The “map” of payments from e-EFKA and DYPA until November 1st

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In particular, as stated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in its announcement:

From e-EFKA:

– on October 30, 1,115,161,772 euros will be paid to 1,715,474 beneficiaries for payment of main and auxiliary pensions for the month of November,

– on October 31, 3,800,000 euros will be paid to 10,100 beneficiaries for advance payment of pensions Law 4778/2021 for the month of November,

– from October 29 to November 1, 13,300,000 euros will be paid to 600 beneficiaries following the issuance of decisions for one-off and

– on October 31, 2,016,000 euros will be paid to 1,668 beneficiaries for the refund of unduly paid contributions.

DYPA will pay:

– 20,000,000 euros to 33,000 beneficiaries for unemployment benefits and other benefits,

– 7,000,000 euros to 10,000 mothers for subsidized maternity leave,

– 19,000,000 euros to 18,000 beneficiaries in the context of subsidized employment programs,

– 600,000 euros to 50 organizations in the framework of programs of a public interest nature (payment of contributions) and

– 5,000,000 euros to 60 beneficiaries of the “My Home” program.

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#map #payments #eEFKA #DYPA #November #1st
It appears that you've shared ⁣a portion of a JavaScript code⁣ snippet related to setting up Google Publisher Tags (GPT) for ad placements, as well as​ some ​integrations​ with services like AdSense, Disqus, OneSignal, and ‌others.

This code serves multiple functions:

  1. Define Ad Slots: The googletag.defineSlot functions define ad inventory for different placements on the page. Each slot has specific dimensions and mappings that determine how ads‍ will‍ be served based on the device and screen size.
  1. Set⁤ Targeting Parameters: ‌The setTargeting methods set up targeting criteria‍ for ads based on various attributes‍ such as page type,⁤ category,‌ and​ article⁢ ID. This helps in⁣ serving more relevant⁢ ads to users.
  1. Bootstrap and Display Ads: The collapseEmptyDivs, disableInitialLoad, and ⁣other methods configure the initial ‌behavior of the ad slots. The displaySlot function is then ⁤used to​ render the defined ad slots on the page.
  1. AdSense Management: The code checks​ the user's device (mobile or desktop) and removes irrelevant AdSense scripts ‌or elements accordingly.
  1. Loaded External ⁢Scripts: The code snippets for loading external scripts (e.g., OneSignal ⁢and Disqus) within various setTimeout and asyncLoadScript ‌ functions ensure that these resources are loaded asynchronously without blocking the main thread.
  1. Additional Integrations: It looks like there are‌ placeholders for other⁣ ad networks and integrations, including Taboola,‍ Phaistos Adman, and Glomex, which are ⁢common ​in ad⁤ revenue ‍optimization strategies.

Recommendations or Considerations

  • Ad Experience: Always ensure that the user experience remains smooth, especially⁤ with⁢ the number ⁢of ads being displayed. Excessive ads can lead to page clutter and may ‍frustrate users.
  • Testing:⁢ Regularly‍ test ad placements on various ‌devices and screen ‌sizes to ensure that ads render⁢ correctly and do⁢ not interfere with ‍the content.
  • Performance Monitoring: Monitor the performance of these ad slots to gather data on impressions ⁤and‍ click-through rates, which can inform future adjustments.
  • Compliance: Ensure that any advertising practices⁤ comply with internet ⁢advertising standards ‌and user privacy regulations⁤ (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).

If you⁣ have any specific⁢ questions about this‌ code or need ​assistance with a particular ‍section or functionality,⁢ feel free to ​ask!

On of Tracking Services: Several tracking and analytics services are integrated, such as Microsoft Clarity and Yandex Metrica, which provide insights into user behavior on the website.

Here’s a summary of the major functionalities covered in your JavaScript snippet:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- googletag.defineSlot is used to define various ad slots that can display ads on the page.

- Ad slots can be adjusted based on the device type (desktop or mobile).

  1. Targeting Parameters:

- Targeting is accomplished using the setTargeting() method to allow for more relevant ads based on user data.

  1. Display Management:

- Methods like collapseEmptyDivs() and disableInitialLoad() help set initial configurations of ad slots, optimizing ad loading behavior.

- The displaySlot() function is crucial for rendering those defined slots.

  1. Responsive AdSense Management:

- The code differentiates between mobile and desktop users to ensure the correct AdSense scripts are loaded, thereby improving ad performance.

  1. Asynchronous Script Loading:

- Functions like asyncLoadScript() and timed setTimeout() calls allow external scripts (e.g., OneSignal, Disqus) to load without interfering with the rest of the page, enhancing load times and user experience.

  1. Tracking and Analytics Integration**:

- Services like Microsoft Clarity and Yandex Metrica provide insights into site visitors, allowing site owners to monitor performance and engagement effectively.

This combination of features forms a robust structure for managing ads, tracking user behavior, and maintaining a smooth experience across different devices, all fundamental for monetization strategies on modern websites.

If you have any specific questions or need further clarification about certain parts of the code or its functionality, feel free to ask!

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