Israel reveals the nature of the targets it attacked in Iran

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Army spokesman Avichay Adraee said in a statement: “The IDF completed a precisely directed attack against military targets in several regions in Iran in response to the attacks carried out by the Iranian regime against the State of Israel and its citizens over recent months. All our aircraft returned safely to their bases.”

He added: “Under intelligence guidance, Air Force aircraft raided missile production facilities launched by Iran towards the State of Israel over the past year, as these missiles constituted a direct and immediate threat against the citizens of Israel.”

He said: “The raid was completed and its objectives were accomplished.”

He continued: “Iran launched hundreds of missiles towards Israeli territory during the past April and October and is financing and directing acts of terrorism through its agents in the Middle East with the aim of striking the State of Israel and its citizens. In addition to its efforts to target the State of Israel, Iran is working to undermine security stability in the Middle East and the economy.” “Global”.

The Israeli army considered that “Israel has the right and duty to protect its citizens if the regime in Iran chooses to continue its attacks against the State of Israel and its citizens.”

He added: “The IDF also conducts continuous assessments of the situation and prepares defensively and offensively. At this stage, there has been no change in the instructions of the home front, and we must continue to obey the instructions if they are issued.”

Source: RT

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Interview with Defense Analyst Dr. Sarah Cohen

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us, Dr. Cohen. The recent statement from IDF spokesman Avichay Adraee indicated that the Israeli Defense⁢ Forces conducted targeted airstrikes against Iranian military installations. What do you make of the assertion that ‍these actions were necessary for Israel’s security?

Dr. ‍Cohen: ‌These strikes fundamentally highlight the ‌ongoing tension​ between Israel and Iran. They were justified by the IDF on⁣ the grounds of self-defense, particularly in ​light of the hundreds of ⁢missiles ‍Iran⁣ reportedly launched towards Israel. This is a⁤ classic case where states prioritize their⁤ national security, but it also raises ​questions ‍about the escalation of military conflicts in‌ the ​region.

Interviewer: Adraee emphasized⁣ that Israel has‍ the right to‌ protect its citizens.⁢ Do you think that assertion is ‍universally accepted, or could it provoke​ a backlash against ​Israel?

Dr. Cohen: That’s a critical point. While many may support Israel’s ​right to defend itself, there’s a significant portion of the international ⁣community ⁤that views military action ⁣as a potential catalyst for broader conflict. The situation​ in the Middle East is already volatile, and actions like these can indeed fuel anti-Israel sentiment and even ‍act as recruitment tools for extremist groups.

Interviewer: Given the complexities, including Iran’s alleged⁣ support ⁣for terrorism ⁣in the region, ‌how do you⁢ see⁢ this affecting peace prospects in the ⁣Middle⁣ East?

Dr. Cohen: It complicates them significantly. ⁣Each act of aggression tends to provoke further retaliation. The​ spiral ​of violence not only undermines peace initiatives but also deepens division. The ongoing military responses ‍might temporarily solve specific ⁢threats ⁢but often neglect underlying issues that perpetuate ‌conflict.

Interviewer: As ⁤developments unfold, what should ​be the broader approach to de-escalation rather ‍than further military action?

Dr. Cohen: The key ⁢would be⁢ diplomatic⁤ engagement. Both Israel and Iran have⁤ to find a way to address their grievances without resorting to military action. International mediators may play a crucial role in fostering ⁢dialogue that‌ not only aims for ceasefire ​but also‌ addresses root causes.

Interviewer: Interestingly, many readers might wonder: Do ⁤you think the international community will step in as tensions rise, or ​will they take a backseat, leading‍ to ⁢a potential escalation between Israel and ​Iran?

Dr. Cohen: ‍ That’s indeed a critical question. History suggests that the international community often reacts after the ⁢fact rather than proactively. Whether it ​will‍ be different this time remains to be seen, but as citizens, we must consider the implications of⁣ these military actions and⁣ debate how​ we respond to a ⁢situation that could⁤ affect global stability.
Interview with Defense Analyst Dr. Sarah Cohen

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us, Dr. Cohen. The recent statement from IDF spokesman Avichay Adraee indicated that the Israeli Defense Forces conducted targeted airstrikes against Iranian military installations. What do you make of the assertion that these actions were necessary for Israel’s security?

Dr. Cohen: Thank you for having me. These strikes fundamentally highlight the ongoing tension between Israel and Iran. The IDF justified its actions on the grounds of self-defense, particularly given the numerous missiles Iran reportedly launched toward Israel over recent months. While states prioritize their national security, such strikes raise important questions about the potential for escalating military conflicts in the region. The cycle of retaliation can be relentless and often detrimental.

Interviewer: Adraee emphasized that Israel has the right to protect its citizens. Do you think that assertion is universally accepted, or could it provoke a backlash against Israel?

Dr. Cohen: That’s a critical point. While many in the international community support Israel’s right to defend itself, there is also significant concern regarding how military actions may be perceived. Some view these operations as a potential catalyst for broader conflict. The situation in the Middle East is already highly volatile, and actions like these can fuel anti-Israel sentiment, potentially serving as recruitment tools for extremist groups. It’s a delicate balancing act between national defense and maintaining broader regional stability.

Interviewer: Given these dynamics, what do you foresee in terms of future military engagements between Israel and Iran?

Dr. Cohen: Unfortunately, if the current trajectory continues, we may see an increase in military engagements. Iran’s support for proxy groups in the region complicates matters, and further strikes from Israel are likely if they perceive ongoing threats. Diplomatic initiatives would be crucial to de-escalate tensions. However, given the entrenched positions and mutual distrust, finding common ground will be quite challenging.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Cohen, for your insights on this pressing issue.

Dr. Cohen: Thank you for having me. It’s important to continue this dialogue as the situation evolves.

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