Libya Dennise – Unit Bulletins

Explosive Times in Guanajuato: A Cheeky Analysis

Ah, Guanajuato — renowned for its colors, culture, and apparently, its hard-hitting morning headlines. So, what’s the latest buzz? Well, if you’ve heard about the explosion and ensuing chaos in Acámbaro and Jerécuaro, don’t be alarmed; it’s just a typical Tuesday morning, right? Or is it? Let’s unpack this a bit.

The Incident: A Bang, Not a Whimper

This morning, an impressive display of pyrotechnics — and by that, I mean an “unfortunate explosion” at 5:40 a.m. in Jerécuaro — has left the fine folks there shaking their heads while the local vehicular scene found itself a little more trashed than usual. Four cars were left damaged, facades were adorned with a lovely new ‘charred’ décor, and the cherry on this explosive cake? NO injuries, thankfully! Here’s a toast to that! 🥂

Meanwhile, Acámbaro’s got the spotlight too, with our brave police officers trying to keep things under control when an explosive device detonated near the Municipal Public Security offices. Three officers injured — one quite critically. I can hear the collective sigh across the internet: who’s responsible for orchestrating this chaotic symphony? I guess we’ll find out soon. Fingers crossed, they don’t pinpoint it on anyone named “Mister Boom Boom”.

Government Response: The Avengers Assemble

As our plot thickens faster than a good gravy, enter the “Security Cabinet” (I mean, sounds like a group of superheroes, doesn’t it?). They emerged from their top-secret HQ — C5, because apparently C1 through C4 were already taken — to assemble with the mayors of Acámbaro and Jerécuaro. Strategic planning? Let’s hope it’s more coordinated than a badly rehearsed flash mob!

Governor Libya Dennise García Muñoz Ledo made it clear that these “Acts of Drama” won’t shake the government’s resolve. With a military show of force similar to a blockbuster action film, they called in the State Public Security Forces, the National Guard, and all sorts of acronyms that sound like they belong in a spy movie. I mean, who knew bureaucracy could be so… explosive? 🔥

What Comes Next?

The Governor’s got his eye on the ball, or should I say, the investigation? An investigation file is opened faster than you can say “Who’s responsible?” Onlookers can expect more intelligence gathering than a geeky gamer at a convention. The aim here is to protect families, address grievances, and ensure people feel safe – because feeling unsafe can really cramp your style, not to mention your brunch plans!

A Word of Support

Now, let’s give a hand (not literally, to the injured folks) to the officials involved: from military personnel to the diligent municipal police. They’re receiving institutional support and, much like a diner on karaoke night, everyone’s lending a hand. There’s even talk of reviewing properties that suffered damage – I mean, if a façadeto has to undergo a “makeover”, let’s at least make it fabulous, right?

Final Thoughts: Stay Tuned!

And there you have it! As we watch the situation unfold with bated breath and a healthy dose of sarcasm, one thing is clear: Guanajuato is not backing down. They’re doubling down. So, grab your popcorn and hold onto your hats; it’s going to be a colorful ride ahead, and perhaps, just perhaps, this popcorn is only half-popped. Stay vigilant, Guanajuato — the world is watching!

  • The Security Cabinet meets with the mayors of Acámbaro and Jerécuaro at the State C5 facilities to outline strategic actions and review the data that will allow those responsible to be quickly found.

Silao, Gto. October 24, 2024.- The events recorded this morning in the municipalities of Acámbaro and Jerécuaro are acts that in no way are going to stop the coordinated work between the 3 levels of government to bring peace to Guanajuato, assured the Libyan Governor Dennise García Muñoz Ledo.

As immediate actions, from the moment the events occurred, an air and ground operation was deployed by the State Public Security Forces, the State Prosecutor’s Office, the Secretariat of National Defense, the National Guard, the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic, the National Intelligence Center and the municipal police.

This joint work will be intensified even further, especially with intelligence actions to prevent criminal acts.

It was reported that the Delegation of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic has opened the Investigation File for these events, with full assistance from the state and municipal authorities.

The Security Cabinet met at the State C5 facilities with the Municipal Presidents of Acámbaro and Jerécuaro to outline strategic actions and review the data that will soon allow those responsible to be found.

Governor Libya Dennise asked this coordinated working group of the three levels of government to carry out all necessary actions to clarify the facts, protect Guanajuato families and protect the state.

He also instructed to provide all institutional support to the elements that were injured in the municipality of Acámbaro and to carry out a structural review of the properties, supporting the families and businesses that suffered damage to their properties.

The following participated in this meeting: the Governor, Libya Dennise García Muñoz Ledo; the Commander of the XVI Military Zone, General Francisco Javier Zubia González, accompanied by Commander Paulo Francisco Benítez Gómez; the Representative of the Federal Prosecutor in Guanajuato, Jorge Omar Bazúa Sánchez; the State Coordinator of the National Guard in Guanajuato, Rogelio García Pérez; the State Attorney General, Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre; the Secretary of Government, Jorge Jiménez Lona; the Secretary of Security and Peace of the State, Mauro González Martínez; the Mayor of Jerécuaro, María Isabel Acevedo Mercado; and the Mayor of Acámbaro, Claudia Silva Campos.


In Jerécuaro: at 05:40 a.m. today a strong explosion was reported; 4 vehicles were damaged and damage was also recorded to the facades located on Calzada Juárez. Fortunately, there were NO civilians or police officers injured.

Acámbaro: three elements were injured due to a detonation of an explosive device outside the Municipal Public Security facilities on Río Colorado Street on the corner of Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, in which a police officer was seriously injured, and two more police officers They suffered injuries that did not require transport to a hospital.

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