US Elections: Anxiety and Fear Against a Background of Division – America on a tightrope

As the WSJ reports in the key state of Georgia, voter sentiment is running high as Kamala Harris and Donald Trump hold campaign rallies, highlighting the deep divide Americans feel.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal poll, 87% of voters fear that America will be permanently damaged if the candidate they support loses. Of those who support Harris, 57% say they are afraid if Trump wins, while 47% of Trump supporters express the same fear if Harris wins.

Concern about potential violence is also high, with half of voters believing riots are likely regardless of the outcome. The poll shows the race to be close, with Trump narrowly ahead, but within the margin of error. Even renowned election analyst Nate Silver expressed uncertainty, stating that he cannot confidently predict the winner.

With the stakes so high, both campaigns have hardened their rhetoric in an effort to mobilize voters. Kamala Harris called Trump a “fascist,” while Trump accused her of being a “communist” and a “threat to democracy.” Elon Musk, who is campaigning for Trump in Pennsylvania, warned that “if Trump loses, the future of the country is at stake and there may not be another election.”

This fear-mongering seems to be paying off, with early voting at a record high. More than 38 million Americans have already voted before Election Day, according to the University of Florida. In Georgia, voter turnout has been hitting record highs every day since early voting began on Oct. 15, with voters in politically mixed areas such as Marietta and Maricopa expressing anxiety about the coming weeks.

The close election contest has left political professionals unsure of what to expect. Democratic and Republican strategists are expressing both confidence and uncertainty as they consider the factors that could influence the outcome.

Election analysts pose some key questions:

Are Trump voters being underestimated in the polls, as has happened in the past, or are they being overestimated in an attempt to correct past mistakes?

Is there an invisible surge of female voters due to abortion rights, or a surge of male voters drawn to Trump’s unconventional rhetoric?

As the contest remains on a razor’s edge, even a small event, a weather upset in a key state or a last-minute scandal could be decisive.

As early voting numbers continue to rise, the country remains on edge, with many voters feeling the stakes are unprecedented.

At a Harris rally, former President Barack Obama tried to rally the crowd, warning that Trump’s behavior might seem “funny” but his presidency would be dangerous. Many in the crowd expressed the view that this year’s election is different from previous ones, with the outcome having more significance than simple issues of taxation or social policy.

At Trump’s rally in Georgia, thousands of supporters gathered to hear him. Many Trump supporters believe the 2020 election was rigged and fear another Trump defeat could spell the end of American democracy.

The final days of the 2024 election have put voters in a state of intense anxiety and anticipation. With the showdown so lopsided and the rhetoric so intense, both sides are gearing up for the most critical election in modern American history.

The WSJ points out that “as voters head to the polls, the nation holds its breath, waiting for the outcome that could determine the country’s future for years to come.”

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#Elections #Anxiety #Fear #Background #Division #America #tightrope
The provided code is a JavaScript⁣ snippet for setting up ad units⁢ on⁤ a webpage using Google Publisher Tag (GPT) and other ad network ⁢integrations. Below is a breakdown of its components:

### 1. Definition of Ad Slots

The code begins by defining⁢ various ad slots with‌ assigned sizes and targeting parameters using `googletag.defineSlot()`.⁢ Different ad units are created for different sections‍ of​ the website, such as in-read video ads, ⁢inline ads, and sidebars.

– **Ad ‍Slot Examples**:

⁢ – `inread_video` for video ads.

⁤ – `inline2` and `inline3` for inline placements within the article.

⁣ ⁢- `article_end` for an ‌ad unit placed at⁢ the end of an article.

⁢ – `sidebar1`​ and `sidebar2` for sidebar ads (only if the user is⁢ not on‌ a mobile device).

### 2. Size Mapping

Each ad unit defines a size mapping using the ​`defineSizeMapping()` ⁢method to​ specify the ad sizes that should be served depending on the screen size.

### 3. Targeting ⁢Parameters

Several targeting parameters are set using `googletag.pubads().setTargeting()`, ​which help ‍to​ serve relevant ads to users based on the type of content they are viewing.‍ The parameters include:

– `pageType`: set to ‘article’.

– `category`: indicates ⁣the category​ of the article.

– `article_id`: identifies the specific article.

