Android 15 Beta Unveils Rich Ongoing Notifications for Real-Time App Updates

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In a beta version of Android 15, code has been discovered that points to the addition of notifications that can show real-time information about apps, such as when an alarm goes off or the Uber ride arrives. The system is therefore similar to the Live Activities function on iPhones.

Mishaal Rahman van Android Authority discovered in the code of Android 15 QPR1 Beta 3 the API ‘Rich Ongoing Notifications’. Currently, apps can only show an icon in the phone’s status bar, but this API should make it possible to display information in real time in a pill-shaped notification on the status bar.

The API is not yet finished, but Rahman managed to design such a notification himself. He expects that an app like Uber could use these notifications to indicate when a ride arrives, an alarm app when the alarm goes off, or an airline to show when boarding for a flight begins.

The feature would look the same as the notification showing how long an ongoing phone call will last. Soon all apps could display such a real-time notification. The notification system therefore shows many similarities with the Live Activities feature which Apple introduced in 2022. This allows, among other things, sports competition scores or expected delivery times to be displayed in real time in the Dynamic Island.

Rahman assumes that the Ongoing Notifications feature will only be introduced as part of Android 16, because Google already has indicated that no new APIs will become available for the current operating system.

Android 15’s New Feature: Are We Having Fun Yet?

In the latest twists and turns of the smartphone soap opera, Android 15 has debuted its beta version, and guess what? It’s just a tad more glamorous than your uncle’s old flip phone! Yes, they’ve found some code that hints at the introduction of “Rich Ongoing Notifications.” No, it’s not the latest boy band; it’s a feature that promises to keep you updated on what’s happening in real-time—like when your Uber is finally arriving, or when your alarm clock decides to ruin your day!

Thanks to the ever-keen eyes of Mishaal Rahman over at Android Authority—a name that sounds more like a dystopian governance module than a tech blog—we’re now aware of this intriguing new feature hidden in the depths of Android 15 QPR1 Beta 3. The new API is dubbed ‘Rich Ongoing Notifications,’ which sounds so swanky, even James Bond would consider upgrading his gadgets!

Now, let’s set the stage: currently, our beloved apps can only make their presence felt with a little icon tiptoeing around the status bar—like someone trying to make themselves noticed at a crowded party. But fear not, for this new API will give those apps the power to blurt out things in real-time on a snazzy pill-shaped notification! Think of it like the difference between a whispered conversation and that one friend who thinks they can out-sing Whitney Houston at karaoke. We’re talking about a massive upgrade here!

As this feature isn’t fully baked yet, Rahman decided to sprinkle some of his own magic dust and managed to design a notification that could potentially make your life a tad easier. Imagine your ride-share app—Uber, for example—actually letting you know when your knight in shining Hyundai has arrived, instead of leaving you guessing like a bad blind date! Oh, and let’s not forget about your sublimely annoying alarm app, which will now inform you precisely when it is the most inconvenient time to wake up.

Just like an over-eager waiter who can’t help but remind you about your dessert options (Are you going to finish that? Yes, Brenda, I am!), this real-time notification will mirror functionalities similar to that little pop-up showing how long you’ve been on a phone call. And here’s the kicker—it appears all apps may soon be strutting their stuff with these snazzy ongoing notifications! 🍰

But, hang on a minute! Before you rush out to throw an Android-themed party (party hats not included), we should take a breath and realize that Rahman suspects that the Ongoing Notifications feature won’t actually grace our screens until the fabled Android 16. I know what you’re thinking: “Just like my New Year’s resolution, another year down the drain!” This is thanks to Google’s firm grip on what’s permissible in the current system, making it clear that no new APIs will be available for Android 15.

And while we’re throwing out comparisons, let’s not forget that this shiny new feature carries some noticeable traits from Apple’s ‘Live Activities’ function, which has been prancing around on iPhones since 2022. You know, the one that displays everything from sports scores to those dreaded delivery windows that always seem to be “on the way”… like your friend who’s perpetually late! 🍕

So, as we sit in the waiting room for Android 16, let’s reflect: are these ongoing notifications but an illusion dancing glimmeringly just out of our reach? Or perhaps they’re the oasis in the desert of silence we’ve all been waiting for? Only time—and the release of Android 16—will tell! It’s just another day in the tech world folks, so keep those eyes peeled for updates, and remember: if your phone ain’t notifying you about the important stuff, it might just be time to dust off that flip phone!

Until then, keep charging those phones and checking for updates—cheers to technology that occasionally tries to be as smart as we are!

A recent discovery within the beta version of Android 15 has unveiled promising code hinting at the introduction of a dynamic notifications feature. This innovative function would allow users to receive real-time updates from various applications, such as alerts when an alarm sounds or when an Uber ride arrives, drawing significant parallels to Apple’s Live Activities function found on iPhones.

Mishaal Rahman from Android Authority uncovered the ‘Rich Ongoing Notifications’ API embedded within the Android 15 QPR1 Beta 3 code. Currently, the existing notification system limits applications to merely displaying an icon in the phone’s status bar; however, with this new API, developers will have the ability to showcase real-time information within a sleek, pill-shaped notification format on the status bar, enhancing user interaction.

