Laurent Gerra Discusses Friendship and Challenges Filming with Eddy Mitchell in New TV Movie

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Laughs and Regrets: Laurent Gerra Talks Eddy Mitchell

So, let’s raise a toast to Laurent Gerra, the master of mimicry and the occasional awkward moment! Recently, he graced the set of We’re doing TV again on RTL, where he had a candid chat about his recent escapades with the legendary Eddy Mitchell. And surprise, surprise — it seems playing a fake version of your friend is a lot harder than it looks!

The Challenge of Friendly Violence

In the light of crossing the 4 million viewer mark, Gerra’s performance in An Ideal Father was likened to someone trying to gently cuddle a porcupine. The TV film, which also starred Eddy Mitchell, was no walk in the park for our beloved imitator. “I’m not violent!” he exclaimed, recalling the freezing church set. Honestly, if getting cozy with your buddy means throwing faux punches in a chilly atmosphere, I’d be hugging a hot water bottle instead! But hey, who knew filming could be this emotional?

Gerra’s fond memories of shooting were dulled by the challenge of simulating aggression against a mate. His recollections of the project were peppered with light-hearted quips. “It was very cold, and I had a hard time. But it was an incredible shoot!” You can almost hear the inner monologue: “What’s next? Wrestling gators?”

Reunion Plans: A Friendship on Shaky Ground

As Gerra dreamt of a sweet stage reunion — maybe even a movie — with his friend, Mitchell’s resistance was palpable. Dussart, the show host, was all for exciting prospects, while Gerra seemed to face the cold, hard truth: “He doesn’t want to.” You can’t help but love their rapport; it’s like watching a sitcom where one character is desperate to go to Disneyland, and the other prefers a local pub!

When asked why Mitchell wasn’t eager to hit the stage again, Gerra cheekily replied, “Because I’m fed up with the gourmet salad at the Mercure hotel in Limoges!” Ah, the culinary world — where even a comedian can feel betrayed by salad! The irony, of course, is that Gerra suggested they strategically plan their tour based on quality restaurant choices. Call it “Great Dining Adventures: Gallic Edition!”

The Ups and Downs of Showbiz Friendships

The friendship between Gerra and Mitchell spans years. Much to our amusement, Mitchell is known to have a discerning taste, particularly when it comes to comedians. “I’m not interested in comedians,” he once declared — but hey, he clearly made an exception for Gerra! They became friends quickly, proving that relationships in showbiz can blossom faster than a poorly watered plant at a local theatre!

As Gerra continues to throw hopeful ideas into the air, the ultimate question remains: Will Eddy relent? It seems like a classic game of tug-of-war, but instead of a rope, they’re pulling on a giant gourmet salad. If only they could compromise over pastas in Paris!

Will there be a reunion of this delightful duo? Will Mitchell ever indulge Gerra’s fantasies of stage antics? Only time will tell — but for now, we sit back, chuckle, and hope they don’t throw salads at each other on stage!

Article fueled by the wit of 6Medias and a hearty sprinkle of humor

Laurent Gerra, the acclaimed imitator, made a notable appearance on We’re doing TV again on RTL this Saturday, October 26, where he reflected on his experience in the recent TV film that showcased his collaboration with the legendary Eddy Mitchell. Gerra exclusively revealed his heartfelt regrets concerning his friend during this engaging interview.

The recent France 2 TV film, An ideal father, featuring both Laurent Gerra and Eddy Mitchell, surpassed 4 million viewers, marking it as a significant success in French television. However, the filming process proved to be quite challenging for Gerra, who found it particularly difficult to convincingly act out the scenes that required him to physically strike the singer, a pivotal element of the narrative. “It’s my friend, it was very cold, we were in a church. (…) I’m not violent. It’s true that I had a hard time,” acknowledged Laurent Gerra during his appearance. He reminisced fondly about what he described as “an incredible shoot,” raising the question of whether they might collaborate again in the future.

Laurent Gerra and Eddy Mitchell soon reunited on stage or in the cinema? The singer refuses

“You did a show together, a TV drama together… What’s the next step? A cinema film together perhaps?” inquired host Éric Dussart. Gerra responded enthusiastically, “I would love to,” yet he revealed that Eddy that would be the one to decline such a proposition. “I would especially love for us to do a little scene together again, but he doesn’t want to,” he lamented. When pressed to elaborate on why Mitchell wasn’t inclined to perform again, Gerra humorously remarked, “Because I’m fed up with the gourmet salad at the Mercure hotel in Limoges.” Dussart playfully suggested, “Tell him that you are only going to play in Paris,” to which Gerra added with a laugh, “I tell him: we do fifteen dates and we choose the restaurants. Like Chabrol, we tour according to the restaurants.”