### 4. Ad‌ Display Configuration

The code⁣ includes configurations for loading and displaying ad units, encapsulated under ‌the `googletag.pubads()` methods:

– `collapseEmptyDivs()`: hides any ⁤ad slots⁤ that don’t have ads served.

-​ `disableInitialLoad()`: prevents ads⁤ from loading immediately.

– `enableSingleRequest()`: allows for sending a single request to load all ads.

– `setCentering(true)`:⁤ centers the ad placements on the webpage.

### 5. Ad Rendering

The ⁢`displaySlot()` function is invoked to render the defined ad slots on ⁤the page, ensuring ads are displayed appropriately depending on whether the⁣ user is on a mobile device or desktop.

### 6. Google AdSense Integration

There are sections of‍ the code dedicated to handling Google AdSense, ensuring that the correct ads ‌are displayed⁣ based on the user’s⁢ device type. For example, it removes AdSense elements that are ‍not applicable based on the device.

### 7. Other ⁣Integrations

The code includes initialization setups for other​ ad and ⁢analytics services:

– **OneSignal**: For push notifications.

– **Disqus**: For comments integration.

– ⁣**Script Loading**: It has placeholders⁤ and comments indicating where to integrate ⁢scripts ⁤for various ⁢services​ like Adman, Taboola, and others.

### ⁣8. Comments and Placeholders

Throughout the code, there ⁤are commented blocks indicating where further integrations could occur, demonstrating that this snippet is ‌part of a broader⁢ system ⁢that can be‌ dynamically ‍expanded or modified.

### Summary

This code provides a comprehensive‍ setup for managing ad placements and various targeting strategies on a website.‍ It efficiently organizes the process of loading ads​ and integrating with multiple ad networks, ensuring a better‍ user experience while monetizing content effectively.

The JavaScript snippet you provided outlines a complex advertising setup for a webpage, integrating various ad networks and functionalities. Below is a simplified breakdown of the key components, with some additional context:

### 1. Ad Unit Removal

The snippet first checks the user’s device (desktop or mobile) and removes specific ad units accordingly:

– **Desktop Ads**: `.adsense-for-desktop` class elements have their `.adsbygoogle` children removed.

– **Mobile Ads**: Similar operation for `.adsense-for-mobile` class elements.

### 2. AdSense Slot Management

– It then checks for existing ad slots with the class `.adsbygoogle`. If any are found, it processes them for further handling, though the function within the loop is not fully defined.

### 3. Additional Ad Integration

Several ad integration components are set up, allowing for asynchronous loading of ad scripts for different networks and services:

– **Phaistos Adman**: Configured to push ad units to a queue.

– **OneSignal**: Pushes an initialization function for web push notifications with an app ID specified.

– **Disqus**: Configures Disqus comments by setting the URL and identifier for tracking purposes and loads the Disqus script after a set delay.

### 4. Loading Scripts Asynchronously

The function `asyncLoadScript()` is mentioned multiple times, indicating that scripts for various ad services (like Google AdSense, Taboola, etc.) and tools (like Microsoft Clarity and Yandex Metrica) are loaded asynchronously, which is crucial for maintaining the performance of the webpage as scripts can be fetched and executed without blocking the rendering of the content.

### 5. Script and Configuration Timeout

Various script loading procedures are wrapped in `setTimeout()` calls to stagger the loading of different ads, which helps manage ad load timing and performance on the page.

### 6. Ad Slot Configurations

Although the actual code for defining ad slots with `googletag.defineSlot()` is not visible in your snippet, it’s noted that different types of ads are intended for different locations on the website (e.g., in-read video ads, sidebar ads).

### 7. Configuration Parameters

The ad units are likely to have specific targeting parameters set, such as:

– `pageType`: Could be set to ‘article’.

– `category`: To correspond to the content category.

– `article_id`: To uniquely identify the article associated with the ads.

### 8. Final Execution

functions to hide empty ad slots, prevent initial loading, enable single requests for ad loading, and centering placements are outlined. This ensures ads display appropriately, maximizing engagement based on user interaction and characteristics.

### Conclusion

This JavaScript snippet is a template for effectively incorporating and managing multiple ad networks on a website, using asynchronous loading to enhance performance while ensuring relevant ads are served based on user characteristics and page context. Each component is crucial for optimizing ad revenue and user experience on the web.

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