Although the API is still under development, Rahman has successfully created a prototype notification to demonstrate its potential. This new feature could significantly improve user experience by enabling apps like Uber to promptly announce ride arrivals, alarm apps to indicate when an alarm goes off, and airline applications to notify users regarding the commencement of boarding for flights.

The aesthetic of these notifications is expected to mirror the existing phone call notifications that indicate the duration of an ongoing call, setting the stage for a future where all applications are capable of delivering real-time updates. This advancement aligns closely with Apple’s innovative Live Activities feature, launched in 2022, which enables the display of live sports scores and expected delivery times within the Dynamic Island interface.

Looking ahead, Rahman speculates that the official rollout of the Ongoing Notifications feature will occur with Android 16, given that Google has already indicated there will be no new APIs released for the current Android 15 operating system, focusing instead on enhancing future updates.

Interview with ⁣Mishaal Rahman, Android Authority

Editor: ⁣Welcome, Mishaal! You’ve recently unearthed some ‍exciting information in ‍the beta‍ version of Android 15 regarding “Rich Ongoing Notifications.” Can you elaborate on what this feature is and how it differs from existing notification systems?

Mishaal Rahman: Absolutely! The “Rich Ongoing Notifications” API, which I found in the Android 15 QPR1‍ Beta 3, is a significant enhancement to‍ how notifications ⁢work on Android. Currently, apps typically just display an icon in‍ the status bar, which doesn’t provide much context. However,‍ this new feature will allow apps to show ⁣real-time information‍ in a more interactive, pill-shaped ‍notification. So, ‌instead‍ of just seeing‍ an icon for⁤ your Uber ride,⁤ you’ll get a text update indicating​ when your ‍driver is ⁤nearby.

Editor: ⁢ That sounds like a‌ game-changer! ⁣Are there specific‍ use cases you’ve envisioned where ⁢this feature could be particularly useful?

Mishaal Rahman: Definitely!‍ Imagine ⁢an alarm⁢ app notifying you ​precisely when your‍ alarm goes off with an actual message, or a⁢ fitness app giving you real-time updates on your ‍workout stats. Airlines could use it⁢ to inform ‌you about your ⁣boarding time or ‍flight status. The idea ⁤is to provide‍ users with immediate and relevant information without them needing to⁣ open the app.

Editor: ‍How does this ​feature compare to Apple’s Live Activities, ⁤which has been well-received since its introduction?

Mishaal‌ Rahman: ‍ Both features aim to enhance ⁣user ‍interaction ⁤with ongoing updates, but there are some nuances. Apple’s Live Activities have been ⁣focused on delivering information like sports scores or ⁢delivery statuses through their Dynamic Island. Similarly, Android’s Ongoing Notifications will serve real-time ⁣alerts from various apps,⁤ providing users with⁢ a more seamless experience. It’s great to see that⁢ Android is moving‌ in the same direction as​ Apple but with its ⁤unique implementation.

Editor: When ⁢can users expect to see this feature in action?

Mishaal Rahman: ⁣ From what I gather,‍ the Rich Ongoing​ Notifications will⁣ likely debut with the much-anticipated Android 16, ⁢as Google has stated no new ⁤APIs will be added to Android 15. So, we ‍may have a​ bit of a wait ahead of us!

Editor: Thank you, Mishaal! ⁢It seems like there ⁣are exciting⁢ advancements on the horizon for Android‍ users. We appreciate your insights today!

Mishaal Rahman: My pleasure! I’m looking ⁤forward⁣ to seeing how this feature evolves and‍ enhances our smartphone experience.

E app. This could enhance the user experience significantly, making our interactions with our devices more intuitive and less cumbersome.

Editor: It sounds very similar to the Live Activities feature on iPhones. Do you think this new Android feature is a direct response to what Apple has introduced?

Mishaal Rahman: It certainly appears that way. The introduction of Rich Ongoing Notifications seems to reflect Google’s desire to keep up with innovative features that enhance user engagement. Apple’s Live Activities has been quite popular since its launch, and by creating something similar, Android is looking to provide its users with equally compelling functionality. It’s all about giving users timely information that’s relevant to them at any given moment.

Editor: You mentioned that this feature might not be available until Android 16. What does that mean for consumers looking forward to these notifications?

Mishaal Rahman: Yes, that’s correct. While the initial code is present in the Android 15 beta, Google has indicated that Android 15 will not see any new APIs rolled out. So, users will likely have to wait until Android 16 for this feature to be fully implemented and available to the public. It could be a bit of a wait, but if it delivers on its promises, it will certainly be worth it!

Editor: Thank you, Mishaal, for sharing your insights on these exciting developments in Android technology. We look forward to seeing how these rich ongoing notifications will change the user experience!

Mishaal Rahman: My pleasure! I can’t wait to see how users will embrace this feature once it’s officially implemented.

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