GPO survey for traffic in Attica

Table of Contents

As stated by GPO research director Antonis Papagyris who spoke to Sotiris Xenakis and Vassilis Skouris “15% of Attica’s residents spend more than 1 hour to be able to reach their destination”.

Initially, an attempt was made to investigate the travel habits of the respondents, where most of the respondents stated that they travel by means of public transport (41%) and by private car (40.7%). In the demographic analysis, we observe that residents over 65 years of age tend to use Mass Transport more (52%) compared to other age groups, as well as that the residents of Eastern Attica use the passenger car more for their travel (53.5 %).

Regarding the time respondents spend moving from home to their daily destination, either as drivers or by means of transport, 35.6% state that they spend up to 30 minutes, while almost 32% up to 1 hour . It is noteworthy that almost 15% of the residents of Attica state that they spend more than 1 hour to go to their destination (up to 1.5 hours 10% & up to 2 hours 4.8%).

Traffic: The Unsolved Problem of Kifissos and the Abolition of the Ring – The 6 Reasons Behind Confucius

More vehicles than the infrastructure can actually handle, an increase in the number of logistics companies and, by extension, the trucks that serve them, as well as poor interconnection of the Mass Transport with the areas at the height of Kifissos, are three of the six main ones reasons it is in a permanent traffic jam.

The other two reasons, as transport experts explained to Sunday’s Free Press and Marina Xpynitos, have to do with the “bottleneck” phenomenon, i.e. the many entrances and exits that exist along the road, but also with the age of the vehicles, which often results in leaving drivers in the middle of the road. Another reason, extremely important, is the Ring. A measure that was taken decades ago for environmental reasons and today has led to an increase in traffic on the roads around the Ring, but also on larger roads such as Kifissos.


As transport expert Kimon Logothetis explained to Sunday’s Free Press, “the application of the Ring has brought many problems to drivers, while there is a worsening of traffic outside its limits”. In fact, as he said, the situation in Kifissos is particularly difficult, with the congestion starting very early, i.e. from 7.00 in the morning. “On the way up, the traffic starts from Egaleo, from Iera Odos and reaches Nea Filadelfia, while on the way down the congestion extends from Lykovrisi to Peristeri”, he pointed out.

The application of the Ring has brought many problems to the drivers, while there is a worsening of the traffic outside the boundaries of the KIMON LOGOTHETIS Traffic management consultant

Of course, Capricorn isn’t in the red just because of the Ring. According to what the appointed road safety advisor of the Attica Region, Konstantinos Markuizos, told the Free Press on Sunday, the situation in Kifissos is high on the agenda of the region, with the regional governor Nikos Hardalia emphasizing both the implementation of long-term projects that they will relieve Kifissos as well as the short-term ones that help drivers in daily traffic. In fact, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the region have signed a contract, through which a study is “running” to improve the existing situation and to make the corresponding interventions.

In response to the question of why Kifissos has always been a road that troubles drivers a lot, Mr. Marquizos explained that there are many reasons that have caused the current situation. “In the last 5 years alone, there has been a 30% increase in logistics companies and, by extension, in the trucks that serve them through Kifissos,” he said.

Another and equally important problem, according to Mr. Logothetis, is the asymmetry of the lanes. “In some places there are four lanes, while in others there are three and in addition there is no Emergency Lane (LEA) everywhere.” This creates problems, especially in the upstream, at the height of New Philadelphia, but also in the descent, at the height of Athens.

“The “bottleneck” phenomenon, as it is called, leads to a sharp compression of traffic, as drivers have to move in fewer lanes,” he explained to “ET.” of Sunday.

As he added, “2,000 vehicles can circulate in each lane of Kifissos. The 4 lanes serve a total of 8,000, while the 3 only serve 6,000. Therefore, 8,000 vehicles are trying to squeeze into a space for 6,000”.

In some places there are four lanes, while in others there are three and in addition there is no Emergency Lane everywhere KONSTANTINOS MARKOUIZOS AUTHORIZED ROAD SAFETY ADVISOR OF THE REGION OF ATTICA

At the same time, Mr. Marquizos referred to the many entrances and exits along it, which in turn cause a similar traffic problem, but also to the fact that there is no good connection of Mass Transportation with some areas located in the Kifisso, as a result of which citizens choose to travel by car.

