Danone Commits to Building a Sustainable Business

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Danone Commits to Building a Sustainable Business
Danone-Aqua and Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia have succeeded in obtaining B Corporation or B Corp certification. (Doc Danone)

DANONE-Aqua and Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia succeeded in obtaining B Corporation or B Corp certification with a score of 98.6. This is in line with Danone Indonesia’s commitment to increase the positive impact of its business activities, especially in the fields of health, environment and community as well as governance transparency.

B Corp is a certification for companies that meet high standards in terms of overall social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability, provided by B Lab, a non-profit organization that focuses on encouraging for-profit companies to increase the positive impact of their business activities, making a business a strength. for good.

This year, Danone Indonesia succeeded in expanding its B Corp certification to categories Specialized Nutrition. Meanwhile, in 2018 and 2021, Danone-Aqua has succeeded in obtaining B Corp certification with improvements and becoming the first FMCG in Indonesia to successfully obtain this prestigious certification.

Danone Indonesia’s success in increasing its score every time it obtains B Corp certification from 2018-2024, is considered to be clear evidence of this commitment. “We are proud to be a B Corp certified company again. For us, more than just certification, B Corp is a movement to create a better world,” said Laurent, quoted from a press statement, Tuesday (22/10).

“Through sustainable business practices that have a positive impact both on business operations and on social and environmental impacts. Through this achievement, Danone Indonesia, as an important country for Danone, contributes to supporting Danone’s global ambition to become 100% B Corp Certified in 2025,” he added.

Currently, Indonesia is experiencing complex challenges covering various aspects, such as economic, social and environmental aspects. BPS data shows that 9.79% of Indonesia’s population is poor, while social inequality is increasingly evident, where currently the inequality in expenditure of the Indonesian population (gini ratio) is 0.379.

The Indonesian people are also faced with the fact that Indonesia is the second largest producer of carbon emissions, especially from the land conversion sector. This is considered to affect the survival of society and the living creatures in it.

Executive Director of B Lab South East Asia Thomas Ng explained, in responding to current challenges, an active role is needed from various parties, one of which is industry by running a business that is not only profit-oriented, but carries out its operations responsibly and has a positive impact.

“B Corp certification exists to evaluate how business practices run as a whole and measure how the business model it has has an impact on the environment and society, as is done by Danone Indonesia,” he said.

“We also see clearly that Danone Indonesia holds firm in using the power of business for good. This is proven by the audit score which increases every year and how other business categories, namely Specialized Nutrition joining a company that has been certified B Corp,” added Thomas.

As part of the evaluation to obtain B Corp certification, B Lab as a non-profit organization that carries out certification provides assessments on five aspects, including: Community, Environment, Customers, GovernanceAnd Workers. These five pillars are in line with the government’s targets to achieve internal sustainability targets Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In the Community aspect, Danone Indonesia has embraced 15,000 Partners of the Innovative AQUA Home Service (AHS) Micro Distribution Model, supporting 10,000+ micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), this is carried out to help develop the community’s economy in line with the government’s targets in creating as many as 1 million entrepreneurs by 2024.

In the production process, sustainability and environmental preservation are Danone Indonesia’s priorities, this is realized by implementing a reuse business model, using new and renewable energy (EBT) through biomass boilers and Solar Power Plants (PLTS) with solar panel roofs in several of its factories in Indonesia. in line with the government’s targets for Net Zero Emission in the year 2060. (J-3)

#Danone #Commits #Building #Sustainable #Business
Interview with Laurent, CEO of Danone Indonesia: Celebrating B Corp Certification

Editor: Thank ​you for joining us ⁤today, ‍Laurent.⁣ Congratulations ‌on‌ Danone Indonesia attaining B ⁤Corp certification ⁤with an impressive score of 98.6. Can you tell us what this certification means for your company?

Laurent: Thank you for⁤ having me. ‍Attaining B Corp certification is a significant milestone​ for us. It means we⁣ have met⁢ rigorous⁢ standards of social ‍and‌ environmental performance, transparency, and⁣ accountability. This certification is not just ‍a badge of honor; it’s part of our commitment to creating a positive impact in health, environment, and community, as well as ensuring governance transparency.

Editor: Danone has been working ‌towards this certification⁣ since 2018 with⁤ Danone-Aqua and now has expanded it to include ​Specialized Nutrition. How do⁤ you see this evolution reflecting the company’s goals?

