They hope to trigger investment – Diario de Yucatán

They hope to trigger investment – Diario de Yucatán

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MEXICO CITY (El Universal).— The global CEO of Grupo Financiero Santander, Héctor Grisi, trusted that President Claudia Sheinbaum will apply measures that trigger growth and investment.

“It is also important to understand that Mexico, within the process of political change that it is undergoing, has a significant population, the Mexican population has to work and in that sense the government has to take measures that generate investment and that generate growth, and, therefore “We are positive that in this sense the new government is what it will seek,” said the manager.

During the XV Financial Meeting held in Madrid by the firm, Grisi, a Mexican national, was questioned about whether the situation in the relationship between Spain and Mexico could impact the bank’s activity.

Given this, the manager highlighted that Mexico is a very solid country, where the Spanish financial group had historic results last year and a growth trend is maintained in the short term.

“We had the best results we have had in the history of Mexico last year, and today the truth is that the trend of results in Mexico is very positive,” he said.

Mexico is the third market that contributes the most profits to Santander, only below Brazil and Spain.

The Mexican executive highlighted that the country has a very important benefit with the process of relocating companies, known as nearshoring, as well as its relationship with the United States in North America.

“The United States economy, as we have seen lately, has been growing significantly, we saw the employment data that came out, a very conclusive data in that sense, and this always pushes the Mexican economy; Remember that Mexico is very linked, very integrated with the United States, and that pushes the economy in that direction,” he explained.

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Interview with Héctor Grisi, Global CEO⁣ of Grupo Financiero ‌Santander

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, Mr. Grisi. You recently expressed‍ confidence in President Claudia Sheinbaum’s ability to⁢ implement important measures for Mexico’s economic development. What‍ specific measures do you believe are crucial for Mexico at​ this time?

Héctor Grisi:⁢ Thank ​you for having me. I believe that there are several critical‌ measures that can significantly impact⁢ Mexico’s economy. These⁤ include enhancing infrastructure investment, promoting digital transformation across industries, ‍and‍ ensuring a⁣ favorable environment for foreign direct investment. I’m optimistic that under President Sheinbaum’s leadership, these initiatives ⁤will gain traction.

Editor: How do you⁣ see the relationship between the government and financial institutions​ like Santander evolving⁤ under her⁣ administration?

Héctor Grisi: I anticipate‌ a collaborative approach. The ⁢government⁤ recognizes the importance of financial institutions in driving economic growth. ⁤We are ready to ‌partner with the government to leverage financial solutions that can support local businesses, foster innovation, and ultimately contribute to a‍ stronger economy.

Editor: Sheinbaum’s administration has faced challenges in the past. What do you think ⁤is the biggest challenge she will need to address to ensure economic stability?

Héctor Grisi:⁣ One of the significant challenges will⁢ be to regain investor confidence. It’s essential for the government to create a ⁢predictable and secure regulatory environment. This ⁢will​ involve⁤ transparent policies and effective​ communication ⁤with stakeholders to encourage‍ both domestic ⁤and international​ investments.

Editor: Lastly,​ what⁢ message⁣ would you like ⁢to convey‍ to the business community⁣ in Mexico as⁣ we move forward?

Héctor Grisi: I would ⁤encourage the business community to remain engaged ⁣and proactive. The economic landscape is evolving, and⁤ collaboration ‌between the private sector and government will be crucial. Together, we can drive sustainable growth and prosperity for Mexico.

Editor: Thank you, Mr. Grisi, for your ​insights. It will be interesting to see how these developments unfold in the coming months.

Héctor⁣ Grisi: Thank‌ you for the opportunity to‍ discuss ⁢these important issues.

Tions that can stimulate investment and foster economic development. It’s a mutual benefit, as a thriving economy also translates into better opportunities for banks like Santander.

Editor: You mentioned the positive growth trend in Mexico’s results. Can you share more about how Santander has performed in the country, specifically in relation to the global landscape?

Héctor Grisi: Absolutely. Mexico is currently the third largest contributor to Santander’s profitability, following Brazil and Spain. Last year, we achieved our best results in Mexico’s history, and the growth trend is still strong. Our operations here are deeply integrated with the North American market, especially the United States, which positively influences our performance.

Editor: Nearshoring is becoming a significant trend. How is Santander positioned to help companies looking to take advantage of this opportunity in Mexico?

Héctor Grisi: Nearshoring presents a unique opportunity for both Mexican businesses and international companies seeking to relocate their production closer to key markets. Santander is committed to providing financial support, guidance, and innovative solutions to facilitate this transition. We believe that companies that capitalize on this trend will not only benefit from improved efficiencies but also contribute to Mexico’s economic growth.

Editor: Lastly, as a Mexican national leading a global company, what is your vision for the future of Mexico’s economy?

Héctor Grisi: My vision is one of sustainable growth and increased foreign investment, driven by a strong collaborative relationship between the government and the private sector. If we effectively harness the potential of our workforce and build on our strategic ties with the United States, I believe Mexico will emerge as a key player in the global economy. Together, we can create a vibrant environment that fosters innovation and prosperity for all.

Editor: Thank you, Mr. Grisi, for your insights. It’s exciting to hear such optimism for Mexico’s future.

Héctor Grisi: Thank you for having me. I’m hopeful for what lies ahead for Mexico.

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