“With the illuminated signs we inform people about the events and the times it takes to get somewhere. We also have a truck-van there, which is marked with a trailer with an illuminated triangle and a platform where we can lift a car and move it away, and through the Center we are in communication with the Traffic Police”, notes Mr. Marquizos.


Fixed number of lanes

There is no magic wand to change the image of Kifissos. However, a number of actions can smooth the situation. In the immediate measures, Mr. Logothetis proposes the need to use technical means, such as cameras to record those who violate the LEA, the existence of a Traffic Police, which will intervene in incidents, without the current delays, given that now, depending on the height where an incident takes place, the corresponding department (Piraeus, Peristeriou, Philadelphia, etc.) also operates.

At the same time, “to improve the situation, there should be a fixed number of lanes along the entire length of the road, just like LEA. This intervention can be implemented immediately, within a month or two, as there are already relevant studies. All that remains is their implementation and the result will be immediate.”

In addition, he argued that the infrastructure needs improvement, suggesting, “where the road narrows, a small widening should be done”, which, according to him, is a project that can be done at a relatively low cost and in a short period of time.

Referring to the long-term projects, Mr. Marquizos emphasized that “what the government has announced, for the axis that will not be inside the urban fabric here in Attica but will pass peripherally through the old part of Thebes so that many people can travel trucks coming from areas of Western Athens and Piraeus and not crossing the river, is expected to facilitate significantly. According to the schedules of the Ministry of Infrastructure, the project will be finished at the end of 2027. In the Attica Region, 5,000-6,000 trucks move every day.”

However, the new road projects that will directly or indirectly decongest Kifissos are the extensions of the Attica Road, such as the Ymitto Ring Road to Vouliagmenis Avenue (Ilioupolis Tunnel) and to Lavrio and Rafina, the Logistics Center in Fyli, the new road axis Elefsina- Inofyta, the extension of Kymi Avenue and the Skaramanga Junction-Extension of Regional Egaleo project.

Turn to Media Mass Transportation

An important role, according to transport experts, will be played by the further improvement of Public Transport, so that citizens choose them more and do not use their cars as often. Already the extensions to the Piraeus metro, the new vehicles that have been added to the transport fleet of Athens, but also the line 4 that will come, are expected to attract more passengers.

Currently, OASA records the current state of transport in Attica through an extensive survey, carried out in all the municipalities of Attica, in 14,800 households, commuters in metro, tram, bus and trolley stations, in ports and airports, while taxi drivers participate and freight companies.

The aim of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the OASA and the Superfund, with the development of the new Transport Charter, is to create a more efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly urban transport system that will better meet the needs of citizens, with an emphasis in the interoperability of urban transport, so that all means of transport work complementary to each other.


Violations doubled of the Emergency Traffic Lane

Violations of the Emergency Traffic Lane almost doubled in the first nine months of 2024 compared to the corresponding period last year, showing the range of unconscious drivers, but also of the checks made by the Traffic Police along Kifissos.

The data comes from the Aphidna Traffic Department, which essentially polices the largest part of Kifissos, and is a snapshot of just one of the many causes of the bus congestion. It is characteristic that in the 9th month of 2023, 472 LEA violations were recorded, while this year’s 9th month reached 777.

In addition to checks and issuing fines, the Traffic Police tries, as far as possible, to decongest traffic when traffic accidents or vehicle immobilizations occur due to breakdowns. In this context, the decision has been taken since last year for the permanent installation in two parts of Kifiss of traffic crane vehicles, so that they can intervene more directly and remove stranded vehicles, as well as for the presence of motorcycles, which cross both streams Kifissou for faster and more valid information on events.

However, the long length of the road, which passes through several municipalities, and, above all, the fact that even dozens of vehicles stop every day, make the task extremely difficult.


