The Tumultuous Divorce of Ivana Andrlová and Ivan Vyskočil: A Czech Show Business Saga

Milan Bauer October 28, 2024

3 minutes

Ivan Vyskočil was the love of life of the actress from the series Ulice Ivany Andrlové. But their marriage did not last and a divorce followed, which is still talked about today as one of the harshest that ever took place in Czech show business.

It was then for Ivana Andrlová she was only twenty-one years old when she married the actor Ivan Vyskočil, who was fourteen years her senior. He was handsome and a man with great charisma, who probably completely confused the actress. She didn’t care that Vyskočil was divorced twice, she was sure that he was the right one.

VIDEO: Ivana Andrlová and her visit to Honza Dědek’s 7 falls. Take a look

Source: Youtube

For a long time they looked like an advertisement for happiness, their daughter Michaela was born, but in 1996 their marriage broke up. Whoever expected that they would be able to agree on everything amicably would be mistaken. On the contrary, everything was very heated from the beginning. Their divorce is still rated as one of the roughest that ever took place in Czech show business.

“I was with Andrlova for fifteen years. But she was only with me for thirteen, because in the meantime she had some new love. What was left for me but to pretend I didn’t know and wait for her to get over it. But somehow she didn’t get over it,” described Vyskočil marriage from his point of view.

They allegedly cheated on each other

It is still rumored that during the marriage Ivana Andrlová maintained a relationship with theater colleague Marko Libert. At the time before the divorce Vyskočil was even supposed to catch his wife with her lover. At that time, he allegedly broke into Libert’s apartment by force and ended up with a criminal complaint on his neck because of it.

The actress has claimed from the beginning that she is the one being cheated on. The actor was said to have maintained a relationship with his later wife during the marriage Anife Vyskočilová. In addition, she complained that Vyskočil did not want to let her alone into the company. It’s hard to tell if he just wanted to be home alone or if it was jealousy.

They also fought over property

During the divorce, a battle also broke out over the house in which they had previously lived together with their daughter. “She began to claim that she would use the house from which she left herself,” Ivan Vyskočil said at the time, saying that Ivana had gone crazy. He also complained that Andrlová was making it impossible for him to contact his daughter Míša.

Ivana was greatly affected by the harsh divorce and for a long time she could not even talk about it. Twelve years ago, however, she made one exception, and at least in an interview for Vlasta, she gave advice to women who are toying with the idea of ​​ending a dysfunctional marriage. “Perhaps I would say that a person should not stay in something that does not work and does not bring him joy,” she let herself be heard.

Great reconciliation thanks to the granddaughter

It took her a really long time to come to terms with the divorce. “Some people get over it in a few weeks, some people take many years,” she revealed to Vlasta magazine. But as they say – time heals all wounds. In this case, the granddaughter helped a lot.

Ivana Andrlová thoroughly enjoyed the role of grandmother from the beginning. “I have two chargers in my life. Once is the sea. When I get to it, it feels like a cell phone when it’s plugged into the socket. Now I have a second charger, but also a discharger, because the baby is absolutely wretched. But it’s amazing and completely different from being a mom.” she confided in the program Close Encounters four years ago.


Divorces and Showbiz: A Cut Above the Rest or Just a Bad Rerun?

Ah, the Czech showbiz landscape — where love flourishes like wildflowers in the spring and divorces are as high-stakes as a game of poker with your in-laws. Milan Bauer’s recent article on Ivana Andrlová and Ivan Vyskočil’s tumultuous marriage is a glaring example of how romantic relationships in the limelight are anything but rosy. And tell you what, folks, this isn’t your typical “we grew apart” saga. This is more like a scandalous soap opera we didn’t know we needed until now!

Young Love and Old Drama

Picture it: a 21-year-old Ivana Andrlová, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, walking down the aisle with handsome, 35-year-old Ivan Vyskočil. A classic case of “let’s just ignore the red flags and hope for the best!” I mean, doesn’t this remind you of those cringe-worthy rom-coms where the lead seems too good to be true? Spoiler alert: they usually are. Vyskočil’s multiple ex-wives should have been a plot twist, but she was convinced that they were destined to be. And didn’t that raise some eyebrows in the Czech entertainment circles?

