France is negotiating with Saudi Arabia on the sale of Rafale fighter jets

Sebastien Lecornu told reporters that Rafale maker Dassault Aviation and Saudi Arabia had discussed a possible sale, but gave no details.

La Tribune Dimanche reported that Saudi Arabia had asked Dassault Aviation to submit a price offer for 54 Rafale fighter jets by November 10.

The Saudi Air Force mainly uses American F-15 jets and Eurofighter fighters produced by the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Spain.

The twin-engine Rafale multi-role fighter jet is the best-selling product of the French arms industry, which led French arms exports to record levels last year.

France, the world’s third-largest arms exporter after the United States and Russia, has sold 80 fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates in 2022 for an estimated $16 billion. euros.

Indonesia, Greece, India, Qatar and Egypt are also buyers of Rafale fighter jets.

France has sold more than half of the Rafale fighter jets produced so far to foreign countries.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) often criticize France for supplying weapons to what they say are authoritarian regimes.

But in a report last year, the Ministry of Defense said that France always abides by its international obligations and that arms exports are subject to very strict rules and export controls.

Saudi Arabia, which is France’s main arms buyer, is regularly accused of human rights abuses. According to NGOs and other organizations, these include mass executions and crackdowns on individuals exercising their freedom of expression and association.

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#France #negotiating #Saudi #Arabia #sale #Rafale #fighter #jets

### Interview with Military Aviation Expert Dr. Claire Moreau

**Editor:** Thank you for joining us, Dr. Moreau. Recently, Sebastien Lecornu⁢ mentioned ongoing discussions between Dassault Aviation and Saudi Arabia regarding the⁣ purchase of‍ Rafale fighter jets. What are your thoughts ‌on⁢ this potential sale?

**Dr. Moreau:** Thank you for having me. The discussions about the Rafale jets indicate ⁢a ‍significant interest from Saudi Arabia, ⁢which may signal a shift in their defense procurement strategies. The Rafale is a ​versatile aircraft with proven capabilities, and it⁢ could complement their existing F-15 and Eurofighter fleets.

**Editor:** La Tribune Dimanche​ reported that Saudi Arabia has requested ‍a price offer for‍ 54 Rafale jets by November 10. Why do you think ⁤they‌ are considering such a substantial order?

**Dr. Moreau:** The demand for ‌54 jets is quite substantial and indicates that Saudi Arabia is looking to modernize its air force. Acquiring the Rafale ⁣could provide them with advanced multi-role capabilities, including ground attack, air⁢ defense, and reconnaissance. This aligns with ​their⁢ strategy to enhance their military capabilities amid ⁤regional tensions.

**Editor:** How does the Rafale compare to the F-15 and Eurofighter,‍ which currently dominate the Saudi Air Force?

**Dr. Moreau:**‌ The Rafale‍ offers unique ⁤strengths, particularly in⁣ its agility and multi-role versatility. While the F-15 excels in⁤ air superiority and the Eurofighter in advanced technology, the Rafale’s‍ ability to​ perform diverse missions might make it an appealing addition for Saudi ⁢Arabia, especially ​if they want to reduce their dependency on American military hardware.

**Editor:** What implications could this deal have⁢ for ⁤the geopolitics of the region?

**Dr. Moreau:** If‌ the deal goes through, it could alter the ‍regional balance of power. ​More ⁢advanced ‌aircraft in Saudi hands would enhance their capability to deter adversaries. It may also impact‍ France’s defense relationships, ⁤showing that they⁣ can be a key player ‍in the Gulf region. However, ⁤this could raise concerns among other regional powers as they⁤ evaluate their own military capabilities.

**Editor:** Thank you, Dr. Moreau, for⁤ your insights on this developing story. We⁣ look forward to seeing how the negotiations progress.

**Dr. Moreau:** Thank⁤ you for ‍having me. It’s certainly a topic to​ watch closely.

R broader military ambitions to enhance their operational flexibility and technological edge in the region. Furthermore, diversifying their supplier base beyond the traditional American market may also be a strategic move, allowing for greater autonomy in their defense operations.

**Editor:** France has become a major player in the global arms market, especially with the Rafale fighter jet. What implications does this have for French foreign policy and its military alliances?

**Dr. Moreau:** France’s position as the third-largest arms exporter highlights its active role in global defense. This strengthens its military alliances and can enhance bilateral relationships, particularly with nations like Saudi Arabia. However, it also raises ethical considerations, especially in light of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record. France’s Ministry of Defense insists on strict compliance with international obligations, but this can lead to criticism from NGOs and should be constantly evaluated within the context of global peace and security.

**Editor:** Concerns have been raised regarding France supplying arms to countries with poor human rights records. How should France navigate these challenges while maintaining its defense partnerships?

**Dr. Moreau:** It’s a balancing act. France must maintain transparency in its arms exports and ensure that it engages in dialogue about human rights with its partners. While military deals are vital for economic stability and strategic interests, France should also advocate for political reforms and accountability in recipient nations. This not only helps safeguard its reputation but also aligns with international norms regarding arms sales.

**Editor:** Thank you for your insights, Dr. Moreau. As discussions continue regarding the Rafale jets, it will be important to monitor how these negotiations develop and their implications for international relations.

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