Three Supplements You Should Avoid: Expert Advice from Pharmacist Ariana Medizade

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The market of supplements it is increasingly full of products and very often there are completely conflicting opinions on the actual benefits they bring. Furthermore, sometimes even the method of use is unclear: there are those who use them to support important physical activities or those who use them directly as a meal replacement. After the Covid-19 pandemic, this market had a powerful surge, due to the many web gurus who suggested supplements to escape the virus or come out unscathed. A pharmacist and influencer, however, in a video published on her TikTok profile, which went viral, listed three types of supplements that in her opinion should never be purchased. Here’s what they are.

Vitamin D3

Ariana Medizade, pharmacist and influencer, has listed the three supplements to absolutely avoid in an attempt to clarify an issue that very often finds opposing opinions. According to Medizade, the first supplement not to buy is la vitamin D3: «You must always take vitamin D3 together with K2, otherwise when the body absorbs calcium, this will be deposited in places wrong».

For Ariana, therefore, the calcium that is absorbed by the body does not end in the bones, but in the arteries.

St. John’s Wort

This herbal medicine made from a common yellow flower is often used to treat mental health problems, including anxiety and depression. As stated by the expert, however, the supplement could cancel the effect of other drugs that you are taking. “Not never hire St. John’s wort. Especially if you are taking oral birth control pills or any other type of medication. St. John’s wort is known to be an inducer of CYP3A4, which induces the metabolism of drugs in the body, reducing their concentrations in the bloodstream, as if you had never taken them.”

Zinc with Magnesium

The pharmacist warned that taking these two minerals together, Zinc and Magnesium, does not actually help the metabolism, the immune system and the bones. There are, however, benefits if the two minerals are taken individually. He also recommended spacing Zinc and Magnesium intake by two hours.

Last updated: Sunday 27 October 2024, 16:32


Steering Clear of Supplement Shenanigans

Oh, the wonderful world of supplements! It’s like the wild west out there—gun-toting dieters, vitamin cowboys, and health-hawking web gurus all vying for your trust and your money. After the whole Covid-19 rollercoaster—grab a ticket, it’s a bumpy ride—the market exploded! Now, you can find a pill for everything, or at least that’s what the internet tells you. But, hark! There’s a video floating around like an untamed balloon on TikTok that’s got people gasping! A pharmacist and influencer, Ariana Medizade, has called out three suspect supplements that might just be as useful as a chocolate teapot. Let’s break it down!

1. Vitamin D3: The Sunshine Liar

First up, we’ve got Vitamin D3. Now, this is the vitamin everyone loves—like the popular kid in school who’s also secretly a bit of a menace. According to Ariana, if you’re taking D3, you better have its buddy K2 along for the ride. Otherwise, dear friend, you might as well be pouring calcium straight into your arteries—talk about a calcium traffic jam! So unless you want your body’s plumbing to resemble a dodgy plumbing job, you might want to double-check before diving into that bottle!

2. St. John’s Wort: The Sneaky Saboteur

Next on our list is the seemingly innocent herbal remedy, St. John’s Wort. Oh, it sounds lovely—like a cure for your brooding poet phase. But beware! This little yellow flower can turn your meds into a squishy mess. “Not *never hire* St. John’s Wort,” says Ariana. What a statement! It can play tricks with your birth control pills and other medications, making them about as effective as a soggy biscuit in a dunk contest. So, unless you enjoy unwanted surprises, it might be best to leave St. John’s at the door!

3. Zinc with Magnesium: The Odd Couple

Finally, we can’t forget about the dynamic duo that is Zinc with Magnesium. It seems like a match made in heaven, but according to Ariana, it’s more like a bad first date that just keeps dragging on. Taken together, these two may not be the nutrient power couple you hoped for. Want the benefits? Take them separately, and try spacing them out by two hours like they’re at an awkward party. Just let them mingle individually—it might save your metabolism the stress of sorting out which one has the better dance moves!

In summary, folks, the supplement market is swirling with confusion, mistrust, and a healthy dose of mischief. Just because something sparkles in a bottle doesn’t mean it’s the magic elixir you’ve been searching for. Always consult a trusted healthcare professional before making those health decisions. And remember, when it comes to your health, it’s better to be safe than sorry—or worse, spending half your paycheck on stuff that’ll end up collecting dust on top of the fridge.

Stay safe, stay smart, and for heaven’s sake, watch what you swallow!

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