These are the new salaries in the special payrolls [αναλυτικοί πίνακες με τα ποσά]

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An exception to the rule of no increase in allowances will apply only in the case of judicial officers. For these officials, increases in basic salaries of 20-30 euros will also cause increases in the amounts of time-of-service allowances they receive, because in their own special pay scale these allowances are calculated at rates ranging from 4% to 60% of the basic salaries. That is, the amount of these allowances depends on the amount of basic wages.

In any case, even for judges, the increases in total salaries will be limited in percentages. For the vast majority of judicial officers, NHS doctors and academics, the increases in total salaries will be lower than 1%-2%, i.e. they will fall well short of the increase in inflation.

What is valid

According to the predictions of the draft of the 2025 State Budget and based on what was announced and clarified by the political leadership of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance:

1 The amount of the increase in the minimum wage in the private sector, according to the prescribed procedure, will determine the increase in the basic wages in the State that will be applied from April 1, 2025.

2 The minimum wage in the private sector is currently €830 and the target is to reach €950 in April 2027, meaning that, until then, the average annual increase based on the target of €950 in 2027 will average in about 40 euros.

3 The introductory basic salary in the State, for a newly appointed civil servant in the category of Compulsory Education, today amounts to 850 euros. In order not to fall short of the new minimum wage of the private sector, there will be proportional horizontal increases in all public sector salaries, i.e. both in the salary of civil servants and in the special salaries of civil servants, i.e. the military, the police, the port officers, firefighters, judges, researchers, NHS doctors, university students, etc., as was the case with the 70 euros in 2024. This way, all civil servants and civil servants – 700,000 workers in total – will receive their basic salaries , gradually until 2027, a horizontal increase of 100 euros gross in total, so that the entry fee in the State will rise to 950 euros in 2027, from 850 euros today.

4 If a scenario of an increase of the minimum wage in the private sector by 40 euros per month is applied, for each year from 2025 to 2027, this wage in 2025 will be determined at 870 euros, at which point the introductory basic wage in the public sector will also rise to 870 euros from 850 euros today. That is, this introductory salary will increase by 20 euros. All other basic salaries of civil servants and all basic salaries of civil servants will increase by the same amount in 2025. That is, they will increase horizontally by 20 euros (gross) per month from April 1, 2025.

5 If a scenario of an increase of the minimum wage in the private sector by 50 euros per month in 2025 and by 35 euros per month in 2026 and 2027 is applied, this wage in 2025 will be set at 880 euros, at which point the introductory basic salary in the public sector will also rise to 880 euros from 850 euros today. That is, this introductory salary will increase by 30 euros. All other basic salaries of civil servants and all basic salaries of civil servants will increase by the same amount in 2025. That is, they will increase horizontally by 30 euros (gross) per month from April 1, 2025.

Reduction insurance contributions by 0.5%

At the same time, according to what was announced by the leadership of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, court officials, NHS doctors and university professors will also receive some additional small increases in their salaries, as it was decided to reduce the insurance contributions that are borne by active civil servants , by 0.5%. That is, the sickness contribution will be reduced, which is currently 2.55% of the gross salary. If it is assumed that this amount is 1,800 euros for someone, the reservation for the above contribution is today 1,800 X 2.55%=45.90 euros. With the reduction of the above contribution by 0.5%, it will finally be 2.05% and the new amount of the reservation will be 1,800 euros X 2.05% = 36.90 euros. The difference of 45.90 euros – 36.90 = 9 euros will constitute the monthly increase from the specific reduction in the insurance contribution. Correspondingly, for earnings of 1,000 euros, the reduction of the contribution will cause an increase of 5 euros per month.


NOW FROM 1-4-2025
President of the Council of State (StE), President and Prosecutor of the Supreme Court (A.P.), President of the Audit Court (E.S.),

General State Commissioner of the E.S.

General State Commissioner of Regular Administrative Courts (TDD)

4.204 4.224 4.234 0,48% 0,71%
Vice-President of the Council of Ministers, of the A.P. and of E.S.,

State Commissioner of the E.S. and Commissioner of the State of TDD

3.791 3.811 3.821 0,53% 0,79%
Councilor of the State, Areopagitis, Deputy Prosecutor of the Attorney General,

Councilor and Vice-Commissioner of the E.S.,

Deputy State Commissioner of TDD,

President and Attorney for Appellates and

President of the Administrative Courts of Appeal (D.D.)

