Evo Morales accuses Bolivian ‘state agents’ of trying to shoot him

2024-10-27 18:37:00

he former president Bolivia Evo Morales Condemn a group of people this Sunday ‘Masked man’ shot The truck he was traveling in injured its driver near Cochabamba. The first police report showed the vehicle had been 14 bullet impacts.

In a statement to the International Commission on Human Rights, Evo Morales denounced attempts by Bolivian “state agents” to assassinate him.

“The car I arrived in had 14 shots fired. It surprised me. Fortunately, today we saved our lives (…). The shooters were all wearing turbans (…). This was planned” Morales said in a radio interview Long live cocain which he expressed doubts about attacks targeting ministries linked to President Luis Arce

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

They will order the arrest of Evo Morales because he failed to testify before the prosecutor’s office

As the former president of Bolivia noted in his complaint, the van in which he was traveling to attend a weekend radio show began to be being chased by a strangersuddenly They shot multiple times Fight him from the other two cars.

According to detailed information, the incident occurred at around 6:30 local time Located on a stretch of road between the town of Villa Tunari and Lauca Ñlocated in the tropical region of Cochabamba. Likewise, a video taken from inside a truck began circulating, and during the attack No arrests have been made yet.

“They’re shooting at us. Pressey get down, get down.”A woman can be heard speaking in a desperate tone in the video, while the former president sits in the passenger seat talking on the phone. “They are shooting at us, mobilize quickly”indicating his voice on the call in an emergency.

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“When you hear gunshots, you have to duck and take cover.”The injured driver later scolded him in a tense tone. Soon after, they stopped the vehicle in a town and Morales told those present that “they were being hit with bullets.”

In a radio talk, the former president of Bolivia explained that they had to replace the vehicle because one of the tires was hit by a bullet, and related: “When we were changing clothes, we saw that Papacho (the driver) was injured. His head was bleeding.”.

In turn, newspapers reason The Bolivian president mentioned that the former president said he did not see the perpetrators of the attack, but they told him they were “The masked man in black”. The attack comes after Morales was charged earlier this month with abusing a 15-year-old girl, a charge his followers set up more than 20 roadblocks to protest.

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After the incident, the former president of Bolivia targeted the Bolivian government. Luis Arcewhat he faced. Since the current government, especially the Deputy Minister of Civil Security Roberto Riossaid they would investigate whether this was a “Self-attack”.

“As a national authority We are obliged to investigate any complaints, whether true or false, of self-aggressive behaviorIt is worth mentioning that Morales’s complaints come after a change in the country’s military leadership amid tensions over road cuts and blockades in Arce.

From his seat, the former president said: “Lucho (Luis Arce) destroyed Bolivia and now wants to eliminate our process by ending Evo’s life… Let’s see how we prepare (…). The siege is underway”.

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