Lithuania Election 2024: Social Democrats Celebrate Victory and Potential Change of Government

Political Shake-Up: Lithuania’s Social Democrats Take Charge

By: Nail Akkoyun, Franziska Schwarz, Felix Busjaeger

As of: October 27, 2024, 10:45 p.m.

Well, folks, grab your snacks, because Lithuania just threw a major curveball at the political landscape! The second round of parliamentary elections has wrapped up, and surprise, surprise, the Social Democratic Party, led by the ever-enthusiastic Vilija Blinkeviciute, is the new maestro of government orchestration. Cue the applause and confetti!

What Happened?

In a stunning display of democratic fervor, it seems the Lithuanian voters decided they had enough of the conservative Fatherland Union. With 52 out of 141 parliamentary seats in their pocket, the Social Democrats are gearing up for a center-left coalition, probably looking to partner with a couple of other opposition parties for that extra kick of legislative zing.

The Ruling Party Takes a Bow

Meanwhile, the incumbent Fatherland Union, helmed by the Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte, appears to be licking their wounds with only 28 seats to show for their efforts. Gabrielius Landsbergis, the party leader, graciously admitted defeat and congratulated the victors. That’s about as gracious as your ex when they realize you’ve moved on to someone better!

A Clear Call for Change

“I am very grateful to the Lithuanian people for voting so actively for us,” exclaimed Blinkeviciute at their celebration. Nothing like a raucous cheer to throw a little shade at the previous administration, right? “People want change, and they want it now!” she proclaimed, and it seems her wish was fulfilled.

What’s Next for Lithuania?

With the geopolitical shenanigans surrounding Ukraine, this election was no insignificant blip on the radar. It appears Lithuanians were sitting on the edge of their seats and maybe even clutching their pearls as they voted on who would hold the reins during such tumultuous times.

With nearly 2.4 million voters called to the polls, a respectable 41% decided they would rather have a say in the political game rather than binge-watch their favorite series. That’s commitment! And it’s a sentiment echoed across the nation in small towns and grand cities alike. They want change. They need it!

The Road Ahead

What awaits the newly-minted Social Democrats? Well, according to Blinkeviciute, they’re not just looking to shake hands and smile for the cameras; they’re aiming for a coalition, preferably with left-leaning friends. They need to roll up those sleeves and get ready to negotiate!

In her own words, “I think it will be a coalition with two left-wing parties.” Because nothing says stability like a coalition! Just ask any couple that has ever tried to keep a cat and a dog happy in the same house. It’s a challenge!

Final Thoughts

As Lithuania embarks on this new journey under the Social Democratic banner, the world will be watching. Will they stand together united on crucial issues? Or will they be like that one friend who can never agree on a restaurant? Only time—and the next election—will tell. So, keep your voting boots shiny, Lithuania!

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The leader of the Social Democratic Party, Vilija Blinkeviciute, celebrated a significant victory in the Lithuanian elections, with a clear mandate for change. © Mindaugas Kulbis/dpa

The second round of the Lithuanian election has concluded, heralding a new political chapter. The Social Democrats are poised to take control of the government.

Update from October 27th, 10:41 p.m.: A distinct shift in power dynamics is evident in Lithuania following the second round of parliamentary elections. The Social Democrats emerged as the preeminent political force by capturing 52 of the 141 parliamentary seats. This outcome was confirmed by the electoral commission in Vilnius after nearly all votes were tallied, ushering in a potential center-left coalition government alongside two other opposition parties.

In contrast, the ruling conservative Fatherland Union, led by Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte, has secured only 28 seats — a stark contrast to their previous standing. Their liberal coalition partners also experienced losses; one of them failed to win any seats in parliament. Following the election results, Gabrielius Landsbergis, leader of the Fatherland Union, acknowledged the defeat and extended his congratulations to the victorious Social Democrats.

“I am incredibly thankful to the Lithuanian electorate for their robust support for the Social Democrats,” stated Vilija Blinkeviciute at the election celebration, where she was met with enthusiastic applause and chants of “Thank you!” “This election result reflects a clear desire for change among the Lithuanian populace, transcending urban and rural divides.”

Second round of the Lithuanian election ended: change of power is possible

Update from October 27th, 8:18 p.m.: In light of the ongoing war in Ukraine, Lithuanians cast their votes in the second round of elections to determine the composition of their new parliament. Polling stations closed at 8 p.m. local time (7 p.m. CET), marking the start of vote counting in this Baltic EU and NATO member. The preliminary results suggested potential for a significant change in power structure.

Approximately 2.4 million voters were enlisted to make their voices heard regarding the remaining direct mandates in the 141-seat Seimas parliament situated in Vilnius. The electoral commission estimated that over 41 percent of eligible voters participated. Following the first round of voting on October 14, the Social Democrats held an edge with 20 seats, while Prime Minister Simonyte’s conservative coalition managed to secure just 18. The sustainability of Simonyte’s three-party alliance with liberal parties is uncertain as the Social Democrats push forward with plans for a new coalition government.

Lithuania election: Second round underway – result will show the way forward

Update from October 27th, 1:15 p.m.: The critical second round of parliamentary elections is underway, with the outcome having the potential to reshape the country’s leadership. The Social Democrats have already shown significant strength by securing more seats in the first round held mid-October, positioning themselves to dethrone the incumbent conservative party and form a governing majority through a coalition.

The prospective future head of government is Vilija Blinkeviciute, a distinguished former EU MP. President Gitanas Nauseda expressed his hopes while casting his ballot, emphasizing his desire for a future government that is both cohesive and effectively addresses Lithuania’s pressing issues. Any shift in power is expected to primarily influence domestic policy, although there remains substantial consensus on foreign policy matters among Lithuania’s major parties.

Result of the Lithuanian election: The first round of voting showed a clear trend

The first round of elections in Lithuania on October 13, 2024, revealed a significant political trend: the Social Democratic Party (LSDP) won decisively with 19.36 percent of the vote, besting the conservative Fatherland Union, which garnered 17.96 percent. The new populist party, Dawn of Nemunas, also made its mark by participating for the first time. Voter turnout was notably high at 52.1 percent.

Following this round, the Social Democrats and the center-left Party for Lithuania (which received 9.3 percent) expressed their intention to ally and form a government. However, a coalition with at least one additional partner is deemed essential for this objective to be realized. “I envision a coalition with two left-wing parties,” articulated party leader Vilija Blinkeviciute, identifying potential partners such as the Peasants’ Party, the Greens, and the “For Lithuania” party. “The electorate has clearly signaled their desire for change,” Blinkeviciute concluded.

Lithuania election: Social Democrats hope for center-left coalition

The leading Social Democrats are targeting a center-left coalition government with two other opposition parties to reinforce their influence. In a coordinated effort, they plan to support each other across various constituencies where conservative candidates are contesting in the second round of voting.

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