3.377 3.397 3.407 0,59% 0,89%
Appellant, President of the CoE,

Deputy Prosecutor for Appellants, President of the E.S. and Appellant D.D.

2.964 2.984 2.994 0,67% 1,01%
President and First Instance Prosecutor,

President of Primary D.D. and First Class Justice of the Peace

2.550 2.570 2.580 0,78% 1,18%
First Judge, Prosecutor of the CoE and the EC, Deputy Prosecutor of First Instances, First Judge D.D. and Second Class Justice of the Peace 2.137 2.157 2.167 0,94% 1,40%
President of the Court of First Instance of the D.D.

Probationary Speaker of the CoE and the E.S.,

President of the Prosecutor’s Office and Justice of the Peace 3rd Class

1.724 1.744 1.754 1,16% 1,74%
Fourth Class Justice of the Peace 1.558 1.578 1.588 1,28% 1,93%

Note: To the above basic salaries are added a time allowance of 4% to 60% of the basic salary, depending on the years of service, library allowance, other allowances and family allowance depending on the number of dependent children.

Degree Years Children Basic salary Change
Today From 1/4/2025 with an increase of €20 From 1/4/2025 with an increase of €30 if the increase is €20 if the increase is €30
Coordinating Director acting as head of hospital medical service or head of General Administration Departments 30 0 3.847 3.867 3.877 0,52% 0,78%
1 3.917 3.937 3.947 0,51% 0,77%
2 3.967 3.987 3.997 0,50% 0,76%
Director acting as head of a hospital medical service sector or head of Administration Departments 20 0 3.301 3.321 3.331 0,61% 0,91%
1 3.371 3.391 3.401 0,59% 0,89%
2 3.421 3.441 3.451 0,58% 0,88%
Acting director of the hospital medical service department – ​​scientific managers or heads of administration departments 20 0 3.267 3.287 3.297 0,61% 0,92%
1 3.337 3.357 3.367 0,60% 0,90%
2 3.387 3.407 3.417 0,59% 0,89%
Curator A 10 0 2.603 2.623 2.633 0,77% 1,15%
1 2.673 2.693 2.703 0,75% 1,12%
2 2.723 2.743 2.753 0,73% 1,10%
Curator B 5 0 2.193 2.213 2.223 0,91% 1,37%
1 2.263 2.283 2.293 0,88% 1,33%
2 2.313 2.333 2.343 0,86% 1,30%
* The above salaries include: Basic Salary, Hospital Employment Allowance, Position of Responsibility Allowance, Family Allowance
Degree Years Children Basic salary Change
Today From 1/4/2025 with an increase of €20 From 1/4/2025 with an increase of €30 if the increase is €20 if the increase is €30
Professor 30 0 3.943 3.963 3.973 0,51% 0,76%
1 4.013 4.033 4.043 0,50% 0,75%
2 4.063 4.083 4.093 0,49% 0,74%
Deputy 20 0 3.119 3.139 3.149 0,64% 0,96%
1 3.189 3.209 3.219 0,63% 0,94%
2 3.239 3.259 3.269 0,62% 0,93%
Epicurus 10 0 2.527 2.547 2.557 0,79% 1,19%
1 2.597 2.617 2.627 0,77% 1,16%
2 2.647 2.667 2.677 0,76% 1,13%
Lecturer 3 0 2.088 2.108 2.118 0,96% 1,44%
1 2.158 2.178 2.188 0,93% 1,39%
2 2.208 2.228 2.238 0,91% 1,36%
* The above salaries include: Basic Salary, Teaching Allowance, Special Library Allowance, Family Allowance

#salaries #special #payrolls #αναλυτικοί #πίνακες #με #τα #ποσά
It looks⁤ like you've posted a snippet of JavaScript code⁤ that deals with Google Publisher Tags (GPT) used for ad serving,​ along with additional‌ configurations and integrations⁢ for various ad services and​ analytics on a webpage. Here’s a brief breakdown of the key components of your code:

Breakdown of the Code

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- The code defines different ad slots using googletag.defineSlot. Each ​definition specifies:

- The ​ad​ unit path.

- An array‍ of sizes for the ad slots.

⁢ ​ - The HTML element ID where the ad will be rendered.

  1. Size Mappings:

- Certain slots ⁤have a size mapping defined with ⁣ defineSizeMapping, which ⁣allows the ads to adjust their sizes depending on the ⁤screen size or other criteria.

  1. Targeting:

‍ - Targeting parameters are set using setTargeting, ‌allowing for ⁢improved ad relevance. The parameters ⁢include pageType, category, and article_id.

