Five Indonesian Students Bring Australian Pencak Silat Championship Medals


AUSTRALIA Pencak Silat Championship 2024 takes place at the Gold Netball Centre, Perth, Western Australia, on 10-13 October. Five Mercu Buana University (UMB) students who represented Indonesia in the event returned to their homeland with 2 gold medals and 6 silver medals.

Due to his success, upon arrival in Indonesia. The group of silat fighters was immediately received by Sigit Widyawan, a representative from BNI, who supported the active actions of the silat fighters at the event. Two gold medals were presented by Nazwah Cikal Lutfia Tachir in the women’s singles arts event and Nabila Iman in the men’s class D competition event. Meanwhile silver medals were donated by Andal Khaizuran Al Firdausi, Rafael Hotnitua Naibaho, Andria Punto Dewo.

Representatives from Mercu Buana University and Chair of the Menara Bhakti Foundation, Rindangsari Kurniawati, accompanied by Yuwono Darpito Hudoyo, UKM Silat head coach R. Pambudi Sunu, and silat fighter M. Nabilla Iman on this occasion expressed their thanks to BNI for providing support to the pencak team silat which represents Indonesia in the international arena.

“Even though we encountered many problems and difficulties while in Australia, with the fighting spirit we have we can make a good and proud name for UMB and Indonesia at the international level,” said Rindangsari Kuriawati.

Reporting from, five Indonesian silat fighters who are also UMB students at the 2024 Australian Pencak Silat Championship are Nazwah Cikal Lutfia Tachir (student majoring in Management), Muhammad Nabilla Iman (Management), Andal Khaizuran Al Firdausi (Management), Rafael Hotnitua Naibaho (Systems Information), and Andria Punto (Psychology). (Z-2)

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