Divorce: The Drama in the Family Theatre

Fast forward to 1996 – the marriage crumbles, and suddenly it’s not just the heart that’s broken, it’s a full-blown PR disaster. The phrases “one of the fiercest divorces in Czech showbiz history” don’t come out of nowhere! Like two soap opera stars fighting over the last bottle of champagne at an awards show, Andrlová and Vyskočil laid their drama bare for the world to see. You know it’s serious when someone is breaking down doors instead of just breaking up. Vyskočil reportedly busting in on Andrlová’s secret rendezvous was definitely the plot twist no one asked for, but who doesn’t love a raucous finale?

Cheating, Jealousy, Property Wars – Oh My!

But hold onto your seats — it doesn’t stop there! Rumors of infidelity floated around, with Andrlová allegedly having an affair with the theater colleague Marko Libert. Cheating, jealousy, and property disputes? Sounds like a reality show waiting to happen! Vyskočil lamented, “But she was only with me for thirteen years…” It’s like a bad karaoke rendition with multiple key changes that just don’t resonate!

Wisdom in the Aftermath

Years later, Andrlová surfaced with some nuggets of wisdom. She mused critically on love and divorce, suggesting people should extricate themselves from dysfunctional marriages. Well, that sounds easier than pie when you’ve got a couple of TV cameras rolling, right? But kudos to her for promoting self-love and positivity! Who wouldn’t want to see a woman rise from the ashes of relationship turmoil like the phoenix she clearly is?

Finding Joy in Grandparenthood

And just when we think the story is winding down, we discover that the true hero in this tale is the adorable granddaughter who helped heal old wounds. Ah, the beauty of grandchildren – a recharge for the soul that ironically also serves as an energy zapper when they don’t stop crying! It seems Andrlová has found two “chargers” in her life. Perhaps what she truly means is, sometimes, a tiny human can make your past heartaches feel like a minor skirmish compared to the ultimate battle — sleep deprivation!

So there you have it, folks. The tale of Vyskočil and Andrlová is just one of those stories that reminds us that love can be fantastic, but relationships in the flash of fame often turn into a twisted drama worthy of any stage. While they may have taken their curtain call in a fiery blaze, like all good stories, they remind us that there’s always room for growth, understanding, and an occasional plot twist.

And remember, folks, whether you’re in love, out of love, or just in a complicated affair with your remote control, life goes on. Now, where did I put that popcorn?

The turbulent love affair between Ivan Vyskočil and actress Ivana Andrlová, known for her role in the beloved series Ulice, still resonates in Czech media, particularly following their tumultuous split. Their brief marriage, which ended in a notorious divorce, is often cited as one of the most acrimonious separations ever witnessed in the Czech entertainment industry.

Ivana Andrlová was just twenty-one years old when she wed the charismatic Ivan Vyskočil, a man fourteen years her senior. Known for his striking looks and undeniable charm, Vyskočil captivated Andrlová, who overlooked his two previous divorces, convinced he was her destined partner.

VIDEO: Ivana Andrlová and her visit to Honza Dědek’s 7 falls. Take a look

Source: Youtube

The pair initially seemed to epitomize marital bliss, especially with the arrival of their daughter, Michaela. However, beneath the surface, discontent brewed, and by 1996, their union had disintegrated. Contrary to popular belief that couples can end things amicably, their divorce was fraught with conflict and is remembered as one of the most intense and bitter in Czech show business history.

“I was with Andrlová for fifteen years. But she was only with me for thirteen, because in the meantime, she had some new love. What was left for me but to pretend I didn’t know and wait for her to get over it? But somehow she didn’t get over it,” Vyskočil recounted, shedding light on the complexities of their relationship.

They allegedly cheated on each other

Rumors circulated that Ivana Andrlová had an affair with her theater colleague, Marko Libert, before their split. Reportedly, Vyskočil once confronted this betrayal, allegedly storming into Libert’s apartment in a fit of rage, which ultimately led to criminal charges against him.

From her perspective, Andrlová insisted she was the wronged party, claiming that Vyskočil had begun a relationship with his future wife, Anife Vyskočilová, while still married. She expressed frustration over his controlling nature, noting his reluctance to let her enjoy social company, leaving many to wonder if it stemmed from jealousy.