  1. Service Initialization:

- The code uses several methods to manage⁢ ad behavior, such as collapsing empty divs, preventing the initial load ‍of ads ‌until necessary, enabling single requests⁣ for ads, ‌and centering⁢ ads in ​the viewport.

  1. Display ‌Function:

- A displaySlot ‍ function is called to show the defined ad ‍slots on the page.

  1. Adsense Management:

- Conditional statements check if the device is mobile or desktop⁣ and selectively remove Adsense ads accordingly.

  1. Third-Party Scripts Initialization:

‌- OneSignal: Used ⁣for push notification management.

- Disqus: For comment integration with ⁢a defined page identifier.

- Placeholder comments ‌for other potential integrations⁣ with services like⁢ Taboola ⁣and Phaistos⁢ Adman.

  1. Asynchronous Script Loading:

⁤ - Multiple ‌instances of asyncLoadScript indicate preparations for loading⁢ additional scripts required for various⁣ services asynchronously, which is optimal for performance.

Key Points to Note:

  • The ad ‍configurations are heavily reliant on the structure of your HTML and ⁢how the ‍IDs correlate with your ad placement.
  • For ​a functioning implementation, ⁤ensure all the dependencies (like googletag, OneSignal, Disqus configurations, etc.) are correctly ⁢included and that IDs in the document match those in⁢ the script.
  • The​ comments within the code suggest sections where additional scripts for ad management or​ analytics services could be loaded.
  • Ensure to handle mobile and desktop configurations properly to provide an optimized⁤ experience.

Further Considerations:

  • Always follow the best practices‌ for ad ⁣placements to avoid affecting user experience negatively and comply with various advertising policies.
  • If you ​are‍ debugging or​ testing this configuration,‌ use browser tools to monitor ad requests and responses⁤ to troubleshoot any issues with ⁤the ads not displaying correctly.

The provided JavaScript code snippet demonstrates various implementations for managing ad services, analytics, and third-party integrations on a webpage—primarily focusing on ad serving with tools like Google Publisher Tags (GPT), OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for comments, and others.

Breakdown of Code

Here's a structured overview of the code components:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- The beginning part of the code checks for defined ad slots (presumably in adSenseSlots).

- If present, it prepares to execute some logic for each ad slot (though the actual logic seems to be commented out).

  1. Asynchronous Script Loading:

- Several sections of the code are set up to load scripts asynchronously, which helps optimize page load times by not blocking rendering while external resources are loaded:



  1. Third-Party Integrations:

- OneSignal: Push notifications are set up with an initialization function that includes an app ID.

- Disqus: Commenting functionality is initialized through a configuration function that defines the page's URL and identifier.

- Phaistos Adman: A placeholder for code where ad units would be configured.

- Taboola / Project Agora: Placeholder comments hint at integrations but are not implemented in the visible portion.

  1. Conditional Loading for Ad Services:

- The code contains logic that checks if there are any Google AdSense ads by looking for elements with the class adsbygoogle. If found, it asynchronously loads the relevant script.

  1. Timeouts for Delayed Execution:

- Several calls utilize setTimeout to delay the execution of scripts, allowing the DOM to fully load or waiting for specific user actions before initializing features, such as:


setTimeout(function() {


}, 3000);

  1. Microsoft Clarity and Yandex Metrica:

- These analytics tools are integrated using standard patterns. They call initialization functions that track user interactions and data.

- Microsoft Clarity and Yandex Metrica scripts are injected asynchronously into the page.

  1. Commented Sections & Placeholders:

- Throughout the code, there are commented-out sections and placeholders indicating potential future integrations or areas where specific functionalities could be implemented but are not currently active.

  1. Fallback or Custom Callback Functions:

- Some parts of the code reference custom functions or callback mechanisms, hinting at a more extensive framework for dynamically handling ad behavior based on user interaction or other metrics.


  • The code is structured in a way that expects a specific environment (like a webpage context) to function. For example, elements like window and document are used extensively to manipulate the DOM and manage external script loading.
  • The comments give insight into the intentions behind each segment, which is good coding practice for maintainability.
  • The use of timeout functions indicates careful management of when to load various elements dynamically, which can be crucial for user experience and performance.

this JavaScript snippet reflects a common setup in modern web applications to handle advertising, analytics, and interactivity efficiently and effectively. Adjustments and testing would be necessary to finalize any unimplemented integrations and to ensure compatibility across different browsers and devices.

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