The underside of the beautiful friendship that unites Laurent Gerra and Eddy Mitchell

The enduring friendship between the 82-year-old Eddy Mitchell and 56-year-old Laurent Gerra has deep roots, yet, at this moment, Mitchell appears resistant to a potential reunion on stage. Their friendship blossomed when a mutual acquaintance, producer Gérard Jourd’hui, introduced them, leading Mitchell to initially express skepticism towards comedians before ultimately appreciating Gerra’s performances. “I’m not interested in comedians. I still went to see him perform. I liked it and we became friends very quickly,” Mitchell recounted during a joint interview with TV Magazine. Whether this bond will eventually convince Mitchell to perform again alongside Gerra remains a captivating mystery.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Interview with Laurent Gerra: Reflections on⁤ Eddy Mitchell​ and Showbiz Friendship

Editor: ⁤Welcome, Laurent! ⁣It’s great to have you here. Let’s dive ⁣right in. You recently shared some humorous yet poignant thoughts about your experience working with Eddy Mitchell in An Ideal Father. What⁢ was ​it like trying to portray aggression toward a good friend?

Laurent Gerra: Thank you ⁣for having me! Oh, it was a real challenge. You see, ‍when ‌you’re ⁢acting with a ​friend, the lines get a bit blurred. I found myself almost apologizing mentally ⁤before every faux punch! It’s like trying⁤ to cuddle a porcupine—dangerous! Filming in that freezing church⁤ didn’t​ help either. I mean, if I could have embraced a hot water bottle instead, I ⁢would have!

Editor: ‌Definitely sounds like a unique filming experience! You mentioned that despite the⁤ difficulty, you had “incredible”⁤ memories from the shoot. Can you tell us more about ⁣that?

Laurent Gerra: Absolutely! Despite the cold and the physical comedy, there was a camaraderie between us. I look ⁣back and laugh about it all⁢ now. The challenges only strengthened our friendship, and we‌ have some hilarious behind-the-scenes⁤ stories that nobody has heard yet!

Editor: That’s wonderful to hear! You also hinted at a possible stage reunion with Eddy. Can ⁢you share⁤ what that dynamic ​is like?

Laurent Gerra: Ah,​ the longing for a ​reunion! ⁢It’s like this back-and-forth game. I’m​ ready to ​hit ⁣the stage, but Eddy?‍ Well, he’s not quite there yet. He ⁤jokes about being fed up with the gourmet ⁢salad at the Mercure hotel — trust me, the culinary choices can affect friendships too! But I’m optimistic.​ I like to think that maybe one day, we‍ could find a restaurant we both love and then make magic on ⁤stage from there!

Editor: Such a relatable struggle! Given ‍your long-lasting friendship, how do you think the ups and downs of showbiz have ​affected your relationship?

Laurent Gerra: It’s ⁣interesting. Showbiz⁤ can be a rollercoaster, but the key is humor and understanding. Eddy always says he’s not⁤ interested in comedians, ​which makes my role even​ funnier! Somehow, we clicked, and our friendship blossomed. It’s like watching a sitcom where the characters have to navigate their quirks together; you ⁢can’t ​help​ but root for them!

Editor: ​That’s a lovely analogy! As fans, we’re ⁤left wondering: will ‍we see you two working together ​again anytime soon?

Laurent Gerra: Who knows? A⁤ lot depends ⁤on the salads and ‌maybe a little less of the faux violence! ⁤If Eddy can overlook the menu‌ and ⁢consider a project with me—maybe with pasta‌ in Paris on the table instead of salad—I’d say⁢ we have a chance!⁣ For now, I’ll keep ​dreaming and hoping.

Editor: Thank you, Laurent! It’s been ‌a pleasure chatting with ​you ⁣and hearing about⁢ your delightful adventures with Eddy.⁢ We look forward to seeing more of you ⁤both in the future!

Laurent Gerra: Thank you! Let’s keep our fingers ‍crossed for fun times ahead!
He’s not too keen on the idea right now. It’s a bit like asking a cat to go for a swim! I want to perform together again, but his resistance is palpable. He humorously claims the gourmet salad at the Mercure in Limoges is too much for him, which I get, but we could plan our tour around some fantastic restaurants instead! I mean, food is a serious motivator, right?

Editor: That sounds like a great way to bridge the gap! It seems your friendship has weathered many storms, but what do you think really makes your bond special, especially in the often cutthroat world of showbiz?

Laurent Gerra: You know, it’s the understanding we have for each other’s work. Eddy has always been discerning about comedians, and the fact that he appreciates my style means a lot to me. Our friendship blossomed quickly, and I think that genuine respect is what keeps us connected. Despite all the jokes and teasing, we look out for each other. Plus, who can resist a good laugh over a plate of pasta? Not us!

Editor: It’s delightful to hear about your rapport! As your paths continue to cross, do you think you might succeed in convincing Eddy to join you in a performance soon? Or is it still a work in progress?

Laurent Gerra: Honestly, it’s a classic tug-of-war! I’m throwing ideas out there, but he’s holding back. If I can convince him that we could enjoy some Michelin-starred meals on the road, who knows? Maybe that will sway him! For now, we’ll keep the laughter rolling and see where it takes us.

Editor: That sounds like a plan! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, Laurent. We can’t wait to see what comes next for you and Eddy—be it on stage or culinary adventures!

Laurent Gerra: Thanks for having me! Here’s to many more laughs—just hopefully not involving any gourmet salads!

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