Mendoni for October 28: Greece with a strong Armed Forces and a recovered economy can march steadily forward

Lina Mendoni attended the doxology at the Holy Metropolitan Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin, under the patronage of the most respected Metropolitan of Monemvasia and Sparta Mr. Efstathiou.

He then laid a wreath at the Leonidas Cenotaph, in memory of the glorious dead of the Nation, and then watched the military and student parade with a crowd of people.

“Happy birthday everyone. Today we honor all those who ensured Greece its freedom. We honor our ancestors for their heroic sacrifice,” said the Minister of Culture after the parade ended.

“Today Greece, with a strong Armed Forces and a recovered economy, has the ability to march steadily forward, proud of the people and their conquests. We pay tribute, knowing the past, to a stable present and wishing for a prosperous future, which we can secure when we are all together, with faith in the values ​​and ideals of the Nation,” she added.


Hardalias: October 28th is a constant reminder of our responsibilities towards History and future generations

Gerapetritis for October 28: The Greek soul is our beacon and compass

Dendias for October 28: “We are proceeding with the biggest reform of the Greek Armed Forces”

October 28: Spectacular images of the military parade – Tanks, fighters and helicopters

October 28: The touching message of the ZEUS pilot over Thessaloniki – “We owe it to those who came, passed, will come, will pass” [βίντεο]

October 28: Mirage, Phantom and Rafale fighters covered the sky of Thessaloniki – Impressive images

October 28: The modern Leopard 1 and 2 tanks impressed in Thessaloniki [βίντεο]

October 28th: ​​The student parade in Athens has ended – the “Syntagma” Metro station has opened

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#Mendoni #October #Greece #strong #Armed #Forces #recovered #economy #march #steadily
It seems you’ve posted a ​piece ⁤of JavaScript code related to Google Publisher Tag (GPT) setup for digital ‍advertising. ⁢The code is defining ‍ad slots, handling targeting and service configurations, initializing various advertising‌ systems, and containing segments for different advertising frameworks (like ‍AdSense, Disqus, and OneSignal).

Here’s a brief breakdown of ‍the components​ in the provided ⁢code:

1. **Ad Slot Definitions**:

– Several ad slots are defined using `googletag.defineSlot(…)`. Each ad ‌slot is⁣ identified by a⁢ specific path (e.g., `/40897325/`) and has a set of dimensions in which it can render.

2. **Size Mapping**:

– Calls to `defineSizeMapping(…)` allow for responsive ad sizes based on the viewer’s device.

3.‍ **Targeting**:

– The ⁣code sets‌ targeting ⁤attributes​ using `setTargeting(…)`, which help in showing‌ more relevant ads to users based on the context like ‍page type, category, ⁢and article⁢ ID.

4. **Bootstrap**:‍

⁤ – The script includes bootstrap‍ commands to configure GPT before the ad services are enabled,‍ such as collapsing empty divs and enabling single requests.

5. **Display Function**:

​ – The function `displaySlot(‘slotName’)` is called for each defined ad slot, which presumably ‍handles the logic for⁢ rendering those‌ ads ​on the page.

6.⁣ **Mobile and Desktop Conditions**:

– The presence of `if (!window.isMobile)` checks determines which ad slots to⁣ display based on whether the user is on a mobile device⁣ or desktop.

7. **Third-Party Integrations**:

-⁤ The code includes segments for ​initializing Third-Party services⁢ like OneSignal (push ⁣notifications), Disqus (commenting), AdSense (alternative advertisement management), ⁣and others. There are also commented-out sections suggesting that there’s⁣ flexibility for other integrations (like CleverCore, Taboola, Vidoomy, etc.).

8. **Error ⁤Handling and Cleanup**:

– There are various calls to clean up or remove elements, particularly for⁤ managing AdSense placements based on the device ⁣type.

### Suggestions:

– **Error⁢ Handling**: Make sure ‍try-catch statements wrap asynchronous calls to‍ handle script ⁤loading​ errors ⁤effectively.

– **Load Optimization**: Consider loading ⁤non-critical scripts after the main ⁣content for better initial load performance.

– **Clean Code**: Some‍ segments seem to be commented out‌ or incomplete (e.g., unfinished asyncLoadScript​ calls). Keep the codebase clean by removing or completing⁢ these parts if not needed.

If you have specific questions about ⁣sections of the code or need help with something else related to this setup, feel free to ask!

The `window.isMobile` check indicates that the code is designed to differentiate between mobile and desktop experiences: it removes AdSense slots that shouldn’t be displayed based on the device type.

7. **AdSense Integration**:

– The script initializes Google AdSense advertisements by managing the display of ads based on the current device. If ads are present, an async script loader function (`asyncLoadScript`) is invoked to facilitate further actions related to those ads.

8. **Third-party Advertising**:

– Additional functionalities are integrated, including support for various advertising frameworks like Phaistos Adman, Glomex, and Vidoomy. Each section denotes a specific service with its configuration or script loading mechanism.

9. **OneSignal for Notifications**:

– The OneSignal integration includes a configuration for push notifications, using an `appId` to manage user subscriptions and notifications.

10. **Comments and Unused Codes**:

– There are segments of code commented out (e.g., CleverCore, Facebook Pixel), indicating potential features that are either not in use or were considered for implementation.

11. **Timeout Functions**:

– The implementation of `setTimeout` is used throughout the script to delay specific actions, allowing resources or conditions to stabilize (like waiting for user engagement) before executing further script functionalities.

12. **Analytics and Tracking**:

– Integrations for Microsoft Clarity and Yandex Metrica are also present, aimed at tracking user engagement and providing analytics data.

### Summary

this JavaScript code is part of a comprehensive setup for managing digital advertising through various networks and services. It facilitates ads served under different conditions and platforms, with logic to ensure the right type of ads appear to users based on their devices, while also incorporating user engagement tools via push notifications and analytics. The commented-out sections suggest flexibility and potential future functionalities in the advertising strategy.

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