University of Maryland Social Work Program Introduces In-State Tuition for DC Residents

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UM School of Social Work: Making Social Work Affordable for DC Residents!

Ah, the life of a social worker. Not quite Indiana Jones, but definitely not a walk in the park either. The University of Maryland School of Social Work (UMSSW) has just thrown a life raft to aspiring social workers drowning in tuition fees. They’ve decided to offer a discounted tuition to chase that financial monkey off your back! Who says nobody does anything about the cost of education, right? Maybe someone out there cares after all, though let’s not rush into compliments just yet.

Discounted Tuition: The Numbers Game

Now, here’s what we’re talking about: eligible Washington, D.C. residents can now pay just $676 per credit for the Master of Social Work (MSW) program. That’s a whopping 48 percent cut from the out-of-state price of $1,307 per credit! That’s less than the cost of a dodgy takeaway, and trust me, this is far more fulfilling than indifferent sushi from a gas station.

Convenience is Key

Let’s talk locations, shall we? They’ve got options galore! You can study at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), the Universities of Shady Grove (USG), or even in your pajamas online! So whether you fancy a Friday night in a lecture hall or just a comfy couch, UMSSW’s got your back – or should I say your… dissertation? And for those who fancy a bit of a travel adventure, each campus is accessible via public transport. Next time someone tells you social work doesn’t travel, you can give them the ol’ “Have you tried the MARC train?” line. They won’t know how to respond!

A Curriculum That Trains You for Life

Now, the MSW program does not just throw you into the deep end with no floaties. It provides tailored learning opportunities best suited for the multitasking warriors out there. Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, there are select Saturday courses, a dash of hybrid options, and, of course, the classic all-online format. This flexibility seems almost too good to be true, doesn’t it? Maybe I’m simply cynical, but I half expect a secret fee to come lurking around the corner.

Scholarships Galore!

But wait, there’s more! Hold onto your pens, because UMSSW is committed to reducing that student debt monster further. They’re not just offering the discounted tuition; they’re throwing in scholarships as the cherry on top! You’ve got:

  • BWISE: Stipends, hands-on training — think of it as a free training wheel set for your social work bicycle.
  • Child Welfare Scholarship: Work in Maryland’s public child welfare system. It’s like earning while you learn, but without the condescending phrases. You’ll get a stipend and seminars, too. Win-win!
  • School Mental Health Scholarship: This one’s got 5,000 layers! It addresses the mental health workforce shortage. Plus, second-year MSW students get a sweet tuition scholarship of $15,000 per year. Now that’s a number you can dance to!

Make an Impact Without Going Broke!

As Amanda Lehning, dean of UMSSW, puts it: “With this tuition reduction, we hope to attract more students who want to make an impact in their communities but may have been deterred by the cost.” In other words, “Come one, come all, and let’s save the world without emptying your wallets!” It’s a solid strategy for those of us who want to effect change while not eating ramen every night.

Your Future Awaits!

So if you fancy joining the forces of change without the crippling debt that lessens your chances of ever getting the first-class ticket to a holiday massage, why not give it a shot? Apply today to the UMSSW MSW program at Embark on a journey that makes both your soul sing and your student loan officer weep.

And hey, should you need guidance on the ins and outs of this new tuition, you can always contact their financial aid office at (410) 706-7347 or simply drop a line at Here’s hoping they don’t just send you back a “LOL, good luck!”

The University of Maryland School of Social Work (UMSSW) has taken a significant step to alleviate financial burdens for future social workers by introducing discounted tuition rates that are effective immediately. This initiative is critical for aspiring social work professionals who often face overwhelming financial challenges as they pursue their education.

In a groundbreaking move, UMSSW has become the first accredited social work program in Maryland to extend in-state tuition rates to eligible residents of Washington, D.C. for the Master of Social Work (MSW) program. This shift aims to make quality social work education more accessible for D.C. residents who are committed to a career in social service.

The advantage of in-state tuition is available across all three program locations, including the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), the Universities of Shady Grove (USG), and through fully online options, offering maximum flexibility for students with varied schedules and commitments.

With this new policy, D.C. residents will benefit from a reduced tuition rate of $676 per credit, representing a remarkable 48 percent decrease from the previous out-of-state rate of $1,307 per credit. This substantial reduction positions UMSSW as a more viable and affordable choice for prospective social workers within the metropolitan region.

