Véronique De Kock’s Unforgettable Adventure: A Road Trip with Son Sébastien

One of the names you would honestly least expect to take part in such an adventure is that of Véronique De Kock. As an ex-Miss Belgium, you don’t expect this lady to last long without money and luxury on a road trip.

Véronique De Kock will be on the road with her son Sébastien in the program, which will be shown on TV from Tuesday, November 12. They are dropped 2,500 kilometers from home. The route home is divided into six stages, where each duo must check in at various checkpoints as quickly as possible.

There are no certainties or guarantees along the way. The participants must find their own food, arrange shelter and score lifts from strangers in unknown lands. Something that Véronique also has mixed feelings about before she starts the trip.

“Quality time with Sébastien” versus “That’s really not for me. I’ve never hitchhiked in my life”, Véronique De Kock

“When they asked me to join, my first thought was: ‘Say no more, when are we leaving?!’ How nice to do this with my son Sébastien and spend quality time with him before he leaves the house!”

“But soon the other thought came: ‘Wait, do I really want this? Hitchhiking through unknown countries, without food or money? That’s really not for me. I’ve never hitchhiked in my life and I like to be in control!’”

“But I knew: together with Sébastien we will get this done. And that’s what made it so intense and special. This will be an adventure you will never forget. I bet we’ll still be talking about this in 30 years!”

Son Sébastien normally does not travel this way either. “I really enjoy traveling with my mom, but the circumstances were of course unexpected and stressful. Discovering new places, meeting new people, all great. I knew that my mom would be completely fine. He always has the coolest ideas and he keeps going.”

Véronique De Kock: From Catwalk to Chaos – A Road Trip Adventure

Ah, Véronique De Kock! An **ex-Miss Belgium.** The last person you’d expect to swap her tiara for a travel backpack, right?

But here we are! She’s plunging headfirst into a **road trip** with her son, **Sébastien**! Sounds fun? Sure! Like sparkling water mixed with vinegar—delightfully fizzy but might give you a jolt out of your comfortable seat!

So, What’s the Plan?

On this show, launching on **November 12**, Véronique and her son are dropped a whopping **2,500 kilometers** from home. Yes, you heard right—**2,500 kilometers!** That’s further than the average holiday to Hawaii. The journey home is chopped up into six stages and involves a series of **checkpoints**. It’s like The Amazing Race, but with more crying and fewer million-dollar prizes!

Can She Hack It?

And listen folks, this isn’t your typical luxury holiday. Forget five-star hotels and gourmet snacks! Our glamorous Miss Belgium must discover her own food—think about that for a minute. I mean, one day you’re dining on caviar, the next you’re munching on roadside snacks that even the local raccoons wouldn’t touch! She’ll also have to arrange shelter and hitchhike through unfamiliar lands. Can you imagine? It’s a far cry from being pampered and pranced around in pageantry!

“Quality time with Sébastien” versus “That’s really not for me”—And there we have it, folks. In her own words, Véronique expresses sheer excitement but also a tinge of dread. “Say no more, when are we leaving?!” she exclaims initially. But then, reality sets in: **“I’ve never hitchhiked in my life! I like to be in control!”**

Mommy Issues!

And who wouldn’t? It’s like diving into a shark tank wearing a meat suit. But she’s notably brave—because what’s a little bit of existential dread when you’re with family, right? She’s determined that this adventure will be a bonding experience that not only heightens the thrill levels but could potentially induce panic attacks due to unexpected survival challenges.

The Mother-Son Connection

Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate **Sébastien,** our brave little co-pilot in this whimsical escapade. “I really enjoy traveling with my mom,” he says, overlooking the minor inconvenience of potential danger and survival problems. He says that discovering new places and meeting new people is incredible, but let’s be real: will he still say that after a couple of days of anxiety-inducing hitchhiking? “Mom’s cool ideas,” he claims, will keep them going—ah, to be young and optimistic!

Will They Survive?

In the end, this journey isn’t just about **hitchhiking**, and **foraging for food**. It’s about teamwork and creating epic stories. Sure, there’s a chance they might run into a friendly stranger or come across a wild animal—like my ex-mother-in-law on a bad day!

Will the mother-son duo return safely with their sanity intact? Or will they come back with tales that make them celebrities in the local asylum? One thing’s for sure, whatever happens will make for absolute **TV gold**!

So mark your calendars for November 12 and prepare to witness a journey that promises all the **thrills** and **chills** of a pageant queen turned adventurer! Grab your popcorn; this is bound to be more entertaining than the last season of your favorite reality show!

One of the names you would least expect to embark on a thrilling adventure is that of Véronique De Kock. As an ex-Miss Belgium, a title synonymous with glamour and luxury, one might assume this sophisticated woman would struggle to adapt to the rigors of a road trip that strips away comforts and conveniences.

In the upcoming program, Véronique De Kock will hit the road alongside her son, Sébastien, with their journey beginning on TV screens from Tuesday, November 12. Their challenge? To navigate a staggering 2,500 kilometers away from home in a race against the clock. The journey consists of six distinct stages, wherein each duo must skillfully check in at various checkpoints, competing to do so as swiftly as possible.

The journey, however, is fraught with unpredictability. Participants are faced with the necessity of sourcing their own meals, securing shelter, and hitching rides from kind-hearted strangers in unfamiliar territories. This aspect of the adventure causes Véronique to feel a whirlwind of emotions even before setting off.

“Quality time with Sébastien” versus “That’s really not for me. I’ve never hitchhiked in my life”, Véronique De Kock

“When they approached me with the offer, my immediate response was: ‘Say no more, when are we leaving?!’ Experiencing this journey with my son Sébastien and creating lasting memories before he embarks on his own path is a beautiful opportunity!”

“Yet, almost instantaneously, a wave of doubt washed over me: ‘Do I genuinely want to do this? Hitchhiking across unfamiliar landscapes, devoid of food or cash? That’s outside my comfort zone. I’ve never attempted hitchhiking before, and I thrive on being in control!’”

“Nonetheless, I reassured myself: alongside Sébastien, we will conquer this challenge together. That belief is what makes this experience so thrilling and meaningful. This is destined to be an adventure we will cherish forever; I can guarantee we’ll reminisce about this in 30 years!”

As for Sébastien, he typically does not engage in travel like this either. “I truly enjoy traveling with my mom, but the circumstances we faced were undoubtedly unexpected and quite stressful. Exploring new places and engaging with new faces is exciting. I trusted that my mom would thrive in this environment; she always comes up with the most innovative ideas and perseveres through challenges.”

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