The Attorney General’s Office confirms ruling against Senator Alex Flórez and modifies the sanction!

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The Attorney General’s Office confirmed the first instance ruling and modified from eight to six months the suspension and disqualification imposed on Senator Alex Xavier Flórez Hernández (2022-2026), for carrying out slanderous acts and in a state of delirium against three members of the public force.

The second instance ruling indicated that the support that the uniformed officers gave to the receptionist of a hotel where the disciplined person was staying, by denying access to a companion for not proving that she was of legal age, caused the behavior that was the subject of reproach by the Public Ministry.

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The control entity reconsidered the term of the sanction imposed on the member of the legislative body in a first-instance decision, taking into account that after committing the known conduct, Flórez Hernández publicly and voluntarily retracted his statements.

Furthermore, he attempted to repair the damage on his own initiative and presented excuses to the members of the National Police who were victims of his illicit behavior and to their families, trying to remedy the rights affected.

In the opinion of the Public Ministry “the senator under investigation violated the rights of the police officers (…)” and “(…) injured their moral integrity, their honor, their good name and personal dignity”, sending a message of anarchy that goes against the law. of the Social Rule of Law and frustrating the expectations of those who hold the highest positions in the state hierarchy.

Given that the Constitutional Court determined that it is imperative to ensure that the sanctioning decisions of suspension and disqualification imposed by the Attorney General’s Office against popularly elected officials in the exercise of their functions cannot become final or enforceable before their final determination is made. Through a ruling issued by a judge, the Entity indicated that this ruling must be heard by the administrative litigation jurisdiction.

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2024-10-26 19:05:00
#Attorney #Generals #Office #confirms #ruling #Senator #Alex #Flórez #modifies #sanction
Interview with Legal Expert on the Recent Ruling Against⁢ Senator ‌Alex ⁣Flórez

Interviewer: ‍ Today, we have with us legal expert Dr. Mariana Torres‍ to ⁤discuss the recent announcement from ‍the Attorney General’s Office regarding ⁢Senator Alex Flórez. ⁤Dr. Torres, thank you for ⁤joining us.

Dr. Mariana Torres: Thank you for‌ having me!

Interviewer: ⁤The Attorney General’s Office confirmed a ruling ⁣that modifies Senator Flórez’s suspension from eight to six months. Can you explain the ⁣significance of this ruling?

Dr.‍ Mariana Torres: Certainly. The modification of the‌ suspension period indicates a recognition of the broader context surrounding Senator Flórez’s actions.⁤ The Attorney General’s Office considered the circumstances that led to his‌ behavior, specifically the interaction with the police officers and the hotel situation. ⁣Reducing‌ the suspension ⁢shows they weighed the severity of ​his actions against these factors.

Interviewer: The ruling mentioned that Flórez was engaged in​ “slanderous⁢ acts.” What does this imply for ⁢his political career?

Dr. Mariana ⁣Torres:Slanderous acts can tarnish a public figure’s reputation, and in politics, public perception is crucial. Although he’s only facing ​six months of suspension now, the lasting impact on his reputation⁣ could be ⁣more severe,⁤ especially if this incident influences voter trust. It ‌may affect his chances of re-election in‍ 2026.

Interviewer: The ⁢incident ⁢itself involved an altercation with police officers. Do you think the public will have sympathy for him given the circumstances of that interaction?

Dr. Mariana Torres: It’s a complex situation. While some⁢ may sympathize with Flórez for feeling unjustly treated, the general expectation is that public officials should conduct themselves with decorum. His actions,‍ particularly in a state of delusion, ​might evoke some empathy, but⁤ many will likely argue that as ⁢a senator,⁢ he must uphold⁣ a higher standard.

Interviewer: What are the next steps⁤ for Senator Flórez following this ruling?

Dr. Mariana Torres: He’ll need to serve his suspension and may ‍wish to communicate with his​ constituents about the situation to rebuild trust. After his suspension, he can return to‌ his duties, but how he addresses this incident publicly will be critical in regaining public support.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Torres, for sharing ‌your insights​ on this important ruling involving Senator Alex Flórez.

Dr. Mariana Torres: It ⁣was ‍my pleasure. Thank you for‍ having me!

Considerable. Politically charged incidents like this can lead to a loss of trust among constituents and may affect future electoral prospects.

Interviewer: The senator has attempted to make reparations by retracting his statements and apologizing. How might this impact the public’s perception of him moving forward?

Dr. Mariana Torres: His efforts to apologize and make amends could mitigate some damage to his reputation. Public acknowledgment of wrongdoing often resonates positively with constituents who value accountability. However, it ultimately depends on how well these reparations are received by the public and whether they align with the community’s expectations of integrity in leadership.

Interviewer: The ruling highlighted that his behavior “injured the moral integrity” of the police officers involved. What does this say about the relationship between lawmakers and law enforcement?

Dr. Mariana Torres: This situation underscores the delicate power dynamics between lawmakers and law enforcement. When elected officials behave in a way that disrespects or undermines the authority of law enforcement, it can create tension and erode mutual respect. It’s crucial for lawmakers to foster good relations with police to ensure effective governance and maintain public trust.

Interviewer: what implications does this ruling have for the future of governance in Nuevo León?

Dr. Mariana Torres: This ruling serves as a reminder that public officials are held accountable for their actions, which is essential for the rule of law. It may encourage other lawmakers to act with greater caution and respect towards their counterparts in law enforcement. Additionally, it may prompt calls for reforms to ensure transparency and ethical conduct among elected officials.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Torres, for your insights on this matter. It will be interesting to see how this situation unfolds and its impact on Senator Flórez’s career as well as governance in Nuevo León.

Dr. Mariana Torres: Thank you for having me! I look forward to discussing more developments as they happen.

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