Breakthrough CO2 Capture Technology: New Material Paves the Way for Effective Climate Solutions

The Netherlands is five years behind in its climate goals, and we are certainly not alone in this. Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced. And for this it is crucial to capture and store CO2 from the air. Policymakers are also looking at science with concern. It has now developed a new type of material that makes carbon storage a lot easier and more effective.

Current carbon capture technologies work especially well with concentrated carbon sources, such as power plant emissions. These methods are less effective at capturing carbon dioxide from the air, where concentrations are hundreds of times lower. Yet direct air capture, also known as DAC, is necessary to reduce rising CO2 levels. The amount of carbon dioxide in the air is still rising and currently stands at 426 parts per million (ppm), an increase of 50 percent compared to pre-industrial levels. According to the IPCC, the UN climate panel, the use of DAC is essential to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees.

On to net zero
A new type of absorbent material, developed by scientists at the University of California Berkeley, could help achieve ‘net zero’ or even negative emission values. This material, a so-called ‘covalent organic framework‘ (COF), can remove CO2 from the ambient air without being affected by water or other contaminants, the researchers write in Nature. This is an important improvement compared to existing DAC technologies, which are often sensitive to these types of substances.

Omar Yaghi, professor of chemistry at UC Berkeley, enthusiastically talks about the achievements of his new discovery. “We took a little bit of this material, put it in a tube, and let the outside air of Berkeley flow through the material. It completely removed the CO2 from the air, absolutely everything,” it said. “This material will represent a breakthrough in the fight against climate change.” According to Yaghi, the new material can easily be applied to existing carbon capture systems, such as the filter systems for capturing CO2 from refinery emissions or for capturing atmospheric CO2 for underground storage.

The hexagonal structure of the new material. Photo: Chaoyang Zhao for UC Berkeley

Strong game
Lead researcher Zihui Zhou explains that just 200 grams of the material is capable of absorbing as much CO2 as a tree – this equates to around 20 kilos of CO2 per year. “Feed gas capture can slow down climate change because it prevents CO2 from entering the air. Direct air capture helps us return to the situation of 100 years ago, when CO2 concentrations were much lower,” said the Berkeley scientist.

Yaghi is the inventor of both COFs and MOFs (metal-organic frameworks), both rigid, crystalline structures with internal pores. These pores provide a large surface area for gases to adhere to. Some MOFs Yaghi has developed can absorb water from the air and release it when heated, even under very dry conditions. Yaghi has been working on MOFs for carbon capture since the 1990s, when no one had heard of DACs.

Big challenge
“Removing CO2 from the air is very difficult,” Yaghi makes clear. “You need a material with a high capacity, to which CO2 attaches and no other substances, that remains stable in water and oxygen-rich environments, and is also easy to recycle. It must also require little energy to manufacture the material and it must be applicable on a large scale. That is a huge challenge.”

Yaghi’s team has spent the past two decades developing COFs strong enough to withstand contaminants such as water, acids and bases. In practice, many other porous materials are seriously damaged by this. Their latest COF-999 is constructed from a skeleton of polyolefins – polymers based solely on carbon and hydrogen – to which amino groups are attached. This ensures that each amino group is able to hold a CO2 molecule. When air with a CO2 concentration of 400 ppm is pumped through the COF, the material is saturated within two hours and can retain up to 2 millimoles of CO2 per gram. The CO2 is released by heating the material to just 60 degrees, after which it is ready for a new round.

Particularly stable
The material is particularly stable, both chemically and thermally. It can easily be reused more than a hundred times without loss of capacity. “This is the best equipment available at the moment for direct air capture,” says Yaghi proudly. He is convinced that artificial intelligence (AI) can help develop even better COFs and MOFs for carbon capture and other applications. “We are very excited about the possibilities that AI offers to improve and accelerate our chemical inventions,” says the Berkeley researcher.

The Netherlands Climate Goals: A Dash of Science and a Whole Lot of Heat

Ah, the Netherlands—home of windmills, tulips, and apparently a bit of a climate slip-up. Yes, it turns out that the Dutch are setting climate goals like they set their alarm clocks: five years late. And let’s face it, we’re all in the same boat; some just have better flotation devices!

Why the Fuss About CO2?

So, what’s the problem? We’re all cozy on this spinning ball, and yet the climate gods are not pleased. Greenhouse gas emissions are like bad house guests—inviting themselves in and refusing to leave! We need to cut down these pesky emissions and breathe a sigh of relief. However, capturing and storing CO2 from the air is as delightful as trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. Current methods work better at power plants rather than tackling the air itself, which has CO2 concentrations low enough to make a politician look honest!

Direct Air Capture: The New Kid on the Block

Introducing the **Direct Air Capture** (DAC) technology, our talented little friend that’s essential to keep that pesky CO2 level from skyrocketing. Currently, it’s sitting at a staggering 426 parts per million (ppm). Even worse, it’s increased by 50% since we started our love affair with the industrial era—a time when “going green” meant planting a couple of trees and hoping for the best.

Meet the New Material: COF, Not to Be Confused with “Couch Of Friends”!

At the University of California, Berkeley, scientists have unveiled a new star player—a material called a **covalent organic framework (COF)**. This material is practically a carbon-sucking superhero. It captures CO2 straight from the air without being fazed by water or other familiar party crashers. According to the researchers publishing in *Nature*, applying this new material could help us achieve net zero or, dare we say, negative emissions! Goodbye, guilty carbon footprint; hello, eco-friendly high-fives!

That’s One Small Step for Researchers, One Giant Leap for CO2 capture

Omar Yaghi, our very own science rock star, excitedly shared, “We took a little bit of this material and let the air of Berkeley do its thing. It cleaned up the CO2 like a vacuum cleaner on steroids!” His discovery could be a total game-changer in the climate arena. The tiny amount of material impressively absorbs the same CO2 as a tree—200 grams to be exact—while consuming only enough energy to heat your tea! Now that’s what I call efficiency.

The Challenges Ahead

But don’t pop the champagne just yet—there’s a catch! As Yaghi himself puts it, removing CO2 from the air is almost like trying to find the last slice of pizza at a party: very difficult! We can’t have just any old sponge soaking up CO2; we need something robust that can handle the juiciest of challenges. Stability in water? Check. Low energy costs? Check. Oh, and it’s got to be easily recyclable because one-time use is a big no-no, much like my ex’s attitude toward sharing!

Overall Stability Boost

Yaghi and crew have spent two decades crafting their COFs to withstand the rigors of the real world. Their latest masterpiece, COF-999, can absorb a whopping 2 millimoles of CO2 per gram. That’s like taking in a deep breath of fresh air—but better, because you can actually keep it! And the best part? It can be reused over a hundred times without losing its charm. Perfect for the eco-warrior on-the-go!

The AI Angle

As if COFs weren’t enough of a revolution, Yaghi is optimistic that artificial intelligence can push the envelope even further. I mean, if AI can beat us at chess, surely it can help us outsmart climate change. It’s like having a super smart friend who always knows the answers—just with a lot less small talk!

Conclusion: A Race Against Time

The clock is ticking, and while the Netherlands has some catching up to do in its climate goals, we may just have the tools to do it—if we can get out of our own way! So, here’s to the bright minds guiding us toward a cleaner planet. And if the Dutch can manage to get it right while cycling through tulip fields, maybe we all have a chance after all!

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