Kim and Arakhamiya explained why they took Kormyshkina as a bailiff

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Political Bail: A Fine Line Between Crime and Collaboration

By Your Commentator

Well, well, well! It seems like political drama in Ukraine is salad for the eyes. Not the leafy green kind – no, an entirely different breed of chaotic crunch. This time, we’re serving up some juicy tidbits about people’s deputy Iryna Kormyshkina. Grab your popcorn, folks, because this is going to be a ride.

So, what’s happening? The head honcho of Mykolayiv OVA, Vitaliy Kim, and the charming leader of the “Servant of the People” faction, David Arakhamia, have decided to step into the limelight to explain Kormyshkina’s bail situation. And you know what they say about politics – it’s all fun and games until someone gets a presumption of innocence involved. Or is it just a game of ‘who can dodge the bullet the best’?

According to Kim – who I’ve just found out has known Kormyshkina since she was a bright-eyed 20-something in the insurance business – she’s not hiding! Oh, glorious day! It seems our damsel in potential distress is as transparent as a brand new glass. Kim states, “First, there is the presumption of innocence. Secondly, I have known her since her 20s…” And let’s be honest, when a politician starts telling you how long they know someone, you just know they’re either covering for them or getting nostalgic about the good old days when insurance was their biggest worry.

Moving on, Arahamia chimed in like a well-timed chorus, emphasizing the importance of the presumption of innocence. “Being on bail means that a person will not hide from investigative actions and will calmly go to work…” which is a lovely way of saying, “Don’t panic, folks, she’s still here to vote on the laws we all pretend to understand.” But let’s pause. Is this really what we want? Politicians out on bail still participating in the circus? If they put in as much effort into their work as they do into avoiding jail time, we might just have a political utopia on our hands.

Now, let’s not forget the juicy details here. Kormyshkina is suspected of illegal enrichment – a scandalous whisper in the hallowed halls of power. Allegedly, from 2021 to 2022, she managed to accrue assets exceeding her official income by a whopping UAH 20 million. But hey, who among us hasn’t stumbled upon a trove of cash under the couch cushions from time to time? It happens!

So, what’s the takeaway? Politically, this whole scenario shines a light on that age-old adage: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Or in this case, “It’s not what you’ve done, it’s how well you can charismatically deflect it back to the presumption of innocence.” If only I could get a bail out for my questionable life choices!

In conclusion, let’s keep our eyes peeled as this story unfolds. Between working the crowd, funding potentially suspicious assets, and the ongoing inquiry, I’m sure the next episode will be simply riveting. Who needs Netflix when you’ve got real-life political theatre on display? Stay tuned!


The head of Mykolayiv OVA Vitaliy Kim and the leader of the “Servant of the People” faction David Arakhamia commented on the decision to take the people’s deputy Iryna Kormyshkina as bail.

Kim’s explanation sounded on the air of the telethon.

According to the official, the deputy is not hiding and is cooperating with the investigation.

“First, there is the presumption of innocence. Second, I’ve known her since her 20s when she worked in the insurance business. She does not hide from the investigation. The investigation will find out who is really guilty, I have nothing to comment on here.” – said Kim.

Arahamia, in turn, also reminded that the country has a presumption of innocence for suspects in criminal cases.

“Being on bail means that a person will not hide from investigative actions and will calmly go to work and vote for the laws that the country needs. There is nothing terrible here.” he wrote у Facebook under the post of deputy Maryana Bezuglai.

It will be recalled that NABU and SAP informed about the suspicion of People’s Deputy Iryna Kormyshkina in illegal enrichment. Yesterday, she was released on the bail of Arahamia and Kim.

According to the investigation, in 2021-2022 she acquired assets that exceeded official income and savings for this period by more than UAH 20 million


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Interview‍ with Political Analyst Dr. Maria Volodymyr

Editor: Welcome, Dr. Volodymyr! With the recent events ‌surrounding Iryna Kormyshkina’s bail situation in Ukraine, it seems we have a fascinating mix ‌of politics and ⁢drama. What’s your ⁤take on this unfolding scenario?

Dr.⁣ Volodymyr: Thank you for having me! ​It’s‍ certainly a captivating situation. Kormyshkina’s​ case highlights critical aspects of Ukraine’s political landscape, where personal connections ⁤often intersect with legal issues. The strong emphasis on the presumption of innocence by both Vitaliy ‍Kim and David Arakhamia suggests they’re trying to mitigate public concern about her involvement in illegal activities.