They also fought over property

The dispute over property became another contentious issue, particularly surrounding the family home they shared with their daughter. “She began to claim that she would use the house from which she left herself,” Vyskočil remarked, depicting the heated atmosphere surrounding their separation and his frustrations with Andrlová’s actions that hindered his relationship with their daughter, Míša.

The harshness of the divorce took a significant toll on Andrlová; for a long time, she found it difficult to discuss the ordeal. However, twelve years later, in an interview for Vlasta, she encouraged women contemplating the end of a dysfunctional marriage, asserting, “Perhaps I would say that a person should not stay in something that does not work and does not bring him joy.”

Great reconciliation thanks to the granddaughter

Coming to terms with the divorce proved to be a long process for Andrlová. “Some people get over it in a few weeks, some people take many years,” she admitted to Vlasta magazine, emphasizing the healing power of time. In her case, a granddaughter served as a wonderful catalyst for this reconciliation.

Embracing her role as a grandmother has been a transformative experience for Ivana. “I have two chargers in my life. Once is the sea. When I get to it, it feels like a cell phone when it’s plugged into the socket. Now I have a second charger, but also a discharger because the baby is absolutely wretched. But it’s amazing and completely different from being a mom.” she joyfully shared during an interview on Close Encounters four years ago.


Ake years to reconcile with their past,” she⁢ reflected, acknowledging the journey‍ of healing​ she underwent following the breakup. ⁤However, the arrival of ⁢her granddaughter heralded a⁢ significant turning point in Andrlová’s life.

Embracing​ the joys of⁢ grandparenthood, she described the experience as invigorating despite the challenges⁢ that come with ⁣caring for a young⁤ child. ‌ “Having a grandchild allows ​me to experience love in a different light,⁤ and it brings a sense⁤ of ⁣joy that I thought I⁣ had ‍lost,” she revealed in‌ a heartfelt statement. This renewal of purpose helped Andrlová find solace and rediscover the happiness that had been overshadowed by⁣ her past relationship struggles.

The bond with her⁢ granddaughter also offered⁢ Andrlová a ‍unique perspective on family dynamics, rekindling connections and providing⁢ a fresh start in her⁤ life. No longer just a mother, she embraced her role as a grandmother with open arms, welcoming‍ the opportunity to shape new memories while reflecting on ⁣the lessons learned from her previous heartaches.

In the⁣ grand tapestry of Czech showbiz, the saga of Ivana Andrlová ⁢and Ivan Vyskočil ⁢serves ‌as a poignant reminder that even amidst chaos and conflict, healing and joy can emerge, often in the most unexpected ‌ways. As she navigates ⁤this new chapter, Andrlová stands as a testament to resilience, proving that love can take many forms, and‍ sometimes the greatest joys ‌come from unexpected ⁢places.

So, whether you’re a fan ⁢of dramatic escapades⁣ in showbiz or just a casual observer of life’s ups and downs, ‍remember that every ending can lead to‍ new beginnings, especially when the future is brightened by⁣ the laughter⁢ of grandchildren.


Divorces and Showbiz: A Cut Above the Rest or Just a Bad Rerun?

Ah, the Czech showbiz landscape — where love flourishes like wildflowers in spring and divorces are as high-stakes as a game of poker with your in-laws. Milan Bauer’s recent article on Ivana Andrlová and Ivan Vyskočil’s tumultuous marriage is a glaring example of how romantic relationships in the limelight are anything but rosy. And tell you what, folks, this isn’t your typical “we grew apart” saga. This reads more like a scandalous soap opera we didn’t know we needed!

Young Love and Old Drama

Picture it: a 21-year-old Ivana Andrlová, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, walking down the aisle with handsome, 35-year-old Ivan Vyskočil. A classic case of “let’s just ignore the red flags and hope for the best!” This tale echoes those cringe-worthy rom-coms where the lead seems too good to be true. Spoiler alert: they usually are. Vyskočil’s multiple previous marriages should have been a plot twist, but she was convinced that they were destined to be. And didn’t that raise some eyebrows in the Czech entertainment circles?

