Sangre Llama Sangre: New Sony Series Premieres on Claro Video

The Bloody Intrigue of ‘Sangre Llama Sangre’

Imagine this: You wake up one day and realize that your childhood star, the one who used to **bring gifts to premieres**, is now tangled up in a world of suspense filled with family secrets, terror, and bugs. Congrats, you’ve just tuned into “Sangre Llama Sangre”, the latest offering from Sony Pictures México that premiered on Claro Video on October 15.

What’s Cooking in the Mexican TV Pot?

With a cast that boasts talent like Adriana Paz, Cecilia Toussaint, and Roberto Duarte, it’s not your typical Mexican drama; we’re talking about a production that’s getting everyone talking (and probably screaming). And lest we forget, it also stars the former child prodigy turned adult actress, Lily Morett, who was once the talk of Spain after starring in the record-breaking series “Los Protegidos”.

From Childhood Fame to Adult Reality

Lily reflects on her past stardom, saying that she had fans flocking to her in the streets, even in Russia, like she was some sort of royalty. Can you imagine? And let’s be honest, if you have fans bringing you gifts, you might as well start charging for autographs! However, the transition to adulthood is where things get messy—no more free gifts and suddenly you’re trying to fit in in a new country. Talk about an awkward situation!

The Unexpected Casting Rollercoaster

In classic showbiz fashion, Lily candidly admitted that she thought she wouldn’t land a role in this series. “I came to this project like any other casting… I thought I wasn’t going to stay,” said the actress. Ah, self-deprecation—the true art form of any performer. There’s a fine line between humility and a crisis of confidence, and if Hollywood has taught us anything, it’s that it’s rarely a straightforward path to success.

A Character Like No Other

Playing the role of Mia, a girl who’s “the odd one out” might not seem that glamorous. She’s quirky, shy, and, wait for it—into bugs. You know, one of those characters that makes you contemplate your life choices while snacking on popcorn. Lily describes Mia as a “very weak, withdrawn, shy girl.” It’s safe to say that she’s definitely not becoming the next #GirlBoss any time soon, unless her bug fascination turns into an entrepreneurial venture.

A Dream Team: The Élite Cast

On the brighter side of things, Lily is absolutely thrilled to work alongside the talented Cecilia Toussaint. She refers to Cecilia as a “star in every way”. Smart move, right? Buttering up the veterans tends to work wonders in Hollywood—maybe they’ll sing your praises when it’s time for the next casting call! Lily describes her co-star as a great actress and an extraordinary human being. But we all know that’s just code for: “Every director should give her the lead role so I can bask in her glow!”

The Future Looks Bright

In a world where sequels are more common than first dates, Lily hopes there’s a second season. After all, who wouldn’t want to see more of this thrilling ensemble? Perhaps next time she’ll get to play a character who has a slight interest in things that don’t crawl—you know, just in case she wants to shake things up! So, mark your calendars and prep your thumbs for binge-watching, because “Sangre Llama Sangre” promises to be the spicy drama we didn’t know we needed.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been looking for that perfect mixture of terror, family secrets, and maybe even a few bug enthusiasts thrown in, then “Sangre Llama Sangre” is the series for you. Remember to tune in and see whether Lily manages to shed the shy bug-lover persona or if she embraces it—and perhaps leads a revolution of misunderstood insect lovers. Either way, it’s bound to be an exhilarating ride!

The latest series from Sony Pictures México, titled ‘Sangre llama sangre’, premiered on October 15 on Claro Video. The show has garnered an enthusiastic reception from audiences, showcasing remarkable performances by acclaimed actors, including Adriana Paz, Cecilia Toussaint, y Roberto Duarte.

Among the standout cast members is Lily Morett, who gained fame as a child star through the hit Spanish series ‘Los protegidos’, a show that captivated viewers and shattered audience records in Spain.

He was an idol in his country

Lily reflected on her early fame, stating, “I had fans even in Russia. All the people stopped me in the street. They brought me gifts to the premieres. It was crazy. After the transition from child to young adult was hard, I moved to Mexico, where I had to start from scratch.”

Lily thought she wouldn’t stay on this project

Discussing her role in the series, Lily shared, “It is a story full of terror, tension, suspense, and family secrets. I approached this project like any other casting, with minimal expectations. I thought I wasn’t going to stay, but after submitting my audition, they were impressed with my performance.”

She elaborated on her character, Mia, saying: “She is the odd one out in town with a peculiar nature. She has a fascination with bugs and struggles to socialize. She is a very weak, withdrawn, shy girl.

She was delighted to work with Cecilia Toussaint

In expressing her admiration for her Mexican co-stars, especially Cecilia Toussaint, Lily stated, “Cecilia Toussaint for me is a star in every way. I learned so much just by observing her craft. I hope for a second season of the series so I can collaborate more with her. Aside from being an exceptional actress, she’s an extraordinary human being.”

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