ACCIDENTS 2024 2023

Deadly 1 2

Seriously 0 1

Slightly 38 24

TOTAL 39 27

PATIENTS 2024 2023

Dead 1 2

Severely injured 0 1

Slightly injured 57 38

TOTAL 58 41

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#GPO #survey #traffic #Attica
It appears you've shared a segment of JavaScript code related to the setup⁢ of Google ⁢Ad‍ Manager⁣ (GAM)‌ for an ​online article⁤ webpage.⁣ The code is primarily focused on defining and displaying various ad ⁣slots, targeting options, and handling ad configurations across different types of devices (mobile‍ versus desktop).

Here's a ⁢brief breakdown of the ‌key components ​and processes⁣ within the‌ script:

  1. Slot Definitions:

- The script ‍defines ⁣multiple ad slots using googletag.defineSlot. Each ad slot ⁢is associated with specific sizes ⁢and targeting attributes.

​ - Sizes for ‍different ⁢slots are‌ defined using size‍ mappings, which allow ‍for responsive ad ⁣sizes depending on device and ‍screen resolution.

  1. Targeting:

⁣ - Various⁤ targeting ‍keys⁢ are set for the ads, including pageType, category, and article_id, which can help in targeting the‌ right advertisements to the right audiences.

  1. Service Initialization:

- The script collapses empty divs, disables initial loading of ads, enables single request mode, and centers ads appropriately before invoking googletag.enableServices() to finalize⁣ the setup.

  1. Displaying ‌Ads:

⁤ -⁢ A function displaySlot is called for each defined ad slot to display the ads on the​ page accordingly based on whether the⁣ user is on a mobile ⁢or desktop device.

  1. AdSense Integration:

‍ - The script removes the ⁣respective AdSense ⁣elements based⁤ on ⁢the⁣ device type to avoid ⁤showing⁣ desktop⁢ ads on ⁣mobile.

  1. Third-Party Scripts:

- There are references to⁣ loading additional scripts⁤ for services like OneSignal ‌(for push notifications), Disqus (for comments), Phaistos Adman, and comments about integrating Taboola and other ad services.

- The⁤ scripts are loaded⁤ asynchronously ⁢to ensure that they do not​ block page ​rendering.

  1. Timeouts:

- Some loading functions utilize setTimeout to delay execution, ensuring ⁤other elements on the​ page load as ‍necessary before executing ‌advertising scripts.

This code is ⁣a standard setup ⁢for⁢ handling advertisements⁣ on a ‌news article ⁤page, allowing for ⁢dynamic ad serving and adaptive​ layouts aimed to enhance user experience and maximize ad revenue. If you have specific questions or need information about a certain part of the script, feel ⁣free to ask!

T to render the ads onto the webpage. This function handles the actual display of ads based on the defined parameters and targeting criteria.

Key Components and Processes:

  1. Ad Slot Management:

- The code checks the device type (mobile or desktop) and removes the respective AdSense slot elements from the DOM. This ensures that the correct ads are displayed according to the user's device.

- Several ad services are set to load scripts asynchronously, allowing ads to be loaded without blocking the webpage's rendering process.

  1. Ad Network Integrations:

- Integrates multiple ad networks beyond Google AdSense, such as Phaistos, Adman, Taboola, and more. Each of these networks is set to load their scripts asynchronously to improve page load speed.

  1. User Engagement Tools:

- Integrates OneSignal for push notifications, enabling website owners to reach users after they leave the site.

- Incorporates Disqus for comments, allowing for user interaction on articles.

  1. Analytics and Tracking:

- The inclusion of Microsoft Clarity for user behavior tracking and Yandex Metrica for analytics showcases the emphasis on understanding user interactions and improving site performance.

- The commented-out Facebook pixel setup indicates readiness for integrating Facebook ad performance tracking.

  1. Error Handling and Fallbacks:

- The script includes mechanisms to gracefully handle potential errors in loading ads or scripts, ensuring that the overall user experience remains intact even if some elements fail to load.


the script demonstrates a comprehensive approach to managing ad revenue on a website by integrating multiple services and ensuring that the correct ads are shown to the right users based on their devices and interactions. Through the asynchronous loading of scripts, user engagement features, and analytics integration, it aims to enhance the monetization strategy while considering user experience.

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