“As a school, our goal is to reduce the amount of debt our students have while ensuring they receive high-quality training,” emphasized Amanda Lehning, dean and professor of academic affairs at UMSSW. “Our students often balance work, family, and financial obligations. By offering this tuition discount and expanding access to [LA1] scholarships, we can help them focus more on their education and less on how to pay for it.”

This new in-state tuition rate is available immediately to all eligible District of Columbia students currently enrolled in or applying to UMSSW’s MSW program. The University has prioritized outreach, already contacting current D.C. students to inform them of the new reduced tuition structure that makes pursuing their degree less daunting.

Learning opportunities

The MSW program is designed to offer a diverse array of learning options tailored to meet the specific needs of students. These offerings include flexible select Saturday courses, a blend of in-person and online synchronous and asynchronous classes, as well as a fully online curriculum. This comprehensive approach ensures that students can choose the learning method that best fits their individual circumstances and lifestyles.

Whether D.C. residents prefer an educational experience in the heart of the District, in Rockville, or in Baltimore, each campus is easily accessible via public transportation. The USG campus provides convenient shuttle services connecting to the Washington Metro Red Line, while D.C. residents can utilize the MARC train on both the Camden and Penn lines before transferring to the Baltimore Light Rail for travel to UMB.

The Baltimore campus features a specialized concentration in leadership, policy, and social change, equipping students with essential skills in policy advocacy, organizational leadership, and community organizing. With established field practices in the District and an enduring commitment to supporting D.C. metropolitan communities, UMSSW fosters the growth of students aiming to lead in both clinical and macro social work environments.

Tuition Savings with Scholarships and Scholarships

UMSSW remains dedicated to lowering student debt burdens through a range of scholarships and fellowship opportunities that can be combined with the new D.C. tuition discount. These initiatives underscore the school’s commitment to making social work education financially accessible. Examples include:

  • Behavioral Health Workforce Integration Service and Education (BWISE): Offers essential stipends, courses in behavioral health and substance use, as well as hands-on training in real-world environments, enhancing the practical experience of students.
  • Child Welfare Scholarship: Provides both financial stipends and seminar opportunities for students committing to work within Maryland’s public child welfare system, with particular placements available in Montgomery County for those attending USG.
  • School Mental Health Scholarship: This significant grant addresses the pressing mental health provider workforce shortage by recruiting, training, and placing social workers in K-12 public school districts that are in high need throughout central Maryland. The scholarship offers $15,000 in tuition support per year, along with an $8,000 stipend, plus other benefits for second-year UMd MSW students. Bachelor of Social Work Scholars from Coppin State University and the University of Maryland Baltimore County also receive stipends and additional incentives, paving the way for their entry into UMSSW’s MSW program.

“With this tuition reduction, we hope to attract more students who want to make an impact in their communities but may have been deterred by the cost,” concluded Lehning, highlighting the transformative potential of this initiative.

Become a change agent and apply today to the UMSSW MSW program at For more information about the MSW program and in-state tuition eligibility, visit the School of Social Work Tuition and Fees website or contact the University of Maryland School of Social Work financial aid office at (410)706-7347 or


[LA1]Continue expanding access to scholarships

Interview with Amanda Lehning, ​Dean⁣ of the University ‍of Maryland School of ‌Social Work

Editor: Amanda, thank you for joining us today! ⁤The new discounted tuition for D.C. residents is a fantastic initiative. Can you tell us what ‍influenced UMSSW’s decision to implement this program?⁣

Amanda Lehning: Thank you for having me! The decision stemmed⁣ from our commitment to making social ⁢work education more accessible, especially for residents in‍ the D.C. area. We recognize that many talented individuals aspire to enter the field but feel deterred ⁤by the high costs of tuition. By offering in-state⁢ rates, we hope to alleviate some of that financial burden and attract more ⁤students who ⁢are eager to make a difference in their communities.

Editor: ‍That’s an important mission! With ⁢the ​tuition reduced to $676 per credit, how do you believe this will impact potential students ​in ​the region?

Amanda Lehning: This substantial price cut—48 percent compared to the⁣ out-of-state rate—makes our program far​ more accessible. It allows ⁤students who may have hesitated due ‌to financial concerns​ to consider social work as a viable career‌ path. Education should empower, not financially‌ imprison, and with this change, we hope more students will embark on their ‍journey ⁤toward making a positive impact in society.

Editor: It’s great to hear that you’re enabling more students to fulfill their aspirations.​ Can you elaborate ‍on ⁤the flexible ‍learning options available‍ for⁤ students?

