How the scandal was uncovered and how they “invested” 3 million euros in the bouzoukis

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Two priests from the Catholic Church of Greece were stealing money from the pakari and investing it in nightclubs in the countryside.

This unprecedented case, with the protagonists of two figures high in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church of Greece and owners of nightclubs in the wider Peloponnese region, was detected by the “radar” of the Anti-Money Laundering Authority, with its head, Honorary Deputy Prosecutor of Arion Charalambos Vourliotis to have already proceeded to freeze bank accounts and assets. According to information, the Authority in the context of a random check found that large sums of money, amounting to approximately 3 million euros, flew from the “treasury” of the Catholic Church and were invested in nightclubs.

According to what has become known, the case has its “roots” several years back, when about seven to eight years ago, large sums of money left certain accounts handled by the two priests and ended up in the accounts of certain nightclub owners, resulting in to be seen as investments in such businesses. When the Authority first rang the “bell” from the Banks about the “suspicious” movements of large sums of money, it started a thorough check in order to map the route and identify the real number of persons involved in the case.

3 million euros were embezzled

The Authority established that the amount of 3 million euros had been embezzled from the funds of the Catholic Church which initially led to the disclosure of the identity of the two priests and then, following the money trail, they also identified the entrepreneurs of the nightclubs, who were behind the accounts that the money was enough.

The last suspicious route was detected a few days ago and involved the amount of 50,000 euros, while the “fan” of the investigations concerns the total amount of money that has allegedly been embezzled. For the criminal investigation of the case, as required by law, a report was sent to the public prosecutor in order to check the two priests for the crime of embezzlement and the private businessmen for money laundering.

The profiles of the two involved

According to the information, one of the two persons allegedly involved in sending this money is not only very high in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church of Greece, but, it seems, is a manager of the money of the Catholic Hierarchy of Greece. This is why the Authority is said to have found that there was no connection between the Catholic Church and the recipients of the money, as it does not appear, according to the same information, to have known that these money shipments were taking place. The second person involved seems not to be high in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church of Greece and is active in Crete. According to the same information, the Vatican has also been informed of the existence of the finding.

How did they send the money?

Regarding the way the money was sent, the same information shows that they were sent directly from the bank accounts of the two people allegedly involved in the case. They allegedly “withdrew” money from the cash register, which they then sent to five separate bank accounts linked to the five nightclub owners in question. In fact, these shipments of money, which were regular and of different amounts, they did not have any justification regarding the shipping reasons. However, this money was allegedly invested by the five involved persons in the nightclubs they owned in Patras. The last money transfer took place a few days ago and was for the amount of 50,000 euros.

Catholic Church of Greece: We have no information from the authorities about the “washing” reports

In a statement, the Holy Synod of the Catholic Church of Greece states that it has no information regarding the reports of embezzlement and money laundering. He adds that he is awaiting information from the competent authorities in order to take an official position on the matter.

The press office statement reads:

“Following today’s reports on embezzlement and money laundering in the press, we declare that there has been no official information on the matter.

Following this, we await information from the competent authorities so that we can take an official position on the matter.”

*File photos

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#scandal #uncovered #invested #million #euros #bouzoukis
It ⁢looks like ​you've pasted a portion ⁢of JavaScript code related to Google Ad Manager and other advertising scripts used on a website, specifically for managing ad placements and loading various ad services based ⁤on the ‌device type (desktop or mobile).

