Scientists succeeded in generating ‘electricity from deadly bacteria’

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In a ‘tremendous’ breakthrough, scientists have succeeded in generating electricity from the deadly E. coli bacteria.

It could revolutionize both waste disposal and energy production sectors.

Bioelectronics experts at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) succeeded in generating electricity from bacteria under different conditions.

The team used a process called extracellular electron transfer (EET) to make the bacteria highly efficient electrocautery. This process resulted in a threefold increase in electricity production compared to conventional methods.

According to research published in the journal ‘Jol’, researchers were able to create the complete EET pathway within E. coli. This feat has never been achieved before.

“We made E.coli bacteria capable of generating electricity,” says EPFL Professor Ardimus Boghossian. This bacteria is the microscopic organism that has been researched the most.’

Although E. coli are bacteria with special properties that naturally generate electricity, they can only do so in the presence of certain chemicals.

‘E-coli can grow on many materials, which enabled us to generate electricity in a variety of environments, including wastewater.’

Unlike previous methods, transformed E. coli can produce electricity by consuming a variety of organic materials.

The researchers combined parts of a bacteria called Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, which is known for generating electricity. Scientists were able to create a pathway that spans both the inner and outer cell membranes.

The modified E. coli was also tested in brewery wastewater, where it thrived unlike similar electronegative microbes.

Scientists believe that this shows its ability to use large amounts of waste material and generate energy.

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Professor Boghossian said, ‘Instead of providing energy to the system for disposal of organic waste, we are simultaneously generating electricity by processing organic waste and thus killing two birds with one stone.

‘We also tested our technology directly on wastewater that we took from Le Brassieres, a local brewery in Lausanne.

“Normal electrobacteria were not able to survive, whereas our engineered electrobacteria were able to rapidly thrive by eating the waste.”

The scope of this research extends beyond waste management. Scientists believe that the modified E. coli bacteria can be used to fuel microscopic cells, produce electricity from chemicals, and detect the presence of various substances in the environment.

The genetic flexibility of bacteria means that it can be engineered to work with specific locations and materials, making it a versatile tool for developing sustainable technologies.

Muhammad Mohib, lead author of the research and doctoral assistant, added: ‘Our work is quite timely as engineered bioelectric germs are expanding into more and more real-world applications.’

“We set a record against a pre-existing state-of-the-art method that relies only on a partial pathway and a microbe that was recently cited in one of the largest papers published in the field. what is

‘We are excited about the future of electricity-generating bacteria as many scientists are researching this topic. We look forward to taking this technology to the next level and we hope others will do the same.”

#Scientists #succeeded #generating #electricity #deadly #bacteria

Interview with Professor Ardimus Boghossian on⁢ Electric-E.⁣ coli ⁣Breakthrough

Interviewer: Welcome, Professor Boghossian! ⁣Thank you ‍for joining us ‌today to discuss your groundbreaking research at ⁢Ecole ⁢Polytechnique Fédérale ⁣de Lausanne where​ you’ve found a way to generate electricity from E. coli bacteria. ⁢This is a ‌tremendous advancement. Can ‌you​ explain to our audience what ‍led to this​ discovery?

Professor⁣ Boghossian: ⁣ Thank you ⁣for⁣ having me!​ We have been exploring⁤ the concept of extracellular electron ⁣transfer (EET) for ‌some time now. The aim was⁤ to enhance the ability of ​E.⁤ coli, which naturally has some capacity to generate‌ electricity, by engineering it to be more efficient. This research has allowed‍ us⁣ to create a complete EET pathway ⁢within these bacteria, increasing⁣ electricity production threefold compared to ⁤traditional methods.

Interviewer: That’s impressive! Can you elaborate on ⁢how ‍this ⁤modified​ E. coli operates in environments like wastewater?

Professor Boghossian: Certainly! Our modified E. coli can thrive on various ‍organic materials and is ​especially effective in⁤ wastewater ‌conditions. In our experiments, we tested it in brewery⁣ wastewater from a local brewery here in Lausanne. ⁤What’s remarkable⁢ is that the ⁣E. coli could consume waste materials to generate⁤ energy, something that ‍other ⁢electronegative ‍microbes struggled with. This capability essentially allows‍ us to⁣ tackle waste disposal and energy production ⁤simultaneously.

Interviewer: It sounds like a win-win situation. ‍In⁤ addition to electricity generation,⁢ what implications do you foresee this advancement could have on sustainability and waste⁢ management?

Professor Boghossian: That’s ‍a critical question. By ⁤utilizing organic waste to produce electricity, ⁤we can ⁣reduce waste ​disposal ⁢costs and lower overall environmental impact. We’re effectively​ ‘killing two birds with one ⁣stone’—converting waste into useful energy while cleaning⁢ up our ecosystems.​ This innovative approach could revolutionize both the waste management and energy production sectors, potentially contributing to a more ​sustainable‍ future.

Interviewer: What’s next for⁤ your research‌ team?⁣ Are there any plans‌ for implementing ⁢this technology on a ⁢larger scale?

Professor Boghossian: Yes! Moving forward, we‌ are eager to explore ⁤scaling up this technology for real-world ⁣applications. We hope to collaborate with industries that deal⁣ with large amounts​ of organic‌ waste, such⁤ as food processing and wastewater treatment facilities, to implement our findings. It’s ​an exciting time, and we ‌believe that the potential for‍ this​ research is enormous.

Interviewer: Professor Boghossian, ⁣thank​ you for sharing your ‌insights on⁣ this exciting breakthrough. It sounds like an innovative path forward for energy production⁣ and⁣ waste management.

Professor Boghossian: Thank ‌you! It’s an exciting time for bioelectronics, ⁣and I appreciate the opportunity to‌ share⁢ our work.

System. Furthermore, the genetic flexibility of E. coli means we can tailor these bacteria for specific materials and environments, enhancing their effectiveness in various applications, from energy generation to environmental monitoring.

Interviewer: It’s fascinating to see how such a common microorganism can be transformed into a powerful tool for sustainability. What do you envision as the next steps for your research in this area?

Professor Boghossian: We’re excited about the potential for our engineered E. coli beyond just electricity generation. The next steps involve optimizing its performance even further and exploring its applications in real-world conditions. We’re also interested in collaborations with industries that can benefit from our technology, particularly in wastewater treatment and bioenergy sectors.

Interviewer: That sounds promising! As a final question, what would you say to those who might be skeptical about using E. coli for such applications, considering its reputation as a harmful pathogen?

Professor Boghossian: That’s an important point. While E. coli does have pathogenic strains, the engineered organisms we’re developing are far removed from those pathogenic forms. Our work demonstrates how we can harness the beneficial properties of bacteria to create sustainable solutions. With careful engineering and regulation, we can maximize the benefits while minimizing risks, bolstering both environmental health and energy production.

Interviewer: Thank you, Professor Boghossian, for your insights and for shedding light on this exciting advancement in bioelectronics. We look forward to seeing how your work progresses!

Professor Boghossian: Thank you for having me! I’m eager to share more developments as we move forward.

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