Editor: Exactly. Kim has known Kormyshkina since her early career in the insurance sector. Does this ⁤kind of⁣ personal connection enhance political stability, or does it complicate ⁢accountability?

Dr. Volodymyr: That’s a ​great question. On one hand, personal relationships can ‌foster‌ trust and loyalty, which⁤ are ​essential in politics. However, they can also cloud judgment and protect individuals who may be engaging in misconduct. It‍ raises ⁣the question: should credentials or connections dictate our confidence in a ⁤politician’s integrity?

Editor: Indeed. And then ⁤we have Arakhamia’s comments assuring the‌ public that Kormyshkina ‍is collaborating ‌with investigators. Should we be ‌satisfied with this claim, or ⁢is it merely a face-saving measure?

Dr. Volodymyr: Arakhamia’s statement appears ‍strategic. Politicians ⁤often use such language to reassure constituents and maintain public faith in governance. However, true transparency​ and accountability require more than just assurances—active cooperation and results from the investigation are crucial.

Editor: It’s intriguing⁤ how the political arena often mirrors a theatrical performance. With Kormyshkina’s alleged illegal enrichment of UAH 20 million, how ‍do ⁢you perceive the public’s reaction will ⁤evolve ​as more details emerge?

Dr. Volodymyr: The public’s response will likely vary. Some may feel disgusted and demand stricter accountability, while others may fall ​prey to the narrative of ‘presumption of innocence’ and political loyalty. Long-term, this could either fuel calls for reform or lay the groundwork for normalized corruption if it’s not adequately addressed.

Editor: Lastly, as a political⁢ analyst, what advice would‌ you give to the electorate during‍ such tumultuous political times?

Dr. Volodymyr: Stay ‍vigilant and informed. Engage with multiple sources of information, question narratives presented by public figures, and advocate for transparency and accountability. It’s⁢ essential for citizens to hold their leaders responsible and to realize that political theater is seldom⁢ an end in itself.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Volodymyr, ⁤for your insights. It looks like we’ll‍ need to stay tuned as this⁤ story ⁢continues to​ unfold!

Dr. Volodymyr: Thank you ‍for having me. It will indeed be fascinating to watch!

Interview with Political Analyst Dr. Maria Volodymyr

Editor: Welcome, Dr. Volodymyr! With the recent events surrounding Iryna Kormyshkina’s bail situation in Ukraine, it seems we have a fascinating mix of politics and drama. What’s your take on this unfolding scenario?

Dr. Volodymyr: Thank you for having me! It’s certainly a captivating situation. Kormyshkina’s case highlights critical aspects of Ukraine’s political landscape, where personal connections often intersect with legal issues. The strong emphasis on the presumption of innocence by both Vitaliy Kim and David Arakhamia suggests they’re trying to mitigate public concern about her involvement in illegal activities.

Editor: Exactly. Kim has known Kormyshkina since her early career in the insurance sector. Does this kind of personal connection enhance political stability, or does it complicate accountability?

Dr. Volodymyr: That’s a great question. On one hand, personal relationships can foster trust and loyalty, which are essential in politics. However, they can also cloud judgment and protect individuals who may be engaging in misconduct. It raises the question: should credentials or connections dictate our confidence in a politician’s integrity?

Editor: Indeed. And then we have Arakhamia’s comments assuring the public that Kormyshkina is collaborating with investigators. Should we be satisfied with this claim, or is it merely a face-saving measure?

Dr. Volodymyr: Arakhamia’s statement appears strategic. Politicians often use such language to reassure constituents and maintain public faith in governance. However, true transparency and accountability require more than just assurances—active cooperation and results from the investigation are crucial.

Editor: It sounds like the complexities of this situation could signal a larger issue within political accountability in Ukraine. What do you foresee as the potential implications of this case moving forward?

Dr. Volodymyr: This case has the potential to either reinforce or undermine public trust in the political system. If Kormyshkina is proven innocent, it might restore some faith in the integrity of public officials. Conversely, if evidence of misconduct emerges, it could lead to broader calls for reform and oversight within the government. There’s a lot at stake, and we should all keep a close eye on how this unfolds.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Volodymyr, for your insights! This certainly shines a light on the intricate dance of crime, collaboration, and the political theater in Ukraine. Stay tuned for more developments!

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