To summarize:

  1. Ad ⁤Slot Definition: The ⁣code defines various ad​ slots using the googletag.defineSlot method, specifying sizes, ‍targeting, and services associated with each slot.
  1. Device-Specific Logic: There's conditional​ logic to handle different ‌ad placements‍ based on whether the user is on a mobile device or not, adjusting⁢ the ad slots added to​ the page accordingly.
  1. Targeting Parameters: Targeting settings are defined using googletag.pubads().setTargeting, allowing ‍for more tailored ad serving based on parameters like pageType, category, and article_id.
  1. Ad Display: The displaySlot ‌ function is called for each ad slot defined, ensuring they are rendered ​on the page.
  1. Asynchronous Script Loading: Some functionality is intended to load scripts asynchronously via asyncLoadScript,⁤ particularly for services like Google AdSense, Disqus for comments, and others.
  1. Comment⁢ Integration: The script contains setup for integrating Disqus for comments, including configuration for page URL ⁣and ⁢identifier.
  1. Other Advertising Services: There are commented-out sections⁢ indicating potential‌ integration with additional advertising services like Taboola, Phaistos, and Vidoomy.
  1. Queue Management: The window.AdmanQueue is used to manage asynchronous execution of⁤ certain⁣ ad-related functions.

Key Considerations

  • Performance: Ensure asynchronous loading of scripts to avoid blocking the main thread,⁢ which helps in improving ⁣the page load speed.
  • User Experience: Be mindful of how many ads are placed on a page and their formats, as excessive ads can detract from the user ⁢experience.
  • Mobile Optimization: Given the increasing number of mobile users, ensure‌ that mobile viewers receive an experience ⁢tailored to⁤ smaller screens.
  • Privacy Compliance: Consider implementing consent management if you're using tracking and personalized ads, to ⁤comply with regulations like GDPR.

If you​ have specific questions about this code or need help with something specific within it, feel free to ask!
The provided JavaScript code pertains to the management of advertising on a website, specifically utilizing platforms like Google Ad Manager, Google AdSense, and various other ad services. Here’s a summary and explanation of the main components of the code:

Summary of Code Components:

  1. Ad Slot Definition:

- The code initializes various ad slots with a displaySlot function, indicating where ads will appear on the page. This allows for structured ad placements throughout the site.

  1. Device-Specific Logic:

- Conditional checks (if (window.isMobile)) are employed to identify whether the user is on a mobile device or desktop. Depending on this condition, certain ad elements are removed or displayed to ensure optimal user experience and relevant ad content.

  1. Targeting Parameters:

- The use of googletag.pubads().setTargeting allows customization of ad serving based on specific criteria such as page type, categories, and unique article identifiers. This targeting enhances relevancy for the user and potentially improves ad performance.

  1. Ad Display Handling:

- The displaySlot function is called for each ad slot defined. This signals that the ad should be rendered in its respective location on the webpage.

  1. Asynchronous Script Loading:

- The code contains portions where scripts are intended to load asynchronously using the asyncLoadScript function. This technique improves page load times and general performance by preventing blocking of the main thread.

  1. Integrating External Services:

- The code includes setup for services like OneSignal (for push notifications), Disqus (for comments), and Microsoft Clarity (for user behavior analysis). Each service has its initialization method, often wrapped within timeout functions to ensure they load at the appropriate time.

  1. Ad Removal for Device Type:

- Ads specific to mobile or desktop are removed from the DOM based on the user's device, ensuring that excessive or irrelevant ads are not displayed to users.

Additional Details:

  • Error Handling: Portions of the code signal attempts to set up error handling, particularly in areas accessing elements in the DOM which may not exist or may not load as expected, thereby maintaining robust functionality.
  • Encapsulation of Functionality: The overall structure promotes the encapsulation of different functionalities, ensuring that the logic for different functionalities (like ad serving and user interactions) remains modular and clear.

Use Cases:

  • The JavaScript implementation serves dynamically adjusting ad placements based on user interaction and device type, maximizing potential ad revenue while maintaining user experience.
  • By incorporating services like metrics and comment sections, the script facilitates better audience engagement and data collection.


The provided code is a typical example of how modern websites manage advertisements effectively, tailoring experiences based on device type and optimizing delivery through sophisticated targeting and analytics tools. This blend of user-centric and revenue-generating functionality represents a key aspect of contemporary web development.

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