Helena’s Secret: How She Tricked Her Partner into Fatherhood

Helena’s Dilemma: The Secret Behind the Perfect Family

So, let’s dive into this little saga, shall we? You’ve got Helena—it’s always a Helena, isn’t it?—a 35-year-old with two picture-perfect daughters and a partner who seems to be the gold standard of fathers. But wait! There’s a twist that’s juicer than a reality show plot: she’s been playing a secret game of deceit. One that makes ‘The Bachelor’ look like child’s play.

Who Needs Honesty When You’ve Got Love?

Picture this: Helena, staring lovingly at her partner Jack as he pushes their two daughters on a swing. Charming, right? But beneath that family’s sunlit façade lurks a big ol’ secret… “I tricked Jack into being a father,” she confesses. Oof! Talk about a plot twist! It reads like “Game of Thrones” meets “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.”

Helena has revealed she tried to get pregnant without her partner knowing Credit: Alamy

Now, Helena and Jack met on Tinder, which was a good start for a tale of romance. Who needs fairy-tale castles when you have a bar in the City? They were both in high-flying banking careers and—in what can only be described as blissful irony—they were both staunchly against parenthood. Sips of wine were exchanged, and they declared their mutual love for travel over child-rearing. Seriously, it’s almost like they wrote a ‘how-to’ manual for avoiding responsibility together.

Desire Vs. Deceit: The Seeds of a Secret

They had glorious flings—trips to Paris, Vienna—living life to the fullest. And then, surprise! Helena’s biological clock went berserk on her 30th birthday. Suddenly, the carefree days of sipping cocktails in exotic locales paled in comparison to the warm, wet blanket of motherhood. Plot twist! She decided to stop taking her contraceptive pills. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

“I decided in that moment to secretly stop taking my pill. Within six months, in May 2021, I fell pregnant.”


She falls pregnant, and how does she break the news to Jack? Oh, you know… she fakes shock. Because nothing says, “I’ve got a monumental secret” like a stunned face and a ‘How could this happen?’ speech. Jack, bless his heart, takes it in stride, suggesting they embrace this ‘adventure!’ Talk about a man with a heart! But wait, it gets better.

Happy “Accidents” and Guilt Trips

Fast forward to the birth of their first daughter, and Helena’s guilt starts to dissolve like sugar in tea. Jack turns out to be the dad of dreams, changing nappies and soothing their baby. Yet, she still wrestles with her “what ifs.” Rinse and repeat: she decides to play the ‘surprise surprise, another happy accident’ card for baby number two. Seriously, at this point, she should consider a career in improvisation!

“Am I selfish? Or did I give Jack just what he needed?”


Helena wonders if she’s done Jack a disservice with her secret. Right? Because the guilt of manipulating someone into fatherhood is, of course, less important than her craving for a sibling for their little ones. A classic case of “what I want trumps honesty.” Cue dramatic music!

How to Move Past a Big Lie

1. Understand the Anger: When the lie is uncovered, prepare for fireworks. Don’t try to smooth things over quickly.

2. Explain Your Reasoning: It might not fix the damage, but it helps shed light on your thought process. Yet, does that excuse the deception?

3. Address Your Issues: If lying is a habit, it could stem from self-esteem issues or a cold upbringing. Consider therapy. Seriously.

So, What’s the Moral of the Story?

Helena’s story raises a fair few eyebrows and questions. Sure, motherhood’s a wild ride, but at what cost? Jack may be the perfect father, but the deception comes with its own baggage. Love, lies, and babies – oh my! It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin.

Is Helena a villain, or did she just chase her happiness? Either way, the tale of tricking a partner into fatherhood is one that’s sure to leave a few of us shaking our heads. So let’s grab a drink, and hope the next story we hear is a little less complicated… Or perhaps, a little more entertaining!

SHE is a mother of two beautiful daughters and boasts a successful career, yet Helena*, 35, is concealing a significant secret from her partner, Jack*.

