calling out Harris on her “history of failure” — the next he’s suggesting she’d lead this nation into chaos faster than you can say “Pass the popcorn!”

As if we were all secretly waiting for the Hollywood star to finally weigh in on the matter of the day, Gibson reiterated his preference for Donald Trump, and let’s face it, in this circus of a political climate, who hasn’t wanted to grab some cotton candy and take a seat front row at the freak show?

I mean, really, nameless reporters flinging questions at Gibson is as entertaining as watching a hedgehog attempt ballet. You can’t quite grasp the elegance, but it’s hard to look away. “What do you think about this vote?” they ask, and all he gives is a snicker and a sideways glance as if trying to figure out if he’s still dreaming or has just plummeted down the rabbit hole.

Now, I must say, while I do appreciate the showmanship of it all, one has to wonder where this leaves the actual political discourse. More importantly, are we really taking advice from a man whose directorial efforts were once called “controversial” for a reason?

Gibson’s a funny guy. No, really, he’s one of those people you can’t help but laugh at when he’s not trying to be serious—like Rowan Atkinson doing Shakespeare! But let’s be honest, calling out someone’s intelligence by comparing them to an inanimate object? That’s like arguing with a traffic cone. It’s not going to give you a satisfying debate or even half-decent repartee; you’ll just end up wondering why you stood there for so long.

Now, you’ve got to love the timing of all this! With the election looming, it’s almost as if Mel’s simply practicing his stand-up routine for when the proverbial circus pulls into town. If only he had brought a goat and a unicycle along for dramatic effect.

So here we are, stuck between a fence post and an orange-haired presidency, anxiously awaiting updates as if binge-watching the latest season of a political drama. What next, Mel? A motivational course for future candidates? “How to Speak Like a Picket Fencing Post: A Guide to Wooden Discourse.”

In conclusion, folks—strap in, it’s going to be a wild ride. Whether you agree with Mel or not, there’s one lesson to take away: if politics teaches us anything, it’s that anything can be said—and in this case, anything absolutely will be said, even if it’s a load of nonsense wrapped in a baffled smile. Cheers to that!

Cult: Mel Gibson says Kamala Harris has the IQ of a fence post |

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October 2024. 25. 13:53 October 2024. 25. 14:02 Cult

The actor has made no secret of the fact that he does not have a high opinion of the Democrats.

US presidential election

After Joe Biden’s resignation, the question is: Will Donald Trump become the President of the United States, or will the Democrats with Kamala Harris be able to keep the White House? At HVG, we follow all the events of the US presidential election and explain the details that will affect our lives, whatever the outcome in November 2024.

It’s no big secret that Mel Gibson does not sympathize with the Democrats, a couple of years ago he was captured on video greeting Donald Trump with a military salute.

A TMZ tabloid on Thursday at the Los Angeles airport asked the actor about the upcoming US presidential election, and although Gibson didn’t stop, he gave the reporter some short answers. Here is the dialogue:

Reporter: We will vote on the president within days. What do you think about this?
Mel Gibson: That’s a big question. I don’t think it will surprise anyone who I vote for.
R.: I think Trump. Am I wrong?
MG: I think you mean it very well.
R.: What do you think the world will be like under a second Trump presidency?
MG: I know what the world would be like if we let him in (meaning Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate for the White House – ed.).
R.: Really?
MG: It wouldn’t be good. He has a miserable record. He has a history of failure. It has no politics to speak of at the border. And he has the IQ of a fence post

he said.

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