Takis Theodorikakos: The profit ceiling imposed on supermarkets will not be abolished

The Minister of Development told MEGA that the government’s burden falls on ensuring long-term economic growth and competitiveness.

“What is of interest to the government is that social and regional inequalities are continuously reduced and we increase the disposable income of citizens.”

“From day one I have told the food industry, multinationals and supermarkets that they must respond with a sense of social responsibility and reduce their average profit. We ask the state to increase controls to ensure that this legality is respected. Controls will be intensified as many reductions as the supermarkets make,” he said.

Furthermore, Takis Theodorikakos emphasized that the profit ceiling imposed on supermarkets will not be abolished.

The government is turning to productive investments, with the Minister of Development explaining how it concerns the border areas in all areas of entrepreneurship, mainly in industry.

“Over the next 3 years, we are releasing over 3 billion euros into the market with incentives, tax breaks and subsidies. Entrepreneurs make investments where it suits them. Our mission is to help with incentives, improve infrastructure with the proper road and rail network to safely transport the products, without much cost, to create good jobs and keep the new kids there,” he said.

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#Takis #Theodorikakos #profit #ceiling #imposed #supermarkets #abolished
The code you’ve ⁣provided⁢ is a JavaScript snippet for initializing Google ⁤Publisher Tags (GPT)⁤ to manage the ad placements on a website, specifically for a news site called “eleftherostypos.gr.” This script sets‍ up various ‍ad⁢ slots, targeting options, and supports mobile and desktop configurations.

Here’s a breakdown of⁢ the main components:

1. **Ad Slot Definitions**:

– Multiple ad slots are defined using `googletag.defineSlot` for different placements on the page (e.g., `inread_video`, `inline2`, `inline3`, `article_end`, etc.). Each slot has‌ defined sizes and mappings.

– Depending on whether the user is on a mobile device (`window.isMobile`), additional ⁣sidebar ad slots are defined.

2. **Targeting Options**:

– The script⁢ sets targeting parameters like `pageType`, `category`, and `article_id` to help serve relevant ads to users ⁣based on the content‌ they⁣ are viewing.

3. **Bootstrap Configuration**:

– The `googletag.pubads()` configuration options manage ad ​behavior, such as collapsing empty divs,⁤ disabling initial load,⁢ enabling single request mode, and centering ads.

4. **Displaying Ads**:

– Ads are displayed by calling the `displaySlot` ​function for the defined ad⁢ slots. This is done conditionally ‍based on the device ‍type.

5. **Google AdSense ‌Removal for Mobile/Desktop**:

– The script removes AdSense elements from the DOM depending on whether the user is ⁢on mobile‍ or‌ desktop devices.

6. **Integration of Other Services**:

– Integrates with OneSignal ⁢for push notifications and a commented-out section for Disqus, ‌which‌ is used for comments on articles.

– ​There’s ‍also a section for ⁢async loading various scripts which are likely for other advertising networks or ⁤features (like Phaistos Adman, Taboola, etc.).

7. **Error Handling and Dynamic Script Loading**:

– Various async load script functions are defined but not fully implemented, indicating places where external ‌scripts or integrations ⁢could be added or modified.

### Key Considerations:

– Ensure that⁢ all ‍the‍ async script loading links are valid and supported.

– Review ad performance based on targeting and placement.

– Ensure compliance with privacy regulations (like GDPR) when setting up ads and user tracking functionalities.

– Optimize the‍ ad loading strategy for better page load performance and user experience.

If you need help with⁤ a specific aspect of the code or have questions about optimizing ad serving, feel free to ask!

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