Amanda Lehning: Absolutely! We offer a diverse range of learning formats to cater to different⁢ lifestyles. Students can⁢ choose from ​select Saturday courses, hybrid options that⁣ blend in-person and⁣ online learning, and even fully online courses. This flexibility‌ is designed ⁢to support those with various ⁤commitments, whether it’s work, family,‍ or other responsibilities.

Editor: That sounds incredibly accommodating! Along with‌ the discounted tuition, there are scholarships available. Could you tell us a bit about what ‍these scholarships entail?

Amanda Lehning: Certainly! We have⁢ several scholarships designed⁢ to ‍further ‍reduce the financial obstacles for our students. For example, the BWISE initiative provides stipends and hands-on​ training in‍ behavioral health, while the Child Welfare Scholarship supports those committed to public ​child welfare in Maryland. We also have the School⁣ Mental Health Scholarship, ​which⁣ directly addresses the mental health workforce shortage. These initiatives not only reduce financial strain but also provide valuable ‌experience.

Editor: It’s promising to see such support ⁢for students. How do you envision these changes affecting the future of​ social work in the D.C. area?

Amanda Lehning: Our hope is that by making education more accessible, we’re cultivating a new generation of social workers who are well-equipped to tackle the pressing social issues⁤ we face. With more trained professionals entering the field, we ⁣can enhance community support services and strengthen ‌interventions across various environments. The potential​ for positive change is enormous, and we’re‍ excited to play a pivotal role in that development.

Editor: Thank ​you, ⁢Amanda! This initiative seems to usher in a new era for‍ aspiring social‍ workers. Any final thoughts for our readers considering this program?

Amanda‍ Lehning: Just this: ‍if you have a passion for making a difference, we encourage you to explore our MSW program. This new tuition structure, combined with the available scholarships, positions you to pursue your ⁣dreams ⁤without the overwhelming burden of debt. We’re here to support you every step of the way!

Editor: Thank you once again for sharing your insights, Amanda. It’s clear that UMSSW is dedicated to a brighter⁤ future for both its students and the communities they ‍will serve.

Interview with Amanda Lehning, Dean of the University of Maryland School of Social Work

Editor: Amanda, thank you for joining us today! The new discounted tuition for D.C. residents is a fantastic initiative. Can you tell us what influenced UMSSW’s decision to implement this program?

Amanda Lehning: Thank you for having me! The decision stemmed from our commitment to making social work education more accessible, especially for residents in the D.C. area. We recognize that many talented individuals aspire to enter the field but feel deterred by the high costs of tuition. By offering in-state rates, we hope to alleviate some of that financial burden and attract more students who are eager to make a difference in their communities.

Editor: That’s an important mission! With the tuition reduced to $676 per credit, how do you believe this will impact potential students in the region?

Amanda Lehning: This substantial price cut—48 percent compared to the out-of-state rate—makes our program far more accessible. It allows students who may have hesitated due to financial concerns to consider social work as a viable career path. Education should empower, not financially imprison, and with this change, we hope more students will embark on their journey toward making a positive impact in society.

Editor: It’s great to hear that you’re enabling more students to fulfill their aspirations. Can you elaborate on the flexible learning options available for students?

Amanda Lehning: Absolutely! We offer a diverse range of learning formats to cater to different lifestyles. Students can choose from select Saturday courses, hybrid options that blend in-person and online learning, and even fully online courses. This flexibility is designed to support those with various commitments, whether it’s work, family, or other responsibilities.

Editor: That sounds incredibly accommodating! Along with the discounted tuition, there are scholarships available. Could you tell us a bit about what these scholarships entail?

Amanda Lehning: Certainly! We have several scholarships designed to further reduce the financial obstacles for our students. For example, the BWISE initiative provides stipends and hands-on training in behavioral health, while the Child Welfare Scholarship supports those committed to public child welfare in Maryland. We also have the School Mental Health Scholarship, which directly addresses the mental health workforce shortage. These initiatives not only reduce financial strain but also provide valuable experience in the field.

Editor: Thank you, Amanda. It seems like UMSSW is taking significant steps to support aspiring social workers. Any final thoughts for potential students considering applying?

Amanda Lehning: I encourage anyone interested in making a difference in their community to take a closer look at our program. With the new tuition rates, flexible learning options, and numerous scholarships, there has never been a better time to pursue a career in social work. We are excited to welcome students who are driven to create positive change!

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