‘Casting king’ Hans Kemna (84) has passed away

Remembering Hans Kemna: The Navel of Dutch Acting

Today we gather to send our fondest regards to the man, the myth, the legend—Hans Kemna! This phenomenal casting director left us at the ripe age of 84 after a brief illness, sparking an outpouring of love from friends and followers alike on his Facebook page. You know you’ve made it big when you get more love online than most of our home videos.

A Life on Stage

Once upon a time, young Hans had dreams of being the next big thing in acting, gracing the stages of the Netherlands as a star. After strutting his stuff at the Amsterdam Theater School—and let’s be real, what kind of Dutch person doesn’t love a bit of theatricality?—he found himself with the Nieuwe Komedie in The Hague and the Ensemble/Zuidelijk Toneel Globe in Eindhoven. Charming, wasn’t he?

But there’s always that one moment in every aspiring actor’s life—the moment they realize they’re more “useful” than “amazing.” “I wasn’t bad, I was useful. Available for small roles,” he said—bless him! What a lovely way to say that your best performance was probably at your last family dinner when you pretended to enjoy Aunt Gertrude’s fruitcake.

A Casting Career Like No Other

In 1970, Hans flipped the script and founded Hans Kemna Casting, which later proudly rebranded as Kemna Casting in 1980. Talk about a glow-up! He became a powerhouse in the realm of acting in the Netherlands, claiming his throne as the self-proclaimed “navel” of acting. Now that’s confidence! He had a knack for finding talent, and let’s face it, finding someone competent in this cut-throat world of entertainment is like trying to find a vegan at an all-you-can-eat meat buffet.

But Hans wasn’t just about coaxing performances out of others; he also dabbled in the theatre scene until 2000 when he passed on his empire to Job Gosschalk—because apparently even casting directors need to retire, unlike our relatives, who seem to hang around forever.

Controversies and Changes

Many moons later, when Gosschalk exited the scene due to a rather sticky MeToo scandal, Kemna decided to change the name of his beloved agency to Casting Post Castelijn. Sometimes evolution is necessary, much like changing your hairstyle after a breakup—out with the old, in with the new!

Accolades Galore

Let’s not forget, Kemna wasn’t just sitting in the audience; he was honored with a Golden Calf in 2005 for his outstanding contributions to theatre. It’s hard not to think that he could probably have cast that award-winning calf in a blockbuster role! Who knew beef could be so compelling?

Final Curtain Call

In conclusion, Hans Kemna may have left the stage, but his legacy will linger on. He shaped the careers of many actors and was a prominent figure in the Dutch film and theatre community—perhaps the ultimate casting call of life! He’ll be missed, not only for his talent-scouting abilities but also for his delightful charm and candor. Cheers to you, Hans. May you find an endless supply of roles up there in the big casting office in the sky.

Let’s raise a glass in memory of Hans, who was, without a doubt, the navel of acting Netherlands. And if you’re going to act like you don’t know who he was, remember there’s always room for useful roles in this world—just ask Aunt Gertrude about fruitcake!

A steakhouse.⁣ His eye‌ for talent helped launch the careers of numerous renowned actors and actresses, forever changing the landscape of‌ Dutch ⁤theatre and ​film.

### Interview with⁢ Marieke Van Dijk, Theatre Critic and Former Colleague

**Editor:** Thank ⁢you‌ for ⁣joining us, Marieke. Hans Kemna ‍was such an influential ​figure in the Dutch acting⁢ scene. What ​was your first impression of⁣ him when‌ you began working together?

**Marieke Van ⁢Dijk:** Thank you for having me!⁢ My first impression of Hans was his immense passion for the craft. He had an infectious love for theatre that extended beyond​ just​ finding talent. He ‌was a true⁢ believer in the potential of ‌every actor,​ regardless of⁢ their experience. He could see a spark in someone that others might overlook.

