Influenza Vaccination Drive for UAT Medicine Students: October 28-30

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The students of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) they will have to be vaccinated against influenza during this Monday, October 28 to Wednesday, October 30 in the facilities of the institution, an activity that will be carried out by personnel of the Family Medicine Unit number 38.

This was reported by the director Tranquilina Gutiérrez Gómezwhich said that the general public was also invited to receive the dose at a time of 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in it faculty health module.

The importance of getting vaccinated against this disease

The informant commented that it is very important get immunized to generate antibodies and protect yourself, since the influenza is a respiratory disease contagious caused by a virus that affects the nose, throat and in some cases the lungs, which can cause a mild or severe illness y sometimes even leading the patient to death.

➡️ You may be interested: Influenza cases triple in the country; there are 9,399 infections

“It is very important that our students are vaccinated against influenza, since many of them do their internships in hospitals and clinics, where they can become infected and with their annual flu vaccine, although it is not 100% effective, it reduces the chances. of having serious complications from the infection.”

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Likewise, he said that there are certain diseases with which you can get risk of complications of the influenza What are those people like? chronic conditionssuch as asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, and diabetes.

The symptoms that infected people present

Gutierrez Gomez He said that, at the beginning, this is presented as a flu with runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. In general, colds start slowlybut the flu is faster with headache, persistent and dry cough, shortness of breath, tiredness and weakness, sore throat and eyes.

➡️ You can also read: Alarming increase in influenza cases in Tamaulipas

This is why it is so important to get vaccinated against influenza, especially at this time when the flu is closer. winter season and the sudden temperature changes that affect your mostly elderly peopleas well as children.

Pop Quiz: Who’s Getting Vaccinated?

Alright, folks! Gather round for a lesson we all need—no, it’s not how to cheat on your math exam, it’s about something far more life-saving: the flu vaccine! The Faculty of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) has decided to roll up their sleeves and get serious about the flu this coming Monday, October 28 to Wednesday, October 30. That’s right! Mark your calendars, because this is the moment where everyone can play a part in halting the flu’s sneaky invasion!

Oh, by the way, Tranquilina Gutiérrez Gómez, the director, has let us know that the general public is also invited. So, if you ever wanted an excuse to skip your morning coffee run, go grab that flu vaccine instead! They’re doling out doses from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, and let’s be honest: a little jab now is way better than being treated to a season-long Netflix binge of coughing and sniffling later.

The Importance of Getting Vaccinated Against This Disease

You see, folks, influenza is not just your common cold; it’s like a bad date that refuses to leave—very contagious and potentially deadly. According to the brilliant brains at UAT, it’s extremely important to generate antibodies. That’s fancy talk for ‘let’s build a tiny army of virus fighters in your body!’ And trust me, you want them on your side, especially if you plan on interning in hospitals. It’s not just the nurses you need to impress, it’s your immune system!

Let’s face it, nobody wants to be that person who takes the flu home like it’s some sort of trophy. And with 9,399 infections already floating around, it’s as if the flu is out there throwing a party, and you don’t want to be on the guest list!

What’s more, if you suffer from chronic conditions like asthma or diabetes, consider the vaccine your bouncer at this viral nightclub. It reduces the chances of serious complications, and trust me, this bouncer does work—just ask anyone who’s had one too many shots of tequila and tried to challenge him!

The Symptoms That Infected People Present

Now, let’s talk symptoms before we hit the vaccine clinic. According to Gutierrez Gomez, the flu comes knocking at your door with a runny nose, sneezing, and a sore throat. Perfect! Because who doesn’t want to spend their winter sounding like a rusty door? But don’t be fooled—while colds take their sweet time trying to annoy the living daylights out of you, flu is the over-eager party crasher who shows up uninvited, ready to hit you with a headache, persistent dry cough, shortness of breath, and an all-around sensation of ‘why is my body trying to kill me?!’

And we can’t forget about the seasonal fun! With winter sneaking up, and sudden temperature changes playing havoc with our bodies, it’s critical we don’t become influenza’s favorite playmates. I mean, elderlies and children have a VIP pass to flu complications, and we’d all much rather stick to late-night pizza runs than hospital visits.

So, folks, grab your friends, your family, and heck, even that cranky neighbor—you might just save the neighborhood from a bout of contagious gloom. Get vaccinated, stay safe, and remember: a flu shot today keeps the hospital away!

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