As I observe my partner, Jack, playfully pushing our two little girls on a swing, an overwhelming wave of pride fills my heart, reminding me of the joy our family brings.

Helena has revealed she tried to get pregnant without her partner knowing


Helena has revealed she tried to get pregnant without her partner knowingCredit: Alamy
Helena said; 'The truth is, my family was built on lies, as I tricked Jack into being a father'


Helena said; ‘The truth is, my family was built on lies, as I tricked Jack into being a father’Credit: Getty

I feel like I possess the perfect family with two beautiful daughters and a partner dedicated to fatherhood.

Yet, just when I begin to fully embrace our idyllic life, a nagging sense of dread infiltrates my thoughts, haunting my happiness.

This is largely because, if Jack ever uncovers my hidden secret, the serene life we’ve constructed could unravel in an instant.

The startling truth is that the foundations of my family are built on deception; I intentionally misled Jack into fatherhood.

Our relationship began when we met on Tinder at the age of 24, a time when the idea of family was the furthest from my mind.

During our early days together, as high-achieving professionals in the banking sector, the notion of having kids wasn’t on our agenda.

Initially, we simply sought companionship, indulging in casual dates and enjoying one another’s company without the weight of commitment.

I didn’t want the pressures of a long-term relationship, especially as I relished my career, freedom, and financial independence.

A few weeks later, I noticed myself developing feelings for Jack.

We would lie awake for hours, sharing our dreams and passions, and it wasn’t long before he swept me off my feet with grand romantic gestures.

One specific weekend, just before my 25th birthday, Jack surprised me with an impromptu trip to New York, igniting my affection even further.

This relationship began filling in the gaps of a life I didn’t know I was missing.

I decided in that moment to secretly stop taking my pill. Within six months, in May 2021, I fell pregnant.


As I approached my 30th birthday, however, I felt the tick of my biological clock much more acutely.

Seeing friends celebrate the joys of parenthood stirred a yearning within me—a desire to experience motherhood for myself.

I quickly dismissed the thought of confiding in Jack, understanding his firm stance against children.

On one fateful day, reflecting on my options as I glanced at my contraceptive pills, something clicked.

I made the reckless decision to stop taking them, driven by an overwhelming desire to start a family.

When the moment of truth came, I took the pregnancy test and felt overjoyed, but a wave of guilt crashed over me.

I was so worried about how Jack would react, I was terrified to tell him.


Just a week later, in the throes of morning sickness, Jack suggested taking a pregnancy test, pulling me into an unexpected moment of truth.

In those early months of pregnancy, guilt weighed on me heavily, peaking whenever I witnessed Jack’s thoughtful demeanor.

As I delivered our first daughter in June 2023, Jack stepped into fatherhood with ease, seeming utterly devoted to both of us, which helped diminish my guilt.

Later on, when I secretly ceased taking my contraception once again, I held my breath with anticipation, wishing for another “happy accident.” And I got my wish when Amelie* was born, solidifying our family unit.

At times, I lie awake, pondering the repercussions of my choices and the possibility of revealing my secret.

I love Jack unconditionally, yet the fear of his reaction keeps me from sharing the truth, as I cannot imagine a life without him.


LYING to your partner is never a great move and can cause huge issues around trust in the future, says relationship expert Kate Taylor.

But have you told a huge fib and been caught in the lie?

Here are the three things Kate says you must do:

  1. UNDERSTAND A PARTNER’S ANGER: Once a lie is uncovered, your partner is going to be furious – and rightly so. Don’t try to downplay your actions; give your partner as much time as they need to process what you have done.
  2. EXPLAIN YOUR REASONING: Tell your partner why you felt telling the truth wasn’t an option. It won’t undo the lie, but it could help them understand your motives.
  3. ADDRESS YOUR ISSUES: Lying to your partner is a way of controlling them, and control is a form of emotional abuse.

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