Divorce: The Drama in the Family Theatre

Fast forward to 1996 – the marriage crumbles, and suddenly it’s not just the heart that’s broken, it’s a full-blown PR disaster. The phrases “one of the fiercest divorces in Czech showbiz history” don’t arise from thin air! Like two soap opera stars fighting over the last bottle of champagne at an awards show, Andrlová and Vyskočil laid their drama bare for the world to see. You know it’s serious when someone breaks down doors instead of just breaking up. Vyskočil reportedly busting in on Andrlová’s secret rendezvous was definitely the plot twist no one asked for, but who doesn’t love a raucous finale?

Cheating, Jealousy, Property Wars – Oh My!

But hold onto your seats — it doesn’t stop there! Rumors of infidelity floated around, with Andrlová allegedly having an affair with theater colleague Marko Libert. Cheating, jealousy, property disputes? Sounds like a reality show waiting to happen! Vyskočil lamented, “But she was only with me for thirteen years…” It’s like a bad karaoke rendition with multiple key changes that just don’t resonate!

Wisdom in the Aftermath

Years later, Andrlová surfaced with some nuggets of wisdom. She mused critically on love and divorce, suggesting people should extricate themselves from dysfunctional marriages. Well, that sounds easier than pie when you’ve got a couple of TV cameras rolling, right? But kudos to her for promoting self-love and positivity! Who wouldn’t want to see a woman rise from the ashes of relationship turmoil like the phoenix she clearly is?

Finding Joy in Grandparenthood

And just when we think the story is winding down, we discover that the true hero in this tale is the adorable granddaughter who helped heal old wounds. Ah, the beauty of grandchildren – a recharge for the soul that ironically also serves as an energy zapper when they don’t stop crying! It seems Andrlová has found two “chargers” in her life. Perhaps what she truly means is, sometimes, a tiny human can make your past heartaches feel like a minor skirmish compared to the ultimate battle — sleep deprivation!

So there you have it, folks. The tale of Vyskočil and Andrlová is just one of those stories that reminds us that love can be fantastic, but relationships in the flash of fame often turn into a twisted drama worthy of any stage. While they may have taken their curtain call in a fiery blaze, like all good stories, they remind us that there’s always room for growth, understanding, and an occasional plot twist.

And remember, folks, whether you’re in love, out of love, or just in a complicated affair with your remote control, life goes on. Now, where did I put that popcorn?

The turbulent love affair between Ivan Vyskočil and actress Ivana Andrlová, known for her role in the beloved series Ulice, still resonates in Czech media, particularly following their tumultuous split. Their brief marriage, which ended in a notorious divorce, is often cited as one of the most acrimonious separations ever witnessed in the Czech entertainment industry.

Ivana Andrlová was just twenty-one years old when she wed the charismatic Ivan Vyskočil, a man fourteen years her senior. Known for his striking looks and undeniable charm, Vyskočil captivated Andrlová, who overlooked his two previous divorces, convinced he was her destined partner.

VIDEO: Ivana Andrlová and her visit to Honza Dědek’s 7 Falls. Take a look

Source: Youtube

The pair initially seemed to epitomize marital bliss, especially with the arrival of their daughter, Michaela. However, beneath the surface, discontent brewed, and by 1996, their union had disintegrated. Contrary to popular belief that couples can end things amicably, their divorce was fraught with conflict and is remembered as one of the most intense and bitter in Czech show business history.

“I was with Andrlová for fifteen years. But she was only with me for thirteen, because in the meantime, she had some new love. What was left for me but to pretend I didn’t know and wait for her to get over it? But somehow she didn’t get over it,” Vyskočil recounted, shedding light on the complexities of their relationship.

They allegedly cheated on each other

Rumors circulated that Ivana Andrlová had an affair with her theater colleague, Marko Libert, before their split. Reportedly, Vyskočil once confronted this betrayal, allegedly storming into Libert’s apartment in a fit of rage, which ultimately led to criminal charges against him.

From her perspective, Andrlová insisted she was the wronged party, claiming that Vyskočil had begun a relationship with his future wife, Anife Vyskočilová, while still married. She expressed frustration over his controlling nature, noting his reluctance to let her enjoy social company, leaving many to wonder if it stemmed from jealousy.

They also fought over property

The dispute over property became another contentious issue, particularly surrounding the family home they shared with their daughter. “She began to claim that she would use the house from which she left herself,” Vyskočil remarked, depicting the heated atmosphere

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