Maduro meets with leaders of Türkiye, Belarus and Palestine during the BRICS summit

Maduro meets with leaders of Türkiye, Belarus and Palestine during the BRICS summit

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Maduro exchanged ideas with other political leaders in Russia / Photo: EFE

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, met this Wednesday with the presidents of Belarus, Alexandr Lukashenko, Palestine, Mahmud Abbas, and Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in Kazan.

The Venezuelan leader, who arrived in the Tatar capital last night, also met with the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, the TASS agency reported.

Later, Maduro plans to meet with the host of the summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Kremlin’s advisor for International Affairs, Yuri Ushakov, noted hours before that Putin and Maduro will talk about “bilateral issues and cooperation within the framework of the BRICS.”


“There are a million issues” to discuss, Ushakov said on the eve of the Russian-Venezuelan negotiations.

Together with his wife, deputy Cilia Flores, the Venezuelan president landed on Tuesday at the Tukái airport in Kazán, days after the arrival in the Russian city of his Minister of Communication, Freddy Ñáñez, the executive vice president, Delcy Rodríguez, and the chancellor, Yván Gil.

In his opinion, the BRICS bloc – founded by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – has become “the epicenter of the new multipolar world, of the new geopolitics, of peace diplomacy” and a “hope ” for the countries of the global south.

Last April, Maduro expressed his desire to visit Russia and the Kremlin confirmed the start of preparations for that trip, which, however, was postponed without a date.

Moscow / EFE

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Interview with ‍Political Analyst Dr. Elena ‌Vargas on Maduro’s Recent Meetings in ⁣Russia

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us,​ Dr. ⁣Vargas. There’s been a ⁣lot of buzz regarding Nicolás Maduro’s recent visit to Russia. Can you‌ shed some light on the significance ⁤of‍ his discussions with Russian political leaders?

Dr. Vargas: Thank you for⁤ having me. Maduro’s meetings in Russia signify a deepening of diplomatic ties between Venezuela and Russia, especially⁣ in an ⁣era where both‍ countries face significant pressure from Western nations. These discussions can ‌be⁢ seen as an effort to strengthen ‌their strategic partnerships, particularly in energy and defense sectors.

Interviewer: What do you think are the key topics that were likely discussed during these meetings?

Dr. Vargas: ⁢A few key topics likely dominated the agenda. First, ‍the ongoing cooperation‌ in oil production and​ how Venezuela ⁣can leverage its oil reserves in⁣ exchange for financial and technical ‍support from Russia.⁤ Additionally, discussions on military cooperation and the geopolitical dynamics in Latin America ⁤would have been crucial,‍ especially‍ given the changing political⁤ landscape in countries like Brazil and Colombia.

Interviewer: ⁣How ‍might ⁣this​ alliance affect Venezuela’s domestic situation going forward?

Dr. Vargas: An alliance with Russia could‍ provide ‍Maduro with ‍the external support ⁣he needs to maintain his government amid‍ ongoing crises. It may bolster his regime through military support and economic investments, which can help ​stabilize the country to some extent. However, it may also lead to increased tensions with the U.S. and its allies, complicating Venezuela’s international relations ⁢further.

Interviewer: how do you see the reaction of the international community ‌to these developments?

Dr. Vargas: The ‌international community, primarily the U.S. and EU, is likely to view these developments ⁣with concern. Any enhancement of Maduro’s regime through ‍foreign alliances could prompt further sanctions or ‌diplomatic actions. However, Russia’s support might embolden Maduro to⁢ continue resisting external pressures, which creates a complex⁢ geopolitical dynamic to watch closely.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Vargas, for your insights on this important topic.

Dr. Vargas: My pleasure! It’s a crucial moment for Venezuela, and the ramifications of these interactions will⁣ unfold in the⁢ coming weeks.

Interview with Political Analyst Dr. Elena Vargas on Maduro’s Recent Meetings in Russia

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us, Dr. Vargas. There’s been a lot of buzz regarding Nicolás Maduro’s recent visit to Russia. Can you shed some light on the significance of his discussions with Russian political leaders?

Dr. Vargas: Thank you for having me. Maduro’s meetings in Russia signify a deepening of diplomatic ties between Venezuela and Russia, especially in an era where both countries face significant pressure from Western nations. These discussions can be seen as an effort to strengthen their strategic partnerships, particularly in energy and defense sectors.

Interviewer: What do you think are the key topics that were likely discussed during these meetings?

Dr. Vargas: A few key topics likely dominated the agenda. First, the ongoing cooperation in oil production and how Venezuela can leverage its oil reserves in exchange for financial and technical support from Russia. Additionally, discussions on military cooperation and the geopolitical dynamics in Latin America would have been crucial, especially given the changing political landscape in countries like Brazil and Colombia.

Interviewer: Maduro met with leaders from Belarus, Palestine, and Turkey, among others. How do these relationships fit into the broader context of his visit?

Dr. Vargas: Maduro’s meetings with leaders like Lukashenko, Abbas, and Erdogan highlight Venezuela’s efforts to build a network of alliances beyond traditional Western partnerships. By engaging with countries that also face isolation from the West, Maduro aims to create a more diverse and resilient diplomatic front. This is particularly significant as these nations have shown interest in enhancing their own political and economic ties with Venezuela, thereby fostering a multipolar world.

Interviewer: What role do you see the BRICS coalition playing in Venezuela’s future diplomacy?

Dr. Vargas: The BRICS coalition represents a platform for countries like Venezuela to assert their presence on the global stage. Maduro’s characterization of BRICS as the epicenter of a new multipolar world indicates his belief that such alliances can provide an alternative to Western hegemony. By aligning with BRICS, Venezuela can access new markets, technologies, and political support, which is vital for its economic recovery and strategic positioning.

Interviewer: how do you envision the outcome of Maduro’s anticipated meeting with President Putin?

Dr. Vargas: The outcome of Maduro’s meeting with Putin will likely solidify Russia’s role as a crucial partner for Venezuela moving forward. Expect discussions on strengthening economic ties, particularly in energy, and possibly military cooperation. With the backdrop of increased sanctions and geopolitical tension involving both nations, we may see a commitment to enhance their collaborative efforts in the coming months.

Interviewer: Thank you for your insights, Dr. Vargas.

Dr. Vargas: Thank you for having me.

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