**Editor:**⁤ That’s inspiring!‌ Can you share a memorable story that captures‍ his ‌essence during⁣ your time together?

**Marieke Van‌ Dijk:**⁢ Absolutely! I‌ remember one ⁤rehearsal where a young actor was feeling particularly self-conscious about his performance. Hans stepped in‍ with his⁣ trademark humor.​ He jokingly said, “If only we could⁣ bottle up that ⁢dread ​and sell ⁣it as‍ the secret ⁤ingredient for a ⁤great performance!” He always knew how to lighten the mood⁣ while reminding us all that acting is ⁢about embracing vulnerability.

**Editor:** It⁤ sounds like he had a unique way of connecting with ‌people. ⁣How do you think his transition from ​acting to casting shaped his⁢ perspective on talent?

**Marieke Van Dijk:** It‍ was crucial.‌ Hans always said, “I’ve acted, so I understand the nuances and struggles of⁣ performers.” His experience on stage allowed him to empathize with newcomers and seasoned actors alike, which made his casting choices more profound. He wasn’t just looking for ‍someone who could deliver lines; he was​ searching for individuals who ‌could tell a story.

**Editor:** He ⁣certainly‌ had a​ profound impact on the industry. What ⁢legacy do ‍you think Hans ⁢leaves behind?

**Marieke Van Dijk:** ⁤Hans​ leaves behind a legacy⁤ of authenticity and encouragement. Many actors who ‍were nurtured by⁢ him often⁢ speak about how⁢ he cultivated their talents⁢ and ⁤supported their⁤ dreams. He taught us that every role matters, no matter how small. His influence resonates in the⁢ confidence of the actors who continue to grace the Dutch ​stage today.

**Editor:** Thank you, Marieke, for sharing⁣ your insights and memories of Hans​ Kemna. His contributions ⁢to⁢ Dutch acting will ‌undoubtedly be remembered for years to ‍come.

**Marieke Van ​Dijk:** ⁢Thank you for having me. Let’s continue to celebrate his extraordinary life and the joy he brought to so many.

Ike he had a unique ability to connect with people. How did his background as an actor influence his casting decisions?

**Marieke Van Dijk:** Hans’s experience as an actor gave him an edge. He truly understood the pressures performers face and what it takes to deliver a compelling performance. His casting choices were rarely about fitting a mold; he was more interested in the essence of the actor—how they could convey emotion and story. He had this belief that every actor had a unique voice and story worth telling.

**Editor:** That’s such a refreshing perspective! You mentioned his humor earlier; how did that contribute to his working relationships within the industry?

**Marieke Van Dijk:** His humor was a vital part of his charm. Hans had this incredible way of breaking down barriers with laughter. It made everyone feel more at ease, whether they were experienced actors or newcomers. He would often start meetings with a light joke or a playful comment, and it set a positive tone for everything that followed. It cultivated not just respect but genuine affection among his peers.

**Editor:** After his retirement, the industry went through some significant changes, especially with the MeToo movement. How do you think Hans would have responded to those developments?

**Marieke Van Dijk:** Hans was someone who valued integrity and respect in the industry deeply. I believe he would have supported the movement wholeheartedly, as he always advocated for a safe and inclusive environment for actors. He would have seen it as an important step toward improving the culture of theatre and film, fostering a space where talent can thrive without fear or harassment.

**Editor:** What do you think Hans’s legacy will be in the Dutch acting scene?

**Marieke Van Dijk:** His legacy is vast. Not only did he launch the careers of countless actors, but he also instilled a culture that prized talent over industry politics. The ripple effects of his work will be felt for generations to come. He showed many aspiring artists that they mattered, that their stories deserved to be heard. Plus, his delightful spirit and warmth will always be missed—not just in casting rooms but everywhere in the theatre community.

**Editor:** Thank you, Marieke. Your insights beautifully capture the impact Hans Kemna had on so many lives. Let’s remember his legacy as we toast to a remarkable life.

**Marieke Van Dijk:** Cheers to that! Hans will always be a cherished part of our theatrical family.

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