14 of the occupants were taken to the hospital yesterday (26/10) evening after a dramatic operation by the Authorities.
However, the condition of the 48-year-old who was transferred and is being treated in the ICU of the Kozani hospital is considered critical, while he was initially intubated at the Bodosakeio Hospital of Ptolemaida. According to what has become known, the next 24 hours for the unfortunate man who is fighting for his life, are considered critical, while five people were discharged from those who were hospitalized.
The man appears to have passed out behind the door of the room where he was staying and the Fire Department had to break down the shutters to enter the room.
Today, several of them returned to the hotel to collect their personal belongings. Another four people remain under medical observation for precautionary reasons. The owner was arrested and charged with dangerous damage and negligent bodily harm.
According to hotel guests, the malaise started when the indoor heating was activated due to low temperature, with many of the residents saying that they felt something was wrong and informed the hotel employees.
As it turned out, the poisoning was caused by a carbon monoxide leak.
“9 people came to us in a semi-conscious state, they had loss of consciousness, tendency to vomit and malaise. All tests were done, oxygen was administered. About an hour ago, everyone was discharged”, says the Governor of the Florina Hospital, Giorgos Mantsos.
“We felt something,” said a girl, the sufferer. But he was fine,” describes a resident.
“On Friday when I came to drink coffee in the afternoon, the shop smelled. Gas. And I say it smells and they tell me so and so. We put on the gas, they tell me, nothing else,” adds another.
As reported by the TV report of SKAI, the hotel was recently renovated and started its operation on September 13.
“All the installations are new, I believe it is a fatal error of the manufacturer. If you look there it has blinds. Probably the wind blew and the exhaust fumes entered the basement and the rooms. There should be an expert opinion”, sums up the Mayor of Amyntaio Ioannis Liasis.
According to kozanimedia, the hotel did not have an operating license for the health care store.
A few days before, the competent department of the EOT (Regional Tourism Service) of Kozani, acting immediately, issued a fine of 10,000 euros to the owner of the hotel.
Also, the total amount includes the fine because the owner company had allegedly submitted false information for the operating license application.
The P.E. is also aware of the matter. Florina, as the deputy regional governor Athanasios Taskas pointed out to Kozanimedia, noting that a health team visited the hotel unit and it was closed, without control.
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#Florina #Mystery #surrounding #poisoning #hotels #occupants #permission #48yearold #fighting #life
This script appears to set up ad slots using Google Publisher Tag (GPT) for a website, likely a news or media site given the context of references to articles and common ad placements. Below is an explanation of the different components in the script:
1. **Defining Ad Slots**:
– Using `googletag.defineSlot`, several ad units are created with specified dimensions and a slot name. The slots include various configurations for different placements:
– **`/40897325/eleftherostypos.gr/inread_video`**: An in-read video ad slot.
– **`/40897325/eleftherostypos.gr/inline2`**, **`inline3`**, and **`article_end`**: Inline ad slots that will display within the content of the articles.
– **`/40897325/eleftherostypos.gr/article_Sidebar1`** and **`Sidebar2`** are only defined if it is not a mobile view.
– **`/40897325/eleftherostypos.gr/billboard2`**: A larger billboard ad slot that likely runs prominently on the page.
2. **Size Mappings**:
- Each slot has size mappings defined with `defineSizeMapping`, allowing the ad slots to respond to different screen sizes by showing the most appropriate ad size.
3. **Targeting**:
– Various targeting parameters are set for the ads, such as `pageType`, `category`, and `article_id`, which help serve relevant ads based on the content.
4. **Ad Services Settings**:
– Calls such as `collapseEmptyDivs()`, `disableInitialLoad()`, `enableSingleRequest()`, and `setCentering(true)` help control the behavior of the ads on the page, managing how they are loaded and displayed.
5. **Displaying Ads**:
– The `displaySlot` function is called for each defined slot if certain conditions (like non-mobile) are met.
6. **AdSense Handling**:
– The script includes a block of code that removes AdSense ads depending on whether the user is on a mobile device or desktop.
7. **Integration with Other Services**:
– The script initializes OneSignal for push notifications and sets up Disqus for comments, using a configurable method for integration.
8. **Asynchronous Loading**:
– Various parts of the code are prepared for asynchronous loading of external scripts and modules (denoted by `asyncLoadScript`), allowing for non-blocking behavior in the web application, improving load times and responsiveness.
9. **Comment Systems Setup**:
– Disqus is configured with a specific page URL and identifier, ensuring comments are correctly associated with articles.
this script is responsible for efficiently defining ad placements across a web page, targeting the right audience, and integrating with other web services to enhance user engagement and monetization.
Vior of ad rendering and the way ads are displayed on the page. These settings are crucial for optimizing the overall user experience and ad performance.
5. **Loading the Ads**:
– the script calls `googletag.enableServices()` and `googletag.display()` to initiate the loading of ads. The idea is to ensure only the necessary ads are loaded based on the user’s device and to maximize viewability and engagement.
6. **Ad Removal Logic**:
– The script includes checks to remove ad slots for either mobile or desktop views, ensuring that ads meant for a specific device type do not appear incorrectly. This helps maintain a clean interface on mobile devices by eliminating non-mobile compatible ads.
7. **External Ad Services**:
– There are references to other ad plugins and services including OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for comments, and various ad tracking and analytics services like Facebook Pixel, Microsoft Clarity, and Yandex Metrica. These external services are essential for enhancing user engagement, analyzing user interactions, and monetizing content effectively through targeted advertising.
8. **Error Handling & Timeouts**:
– The script contains functions that include timeouts to ensure asynchronous loading of scripts and to prevent blocking the main thread. This way, the website can maintain performance while loading various ads and scripts.
By using a complex combination of these elements, the script aims to create a seamless experience for both the users and advertisers, allowing for personalized ad delivery and effective monetization without compromising website performance.