National Wealth Formation can be Encouraged by Optimizing Assets

Illustration(Doc MAPPI)

IN efforts to improve the country’s welfare, optimizing state assets is seen as a central issue. A number of aspects such as the role of appraisers in decision making, challenges in asset appraisal, technology in asset appraisal, and cross-sector collaboration are of concern to decision makers.

Celebrating 43 years of brilliant progress, the Indonesian Appraisal Professional Society (MAPPI) held a national webinar with the theme “Asset Optimization in the Formation of State Wealth”. In this event, a discussion was held about the potential of state assets that have not been exploited optimally. Various important factors, ranging from asset identification, accurate assessment, to effective asset utilization strategies were the subject of discussion.

The webinar was officially opened by the Head of the Center for Financial Professional Development, Dr. Erawati., SH, KN, MT and Keynote Speech by the Director of Assessment of the Directorate General of State Assets, Arik Hariyono.

Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of North Sumatra (USU), Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Siahaan, SE, M.Ec. led the webinar which presented prominent speakers from regulatory and academic circles.

The resource person who attended the webinar was Prof. Ir. Haryo Winarso, M.Eng., Ph.D. SAPPK Professor from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with the material “Spatial Planning: Land Value Capture in the Land Development Function”, Prof. Dr. Insukindro, MA, Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) with the material “Property Economics: Asset Values ​​in the Vortex of Certainty and Uncertainty”, Prof. Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, MBA., MPM., Ph.D. Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM with the material “Strategic Asset Management: Optimization Function in Determining Asset Value”, and finally Prof. Dr. Drs. Paripurna P. Sugarda, SH, M.Hum., LLM Professor at the UGM Faculty of Law with the material “Property Law: State Wealth from a Company Law Perspective”.

In his speech, the General Chair of the MAPPI DPN, Budi Prasodjo, said that the theme for the MAPPI 43rd Dirgahayu commemoration in 2024 was “Assessing Developing Together for an Advanced Indonesia”.

“So at the age of 43, MAPPI as a professional association wants the enthusiasm and optimism of these assessors to be able to contribute to realizing a Golden Indonesia, becoming a developed country in 2045,” said Budi.

On its 43rd anniversary, as a form of appreciation to the Appraisers who have pioneered and dedicated their lives to the advancement of the Appraisal Profession in Indonesia, MAPPI took the initiative to give the “Lifetime Achievement Award” to figures who have made a contribution in their respective fields. .

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