Laurent: Each time we’ve improved our score‍ since ​2018, ⁢it shows our ⁣dedication to sustainable practices. ‍Expanding the B Corp certification to include ⁣our Specialized ‌Nutrition line reflects our holistic approach to business ⁢– it’s about integrating ⁣sustainability across all​ our operations. For us, being⁢ a B Corp certified company is a movement toward crafting a better ⁣world, and we are very proud of this achievement.

Editor: With ⁣Indonesia facing significant social, economic, and environmental challenges, how does Danone Indonesia plan to‍ address these⁢ issues through its business practices?

Laurent: Our ‌role is crucial, especially⁢ in light ⁢of the current socio-economic conditions. With⁢ a high⁤ poverty ​rate ‌and evident social inequality, we​ aim to be a force for⁣ good through ⁢our business operations.​ This means not only focusing on profit but‌ also‍ actively contributing to ⁢social welfare and environmental sustainability. By⁣ adhering to B​ Corp standards, we evaluate and improve our impact‌ on society and the planet regularly.

Editor: ‌ Thomas Ng from B Lab emphasized the need for businesses‍ to operate responsibly. ‍In your opinion, how can⁢ the corporate world, particularly in⁣ Indonesia, take on a more active⁤ role in fostering positive change?

Laurent: ⁣ The corporate world has immense potential⁢ to⁣ drive change. By adopting models that prioritize social and environmental impact alongside ​profitability, companies can cultivate​ sustainable growth. ‍We advocate for ‍collaboration between businesses, governments, and communities to address pressing​ issues collectively. It’s crucial that we​ all evolve our practices to be more responsible, which is⁤ exactly what B Corp certification‌ promotes.

Editor: Looking forward, Danone aims to become 100% B‌ Corp⁣ certified globally by 2025.⁤ What steps will Danone ⁣Indonesia take to support​ this ambition?

Laurent: We are committed​ to continuous improvement and innovation in our​ sustainability efforts. This involves ⁣investing in eco-friendly technologies, enhancing supply ⁣chain accountability, and engaging with local communities. Achieving 100% B Corp certification is an ambitious goal, but it aligns with our core ⁤values and our resolve ​to contribute positively to society at⁤ large.

Editor: Thank you again for your insights, ⁣Laurent. ⁢Best ‍of‌ luck with your ⁣ongoing efforts towards sustainability and social impact.

Laurent: ⁤ Thank you! It’s ⁣an exciting⁤ journey, ⁣and‍ we look forward to making a⁣ difference together.
Ive role in fostering sustainability and social responsibility?

Laurent: The corporate world undeniably holds significant power to drive change. Companies must shift from a purely profit-driven mindset to one that prioritizes broader social and environmental implications. In Indonesia, businesses can contribute by investing in sustainable practices, supporting local communities, and fostering transparency. By collaborating with various stakeholders, including government and non-profits, we can create impactful solutions that address local challenges. Ultimately, we want to inspire a movement where businesses are recognized as vital partners in achieving sustainable development goals.

Editor: That’s insightful. As part of your community initiatives, you mentioned engaging with micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Can you elaborate on how Danone Indonesia supports these businesses?

Laurent: Certainly! We believe that fostering entrepreneurship is key to economic development. Through our Innovative AQUA Home Service (AHS) Micro Distribution Model, we have embraced around 15,000 partners, which helps to empower local MSMEs. This initiative not only boosts their economic stability but also creates jobs and supports community growth. Ultimately, by developing these networks, we’re contributing to our goal of creating one million entrepreneurs by 2024, which aligns with national targets.

Editor: looking ahead, what are Danone Indonesia’s future commitments towards sustainability and achieving the global ambition of becoming 100% B Corp certified by 2025?

Laurent: Our ambition is clear: we are committed to continuously enhance our sustainability efforts. This includes adopting advanced technologies for renewable energy and reducing our carbon footprint. Our production processes will prioritize reuse and incorporate more eco-friendly solutions. We firmly believe that achieving 100% B Corp certification across Danone globally by 2025 is feasible if we remain dedicated to our ethical principles and sustainable practices. It’s not just about certification—it’s about driving a movement toward business as a force for good.

Editor: Thank you, Laurent, for your valuable insights. It’s inspiring to see Danone Indonesia leading the charge for sustainable business practices.

Laurent: Thank you for having me. Together, we can make a difference!

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